View Full Version : Is Person of Interest..

01-11-2013, 10:22 PM
..straying off the beaten path? first the Finch kidnap story line now the Reese being detained for being 'the man in the suit' thing. what does this stuff have to do with the machine spitting out SSN's and the 2 guys helping people? on top of that, the show is falling into the trap that so many others have fallen into and that is purposely and unnecessarily over-complicating the story line (see Flash Forward, Happy Town, Revenge, etc). all these new characters. i can see Reese's past cohorts (Kara) reappearing and causing trouble given the show travels back in time quite often to tell the background story of the 2 guys so that's not a problem. but certain things remain unclear. eg: why is Agent Donnelly so hell bent on capturing this 'man in the suit'? and who's this Special Councel guy in Washington (i think)? he seems to have ties to not only HR but also seems awful concerned with the FBI's interrogation of the 4 'suit' suspects. then there's Kara crashing the truck into Donnelly's car. she do that on her own or was she in cahoots with the Washington guy? too many extra characters imo that is causing the show to veer away from the main point which is helping the people who's SSN is spit out by the machine.

80s were ok
01-11-2013, 10:25 PM
I haven't seen one episode of this show but Season 1 is on my "To buy" DVD list. Luckily, your post was written in some kind of code since I can't make sense of it ;) Loved Emerson in "Lost". I did just watch season one of "Falling Skies" and god, what a horrible show. Every single "Post-apocalyptic" cliche is thrown into that show with zero character development and aliens that look like ugly Yoda's.

Scott Bails
01-11-2013, 10:31 PM
I really like what they're doing with the show.

The original premise can only go so far without getting repetitive. The broader storylines give the show more depth, and greater potential for more stories, IMO.

One of the best shows on TV right now, IMO.

80s said:

I did just watch season one of "Falling Skies" and god, what a horrible show. Every single "Post-apocalyptic" cliche is thrown into that show with zero character development and aliens that look like ugly Yoda's.

Glad to hear this. I watched the first episode or two of this and thought it might have been good, but it fell off my radar and I never revisited it. I always wondered if I was missing something.

80s were ok
01-11-2013, 10:45 PM
I really like what they're doing with the show.

The original premise can only go so far without getting repetitive. The broader storylines give the show more depth, and greater potential for more stories, IMO.

One of the best shows on TV right now, IMO.

80s said:

Glad to hear this. I watched the first episode or two of this and thought it might have been good, but it fell off my radar and I never revisited it. I always wondered if I was missing something.
"Falling Skies" was so lame that I'm not even going to bother with listening to the commentaries!! (That's very Big Bang Theory of me). Thank god for DVD - I could fast forward through 40 minute episodes in 20 minutes. It's not like there important plot lines sprinkled throughout each show that offer a payoff later in the season. I guess this would be the show for anyone who doesn't like having to "pay attention" as you have to for great shows like "Fringe" and "Once Upon a Time".

I was hoping to get "Person of Interest" Season 1 during a black friday special, but never saw one.

01-11-2013, 10:58 PM
The original premise can only go so far without getting repetitive. this may be true if it was season 3 or 4 but it's only season 2. plus given the title of the show is Person of Interest because of the machine and it's numbers, then you might as well change the name of the show if you don't stick with the original premise. the show is about the machine and i don't think that can change as long as it keeps its current title. just my opinion.

Scott Bails
01-11-2013, 11:01 PM
I don't think they're going to abandon the original premise - they're just giving some backstory to the characters and broadening the story potential.

01-11-2013, 11:20 PM
The only thing I didn't like was we only got to see brief glimpses this week of Fusco and that supermodel chick. Looked like there was a good story to tell there, but they sort of glossed over it. But as was said earlier, it makes a good change of pace.

Also, I dug hearing Eminence Front on this week's episode too.

Supersonic Scientist
01-12-2013, 08:29 AM
My Wife and I love this show. It almost never fails to surprise us during the last 2 minutes with some-sort of twist. I like the direction and new diversions.

01-12-2013, 12:11 PM
This is a pretty cool show. I have no probs with the new twists and turns either. Keeps it fresh.

