View Full Version : Big Brother 15 discussion starts here...

06-25-2013, 07:27 PM
BB15 begins tomorrow night. This is the official discussion thread (unless Gruno has already started one and I missed it). Let the expectations of the unexpected begin! :up

Hobo Chang Ba
06-26-2013, 04:08 AM

Hopefully will compete with last years season.

06-26-2013, 10:53 AM
Yay! Go TEAM! Thanks for starting this thread.

Remember, no need for Showtime anymore!! I cancelled my sub! Now you can watch TV Guide Network for Big Brother After Dark. It is shortened down to 2 hours instead of 3. Also, the live feeds are via CBS.com

New stuff happening this season from the start! Here's a bit of a spoiler, but I got this from my DirecTV show description for Sunday's BB so anyone could really see it:


06-26-2013, 11:02 AM
Another one:

“The Big Brother MVP will force the houseguests to rethink their strategies. With America rewarding good game play, it doesn’t pay to be a floater this summer,” said Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan, Executive Producers of BIG BROTHER.

06-26-2013, 12:17 PM
The TV commercials mentioned the three nominations.

Hobo Chang Ba
06-26-2013, 04:46 PM
Moves rooms, eh?

Do they mean physically as in creates walls? :o)

And interesting with the three person vote. Can see more ties, ie more important to be HOH.

06-26-2013, 04:53 PM
Never saw an episode of this show is it a reality based similar to something like survivor or amazing race?

06-26-2013, 06:47 PM
Never saw an episode of this show is it a reality based similar to something like survivor or amazing race?

Somewhat, I like it because these people are locked-up in a 'house' for almost 3 months. No connection to the outside world.

Here is some info I pieced together from Wikipedia:

The show follows a group of House Guests living together 24 hours a day in the "Big Brother" house, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy for three months.

The HouseGuests compete for the chance to win a $500,000 grand prize by avoiding weekly eviction, until the last HouseGuest remains at the end of the season that can claim the $500,000 grand prize.


It is also cool to see the live eviction and true reactions. Some stuff can't be *bleeped* and is funny to see/hear. There are definitely some hot moments with arguments and scheming involved.

If you are interested at this point, give it a full week (3 shows) to decide. That will give you an idea of the format and flow.

06-26-2013, 07:52 PM
Sounds interesting I'll follow your advice and check it out thanks.

06-26-2013, 10:25 PM
I have to say that I am very disappointed in the lack of hot men on the show this year. I hope that the chick from NY is out quickly, I'm already annoyed by her.

The lifeguard is freaking hilarious! He's a cartoon character!

06-26-2013, 10:26 PM
Sounds interesting I'll follow your advice and check it out thanks.

Cool. Let us know if you have any questions. There are some BB experts in this thread and we're happy to answer any Qs that you have. It's a fun summer time killer. :)

Hobo Chang Ba
06-27-2013, 01:21 AM
I hope that the chick from NY is out quickly, I'm already annoyed by her.


Don't know if I like the MVP vote by America...but I guess I"ll give it time.

06-27-2013, 11:15 AM
What really miffs me is that Big Brother is not casting anyone over 40. They haven't been casting many older people for the show in some time. They were throwing a few in on previous seasons. Now, it seems they have one token 'geezer' every season. The last few seasons have had one or non. This year, the oldest cast member is 37, with other thirty-something's being 32 and 31.

I enjoyed the dynamics and the learning experiment when someone like Jack (season 4, 58 yrs old at the time, former FBI agent) was interacting with younglings. It also showed how frustrating it was for an older person to relate to the younger generation, and vice versa. There were also some nice friendships made along the way.

When I get on the show next year, this will change, I tell ya!

Duncan Glenday
06-27-2013, 11:48 AM
It would be cool to see a whole show with only (say) 40+ aged people.

