View Full Version : Password Reset

08-25-2021, 12:31 PM
It seems that every now and again, this site decides that my registered password is not going to be recognised any more. This is despite my having it written down in a password manager and making multiple attempts at entering it. I accept that this could be user error, and it seems to go a while before it happens, but it now feels like something that has happened to me a few times on this site over the years. Is some sort of expiration set on passwords?

Anyway, that is not my main issue. In order to resolve this I have to request a password reset, which *shouldn't* be too big a deal, but the bloody captcha thing is a complete nightmare! It took me about 5 attempts for me to get the expected string of characters and this was despite me refreshing many times to reject those images I felt I had no chance with.

I know that the captcha is there for a good reason but the ones on this site are ridiculous.

Dave (in MA)
08-25-2021, 01:42 PM

09-09-2021, 07:33 AM
It seems that every now and again, this site decides that my registered password is not going to be recognised any more. This is despite my having it written down in a password manager and making multiple attempts at entering it. I accept that this could be user error, and it seems to go a while before it happens, but it now feels like something that has happened to me a few times on this site over the years. Is some sort of expiration set on passwords?

Anyway, that is not my main issue. In order to resolve this I have to request a password reset, which *shouldn't* be too big a deal, but the bloody captcha thing is a complete nightmare! It took me about 5 attempts for me to get the expected string of characters and this was despite me refreshing many times to reject those images I felt I had no chance with.

I know that the captcha is there for a good reason but the ones on this site are ridiculous.

The same has just happened to me. I am no idiot but I had about 15 gos before I got lucky

Dave (in MA)
09-09-2021, 09:34 AM
The same has just happened to me. I am no idiot but I had about 15 gos before I got lucky

I am an idiot, but it's never happened to me.

09-09-2021, 11:14 AM
I am an idiot, but it's never happened to me.

Well ... on second thoughts, maybe I am. I ran CCleaner and it knocked out all my passwords. I can usually read the letters in Image Verification, but the PE one is the most confusing I have encountered.

10-26-2021, 04:36 PM
Speaking of passwords, did anyone receive an email from a scammer or blackmailer using an old password as the subject line? Because I did. The old password was one I used for more than one site, and pretty old fortunately.But since PEs member data was snagged a number of years back, just thought I’d ask.

10-26-2021, 04:40 PM
Speaking of passwords, did anyone receive an email from a scammer or blackmailer using an old password as the subject line? Because I did. The old password was one I used for more than one site, and pretty old fortunately.But since PEs member data was snagged a number of years back, just thought I’d ask.

Years ago, I received such an email with an obsolete psw.
One should change them frequently. One never does.

Dave (in MA)
10-26-2021, 10:57 PM
Speaking of passwords, did anyone receive an email from a scammer or blackmailer using an old password as the subject line? Because I did. The old password was one I used for more than one site, and pretty old fortunately.But since PEs member data was snagged a number of years back, just thought I’d ask.

I'd guess that if you selected a phrase from the e-mail not including the password itself and googled it surrounded by double quotes, you'll find a bunch of people hit up by the same scam. Your old password might have been included in a data breach along with thousands or millions of others.


10-27-2021, 08:35 AM
I'd guess that if you selected a phrase from the e-mail not including the password itself and googled it surrounded by double quotes, you'll find a bunch of people hit up by the same scam. Your old password might have been included in a data breach along with thousands or millions of others.


Good thought of checking that way - this is what I’m assuming is the case.

09-23-2022, 09:10 AM
I've been having a problem lately where if I want to change my password, the site won't let me do it without also changing my email address. It says that email address is a required field even though it says on the password reset page that changing your email address is optional. I only want to change my password, and had entered my username instead of my email address (which it says is accepted). Anyone else seen this?

12-19-2022, 02:03 PM
I was logged in yesterday but today I wasn't though I never did anything to log myself out.......I ended up getting a new password because I couldn't remember the old one.

05-29-2023, 07:36 AM
Every year, the website forces me to change my password. It's kinda weird.

05-29-2023, 08:00 AM
I guess it's a way to eliminate members who aren't active anymore.

05-29-2023, 11:54 AM
I had to do the yearly password reset recently and it took multiple tries to get a temporary password sent to me to reset it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-12-2023, 03:53 PM
I had to do the yearly password reset recently and it took multiple tries to get a temporary password sent to me to reset it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I just had a similar issue. I have not received an email for the password reset after many, many attempts. I made this secondary account just to report it here. Is there an active admin for this site at all?

06-13-2023, 09:43 AM
... Is there an active admin for this site at all?

Yes, you can PM Duncan Glenday.

06-30-2023, 11:09 AM
I guess it's a way to eliminate members who aren't active anymore.

This is such a stupid mandatory thing.

06-30-2023, 05:56 PM
Only site I am on that does this.