01-13-2013, 01:38 PM
This is my favorite show on TV, though Walking Dead and Suits come close. This week's episode may have been the best one yet, so many twists and turns, they keep the show so fresh and exciting. I wouldn't want it to be a formula every week, a new number pops up and they go about their business, to the point of just being a generic drama. They can and will still do that, but also involve multiple story arcs and interweaving characters. The writing and overall creativity has really impressed me. When this first started, I was worried they would run out of good ideas, and have detective Carter just missing John each week, kind of like that reporter on the Incredible Hulk. But the show has become so much more than that, thank goodness. I guess Jonathan Nolan is still heavily involved in this show, a good thing for sure.

gryphs also
01-14-2013, 04:48 PM
One of the few shows I watch other than sports and news. I still think it is fresh. It hasn't hit the "too repetitive" stage for me yet.

01-14-2013, 09:12 PM
yeah the thing with his ex partner is interesting since she called him "lover". but the core group of people are still doing their thing. the main bad guy is the guy in prison. i like the little variances they have done like the married couple undercover thing was cool.

01-15-2013, 03:51 AM
this may be true if it was season 3 or 4 but it's only season 2. plus given the title of the show is Person of Interest because of the machine and it's numbers, then you might as well change the name of the show if you don't stick with the original premise. the show is about the machine and i don't think that can change as long as it keeps its current title. just my opinion.

If that were true they would have run out of ideas long ago. The show is about Reese beating the crap out of everybody without wrinkling his suit. I just wish he could have taken out Donnelley himself. Best show on TV right now.

01-20-2013, 04:38 PM
I love this show...!

01-25-2013, 07:37 PM
I caught the last half of the show last night. Problem is on Thursday there are two really good radio shows that come on from 6-12 PM.

Scott Bails
01-25-2013, 07:38 PM
That's why Al Gore invented DVRs. ;)

01-25-2013, 08:50 PM
That's why Al Gore invented DVRs. ;)


BTW, last night was another repeat, so I didn't watch. New one next week though, good thing as I'm going through withdrawl.

01-31-2013, 04:02 PM
oh goody.. another 'off on a tangent' storyline. might as well just rename the show now.

Scott Bails
01-31-2013, 04:20 PM
You're saying you'd rather see the same story every week? :huh

80s were ok
01-31-2013, 05:35 PM
oh goody.. another 'off on a tangent' storyline. might as well just rename the show now.

you must be a huge "Law and Order" fan.

01-31-2013, 08:11 PM
You're saying you'd rather see the same story every week? :huhbut they're not the same story - S1 had different characters, different situations and different plot twists. i find it hard to believe they ran out of ideas after only 1 season. and again (and again), why call it Person of Interest the way the show is now? makes no sense.

Scott Bails
01-31-2013, 08:16 PM
but they're not the same story - S1 had different characters, different situations and different plot twists. i find it hard to believe they ran out of ideas after only 1 season. and again (and again), why call it Person of Interest the way the show is now? makes no sense.

It's not that they ran out of stories - they don't want the show to stagnate. Just running stories every week like they did in Season 1 would get old really quick. And they haven't abandoned the whole "Person of Interest" concept - as Finch says just about every episode, the machine doesn't take a day off - it's always spitting out numbers. So you're still going to get a person of interest in most episodes.

80s were ok
01-31-2013, 11:57 PM
but they're not the same story - S1 had different characters, different situations and different plot twists. i find it hard to believe they ran out of ideas after only 1 season. and again (and again), why call it Person of Interest the way the show is now? makes no sense.

i wasn't joking when I said you must like "Law and Order". Stick to the procedurals like L&O and CSI - Man, I'll bet you hated "Lost" and "Fringe" too for "Changing things up" too much!

02-01-2013, 01:50 PM
I think the show is just fine. So they're changing things up a bit. Fine. And all of these "side stories" I think are contributing to the big picture of the back stories of the main characters. Beyond that, I don't want to say too much, because I don't want to give away the end of last night's episode for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Scott Bails
02-01-2013, 01:57 PM
I think the show is just fine. So they're changing things up a bit. Fine. And all of these "side stories" I think are contributing to the big picture of the back stories of the main characters.

Yep. Exactly.