06-27-2013, 12:37 PM
Plenty of eye candy this season, no complaints at all over here.:D

Like the MVP for plenty of reasons. Anything to mix things up is a good thing. The fact that the viewers pick the MVP is great, the viewers now are participating in the show. Multiply that with the fact the third pick is a secret ballot and we have an awesome twist and multiple advantages/disadvantages all over the place.

Rachel's sister is way easy to pick out, so not surprised she's out already, though she doesn't even know it yet.

How hilarious that 3 self-described people-reading "experts" think pizza boy's job is just an act! LOL

06-28-2013, 06:32 AM
What really miffs me is that Big Brother is not casting anyone over 40. They haven't been casting many older people for the show in some time. They were throwing a few in on previous seasons. Now, it seems they have one token 'geezer' every season. The last few seasons have had one or non. This year, the oldest cast member is 37, with other thirty-something's being 32 and 31.

I enjoyed the dynamics and the learning experiment when someone like Jack (season 4, 58 yrs old at the time, former FBI agent) was interacting with younglings. It also showed how frustrating it was for an older person to relate to the younger generation, and vice versa. There were also some nice friendships made along the way.Couldn't agree more. The older folks make for an interesting dynamic.

Funny how quickly people get on your nerves just watching the damn show. :lol Imagine being there. I don't think I'd last a week because I would have already told Brooklyn to STFU about 30 times by now. She reminds me of Paula from the Real World & Challenge fame.

COMPLETELY disappointed in the BB After Dark aspect this year. Shorter & censored. Pffffft. No thanks. But then again, they haven't had a good "uninhibited" After Dark cast since Crazy James' and Nathalie's season. I will say that from watching last night's BBAD show that Amanda from Long Island is hilarious tho! I'll be tuning in for her.

06-28-2013, 01:14 PM
Funny how quickly people get on your nerves just watching the damn show. :lol Imagine being there. I don't think I'd last a week because I would have already told Brooklyn to STFU about 30 times by now. She reminds me of Paula from the Real World & Challenge fame.

Holy crap -- I said the EXACT same thing last night to my girlfriend when we were watching! She looks so much like Paula, especially when they show her from below her snout.

**side note: Rivals 2 starts in less than two weeks! I believe Paula is, once again, part of the cast.

06-28-2013, 05:51 PM
Here's a twist...I offer this idea free-of-charge to the network. Real-life "Cabin in the Woods." If you've seen the movie, tell me that wouldn't work perfectly! :lol

07-01-2013, 11:04 AM
Is it just me or does McCrea (Pizza Guy) look like Gotye?



07-02-2013, 08:48 AM
Is it just me or does McCrea (Pizza Guy) look like Gotye?



I'm not sure who pizza boy is.

But I do think I know who his Father is....


07-02-2013, 09:08 AM
:lol Ya know, it's been bugging the crap outta me who McRea reminds me of and dammit, if that's not it!!!

07-02-2013, 10:53 AM
I'm not sure who pizza boy is.

But I do think I know who his Father is....


Who is that?

07-02-2013, 11:50 AM
Brent Spiner (aka Data) from Independence Day

07-03-2013, 11:09 AM
have you guys been following the feeds???

The honchos at CBS tell TMZ ... they were certainly OFFENDED by several racist and homophobic comments made by the current "Big Brother" houseguests ... but hey, that's live programming for ya.

The houseguests have been under fire from what appears to be the ENTIRE INTERNET over the following comments:

-- GinaMarie referred to welfare as “n**ger insurance”
-- Aaryn called gay contestant Andy a "queer."
-- Spencer referred to Andy as “Kermit the F**" ... and praised Hitler as a gifted speaker.

CBS has released a statement to TMZ ... saying, "We certainly find the statements made by several of the Houseguests on the live Internet feed to be offensive."

However, The Eye points out that 24/7 live programming can sometimes reveal some bad things about people ... saying, "At times, the Houseguests reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone."

There have been rumors that Big Brother will be 86ing some of the offensive cast members -- but it certainly doesn't appear that's gonna happen.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz2XzmArxzI

Aaryn Gries -- the Paula Deen of the "Big Brother" house -- has been dropped by her modeling agency after dropping racist and homophobic comments in the BB house ... TMZ has learned.