02-01-2013, 02:05 PM
i wasn't joking when I said you must like "Law and Order". Stick to the procedurals like L&O and CSI - Man, I'll bet you hated "Lost" and "Fringe" too for "Changing things up" too much!keep quiet

02-01-2013, 02:08 PM
I don't get the complaining, its not as if the show abandoned the whole concept of numbers coming up, and people to be helped or stopped. Next week is exactly that format, though I'm sure they will help advance the overall story arc. But I wouldn't want it to be that strict format every single week, and I'm happy its not.

80s were ok
02-01-2013, 03:14 PM
keep quiet


02-03-2013, 03:20 PM
this series does sort of remind of the movie called "eagle eye" but with eagle eye the main puter did most everything. maybe Finch's computer was getting maintenance? ;)

80s were ok
02-03-2013, 04:01 PM
keep quiet


80s were ok
02-03-2013, 04:03 PM
I don't get the complaining, its not as if the show abandoned the whole concept of numbers coming up, and people to be helped or stopped. Next week is exactly that format, though I'm sure they will help advance the overall story arc. But I wouldn't want it to be that strict format every single week, and I'm happy its not.

correct, the best shows in TV are the ones that sort of turn things upside once in a while. Shows that never change at all get stale very fast. "Law and Order" was a good show for the few years, especially the Moriarity years, but when I see episodes from like the last five years, I wonder how people could watch it.

Scott Bails
02-03-2013, 05:08 PM
this series does sort of remind of the movie called "eagle eye" but with eagle eye the main puter did most everything. maybe Finch's computer was getting maintenance? ;)

Yeah, hadn't thought about it, but similar idea.

Not the best movie in the world, but certainly one of the fastest-paced. Shia LeBeouf almost wasn't annoying in that one. ;)

80s were ok
02-10-2013, 10:24 PM
I just watched the entire "Season 1" with in the last week and this is easily one of my favorite shows on the air now and of all time. In classic JJ Abrams fashion (who is part of the show), the show slowly opens up it's backstory little by little each week making things more and more intriguing. I can't fucking wait to get the season two DVD's when they come next August or so. I'm sure JJ and crew will not let us down. Yes, I know he's just one of several executive producers, but man, any show with his name on it just winds up being awesome. Looking forward to all the season 2 change-ups I've been reading about on this thread!

02-22-2013, 10:26 PM
Latest episode ties a lot together. Quite good IMHO.

Scott Bails
02-22-2013, 10:50 PM
Latest episode ties a lot together.

And seems to open up some new storylines.

I enjoyed it, too.

02-23-2013, 10:23 AM
I think I fell asleep at the very end. Then I missed the next show with Lucy Lu, what a hot woman she is.

Scott Bails
02-23-2013, 03:16 PM
You might want to try to catch the end of the show, Ed. I get the feeling that it has implications to future episodes.

And I thought Elementary was very good this week. That's another show that's getting better each week.

02-23-2013, 09:47 PM
Really enjoyed this week's episode, especially since it had the lovely Sarah Shahi. Hopefully we see her again. Her USA network show Fairly Legal was cancelled after two seasons. Bummer, she totally made that worth watching. Interesting episode considering the two main character were hardly in the show. I like how Person of Interest seems to throw out the rule book of series TV. And they do this to set up the story down the road.

As for Elementary, still have not watched it, but may try to catch up. As to Lucy Lu, what is it about her? I can't say she's pretty at all, yet her looks grow on me.

09-26-2013, 04:26 PM
Season 3 started out with a bang! Sarah Shahi is now a regular, Carter has been demoted to a beat cop, and Root has big plans. Wonder where that leaves Zoe?

09-26-2013, 09:04 PM
Season 3 started out with a bang! Sarah Shahi is now a regular, Carter has been demoted to a beat cop, and Root has big plans. Wonder where that leaves Zoe?

I'm so happy Sarah Shahi is a regular, I totally love her! And she got to glam it up a bit in the beginning of the episode. It would be a real shame if she never got to show those legs off. I did get a kick out of her eating her steak at the end of the show. Now how creepy is Root? I thought that shrink was going to crap his pants. Great show and nice start to the season.

09-26-2013, 11:18 PM
I really tried with this show, but just could not get into it.

Steve Sly

10-24-2013, 11:41 PM
Best show on TV now - and it's not even close.

10-25-2013, 06:30 PM
I think it's gotten soft as hell to be honest.

10-26-2013, 01:26 AM
I think it's gotten soft as hell to be honest.

In what way? If all you want to see is Reese shooting out kneecaps, I suppose. But the way Carter handled the scene in the bar with her "rookie partner" from HR was masterful. It would be nice if the didn't confine Root to 30 second snippets at the start or end of the show.

11-02-2013, 09:07 PM
I think it's gotten soft as hell to be honest.

I don't see this at all. Are you referring to the violence level? Still pretty violent, though at least now we understand Ms. Shaw's character more, she's pretty much a psychopath, but thankfully not working for the bad guys. She feels nothing for the most part, nearly a female Dexter. And I don't see how the HR storyline is soft in any way, if anything, they are getting more brazen. Having Root under lock and key is interesting, but you know that can't last.

11-02-2013, 09:10 PM
Best show on TV now - and it's not even close.

I'm inclined to agree with you, imagine that! I never miss an episode, though I don't like the 10 pm time slot. I DVR it now and watch it on Wednesday. Really the only show I have to watch when it airs is Walking Dead, because I have co-workers who want to talk about it first thing Monday morning, kind of our own 10 minute "Talking Dead".

11-02-2013, 09:23 PM
I was worried with the first couple episodes about the light-hearted nature between Reese, Shaw and Harold. It seemed at the time to have lost an edge. That's what I meant about it getting soft. I have to admit though that I enjoyed the last couple episodes. Definitely not soft...I'll take that back.

Best show on TV though? Not to me. I do like it enough though to have it set to DVR.

11-05-2013, 05:02 PM
I think it's gotten soft as hell to be honest.

Are we still talking about Person of Interest? :) (couldn't resist)

Here's a article on Season 3 and the new status quo: http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2013/11/05/nycc-person-of-interest-stars-and-producer-on-season-3s-new-status-quo/

Dave (in MA)
11-21-2013, 02:47 PM
Holy crap.

11-21-2013, 03:09 PM
Yeah! I wasn't expecting that at all! One of my favorite characters, hell of an actor!

Dave (in MA)
11-21-2013, 03:18 PM
SPOILER: {They were trying to make us think first, that Fusco was going to the the one who's killed, then they made it like it could be Reese. NOPE! I guess Taraji Henson wants to work in movies, but cripes, she's lined up for a Steve Harvey movie-WTF?!}

11-22-2013, 08:35 PM
like this HR storyline a lot better than last years convoluted "the machine can call people, move itself, survive a virus" mess. but then this 3 parter is not a season-ender so there's still a chance the convolution will return especially with Root still in the fold.

side note: how come the machine didn't spit out a number for Fusco or Carter in addition to Reese?

and i can't believe the character that got killed actually got killed. wtf?

11-28-2013, 05:35 AM
this week's episode a bit less intense, but the scene where Root tells Fusco how his mother picked his name was positively creepy!
Also, Enrico Colatoni's Elias is the role of a lifetime for him, and he doesn't have to do much.

01-10-2014, 03:23 AM
This week was weird in that I found myself actually cheering for Root to take out Control.

gryphs also
01-10-2014, 11:02 AM
I was hoping Root would torture Control also. But then, I think Root would be a lot of fun to have as a girlfriend. I know it would end terribly and horribly, but it would be a lot of fun while it lasted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-10-2014, 12:54 PM
Nothing better than a crazy chick...for a month, maybe two ;)

Pretty cool opener. Definitely going in an interesting direction. I'm not really digging the whole Reese/Fusco thing though.

Scott Bails
01-10-2014, 03:31 PM
Count me among those blown away by the character getting eliminated.

01-17-2014, 03:11 AM
This weeks episode was one of the best. The move Reese used on Cell Phone Jerk was classic, and I can see the Flight Attendant becoming a love interest for Reese now that Carter is gone and Zoe is fading from the picture.

05-13-2014, 11:05 PM
this show has really gone off the deep end now. Root suddenly becomes a good guy, there's now a second machine when i didn't really understand what was going on with the first, the evil hitman guy who previously worked for the evil Washington guys is now helping Reece and Shaw, etc. now we have this idiotic militant group sticking their nose into things. give me a break. why do these shows insist on overcomplicating thier storylines to the point of total incoherence. get back to the point of the show already. i stuck with it up to now but i've had enough.

05-13-2014, 11:42 PM
this show has really gone off the deep end now. Root suddenly becomes a good guy, there's now a second machine when i didn't really understand what was going on with the first, the evil hitman guy who previously worked for the evil Washington guys is now helping Reece and Shaw, etc. now we have this idiotic militant group sticking their nose into things. give me a break. why do these shows insist on overcomplicating thier storylines to the point of total incoherence. get back to the point of the show already. i stuck with it up to now but i've had enough.
After watching the first 2 episodes of "24" I can fairly say "this person is NOT interested anymore." Just seems like it's sooooo sloooowwww too.

05-14-2014, 01:20 PM
I'm watching both, but compared to PoI, 24 is positively antiquated. And as long as Kim Raver is involved, severely handicapped.

05-16-2014, 10:57 AM
couldn't have said it better myself..

Dave (in MA)
05-16-2014, 01:00 PM
couldn't have said it better myself..

I'm not without my own set of criticisms, but I disagree that it's 'jumped the shark' at all.

At the end of one of its best and most cinematic episodes, the show kills off its third most important character for no good reason. That alone was enough to be the moment at which the show jumped the shark. They've stated that this was planned before the actor was even cast.

Either way her exit sabotaged what had been Person of Interest’s big comeback episode, and left viewers complaining about the move while asking if there was any way the show’s storyline could continue without her. The answer turns out to be that the premise of the show, where the “machine” predicts a murder which has to be stopped, has been thrown out the window altogether.I'm guessing they wanted to avoid getting into a rut with the same type of storyline every week: (New number, find out if the number is a victim or a perp, save somebody.)
Suddenly there’s a retroactive backstory about how Harold Finch really created the machine to help his ailing father, or he stole the idea from his college classmate who is now a terminally ill character on the show, and there’s another competing machine out there, or there isn’t. Retroactive backstories has been a feature of the show from day one.
Shaw, who has the same skills and personality as Reese and appears to have been introduced only to take screen time away from him, has also been pushed more into the spotlight. And that’s a problem, because while this show managed to get all of its initial characters right on the money, none of the ones they’ve added subsequently have been particularly watchable. Maybe they're developing Shaw as a potential replacement Reese in case Jesus decides to quit the show, but in so doing, they seem to have completely abandoned the idea of her "axis II personality disorder". And they keep making it seem as though Root has the hots for her.
In any case it feels like the opportunity for the show to get back to what it was originally good at is simply gone – so much so that you have to wonder if there will be a season four.Moot point - the network ordered a season 4 a few months ago. Looks like next year we'll have the team (& the Machine?) trying to overcome Cigarette Non-smoking Man and his new master Samaritan. One thing I can't recall, was Fat Broad one of the people that Root hacked Samaritan to not consider as a threat?

One thing I'm getting sick of is the last 5 minutes of a show --any drama these days, not just this show -- being played out over a pop song soundtrack. Whatever happened to just having a good instrumental score?

05-17-2014, 09:29 AM
Looks like next year we'll have the team (& the Machine?) trying to overcome Cigarette Non-smoking Man and his new master Samaritan. One thing I can't recall, was Fat Broad one of the people that Root hacked Samaritan to not consider as a threat?

No. But I don't recall Fusco getting a pass either. It's just Root, Shaw , Reese and Finch. And Root's 3 hackers.

05-23-2014, 03:50 PM
I for one, am hoping they bring back some of the old characters like Elias and Zoe.

10-08-2014, 09:25 PM
The new season seems to be starting off splendidly. Because of the identity changes, all of the "team" now has a separate identity(except Fusco). Reese is a cop and is paired with Fusco(and their female boss is an absolute howl), Root and Finch are also reluctant partners, and Shaw and the dog back up whoever needs their help. And Elias turned up in an early episode. Root and Shaw have both mastered Reese's technique of shooting for the kneecaps, and Finch is now going by another bird-name, Mr. Egret. Root is slowly getting Finch back into the fold with instructions from the Machine. But still no sign of Zoe, who seems to have been cast adrift.

Dave (in MA)
10-09-2014, 08:19 PM
But still no sign of Zoe, who seems to have been cast adrift.The actress has 2 other series going on.