Gries has been under fire for referring to a gay houseguest as a "queer" ... AND for telling an Asian-American houseguest to "shut up and go and make some rice" ... AND for saying racist stuff about black people.

When referring to a black contestant, Aaryn said "Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see that b*tch."

Now, Zephyr Talent in Austin, Texas says they've seen enough -- and have decided to DROP Aaryn from the agency because of her filthy mouth.

"Aaryn, season 15 cast member of Big Brother, revealed prejudices and other beliefs that we (Zephyr Talent) do not condone."

Zephyr continues, " We certainly find the statements made by Aaryn on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Upon much consideration, we have decided to release Aaryn from her contract with Zephyr Talent."

Obviously, Aaryn cannot be reached for comment -- 'cause she's still in the BB house ... with all of those people she hates

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz2XzlrevHc

07-03-2013, 12:26 PM
Is this a reality show?

07-03-2013, 02:15 PM
Yes. It's a reality show. Many versions of it around the globe.

Hobo Chang Ba
07-03-2013, 05:24 PM
have you guys been following the feeds???

Not too surprised by Aayrn. She seems sweet on the outside but damn, on the inside she seems very angry and not too levelheaded. Will be a heck of a surprise for her. :p

07-03-2013, 05:49 PM
Which one is Aaryn? Is she the chick from Texas who's falling all over the Surfer Dude?

07-03-2013, 06:27 PM
Which one is Aaryn? Is she the chick from Texas who's falling all over the Surfer Dude?

When she gets out of the house, she will find she is the UNEMPLOYED chick from Texas!

Another one fired from their job. What a major shock it will be when they find out.


"Big Brother" contestant GinaMarie Zimmerman is gonna have a rude awakening when she leaves the house -- she's been FIRED from her day job after dropping the N-bomb.

TMZ has learned ... East Coast USA Pageant, Inc. is cutting ties with the 32-year-old pageant coordinator ... claiming they were shocked GZ could "display such acts of hate and racism."

As we previously reported, GinaMarie referred to welfare as "n**ger insurance" ... and the comments were captured on "Big Brother's" uncensored live Internet feed.

East Coast USA says GinaMarie has been an employee for 5 years -- but insist, "We have never known this side of GinaMarie or have ever witnessed such acts of racism in the past."

The pageant says, "We are actually thankful that this show let us see GinaMarie for who she truly is. We would never want her to be a role model to our future contestants."

"In a business where we are surrounded by beauty every day we are saddened to see something so ugly come from someone we put on a very high pedestal."

A rep for the organization tells us they are especially upset because they encouraged their pageant girls to watch GinaMarie on the show and vote for her ... thinking she would be a role model.

Duncan Glenday
07-04-2013, 11:30 PM
Supports my assertion that this season's cast comprises the most shallow, self-absorbed little half-wits in the history of the show...

Hobo Chang Ba
07-05-2013, 01:22 AM
Supports my assertion that this season's cast comprises the most shallow, self-absorbed little half-wits in the history of the show...

Yep. Every year they try and reach lower and lower. Hopefully they will at the very least rethink that process for next season.

Which one is Aaryn? Is she the chick from Texas who's falling all over the Surfer Dude?


07-05-2013, 08:10 AM
Yep. Every year they try and reach lower and lower. Hopefully they will at the very least rethink that process for next season.

I thought that last year had a pretty good cast. So far, this year, the cast is mostly annoying. I do like the Pizza Guy. He's funny...and kinda cute in a lives-in-mom's-basement, geeky kind of way.

I thought that Aaryn was the most beautiful woman in the house. Now when I look at her, I just see ugly. It'll be interesting to see what she does now that her Surfer Boy is gone.

I'm also happy to see them move the show back to Wednesday and Thursday. Sunday/Tuesday/Wednesday was too concentrated, leaving too long a span between Wed. and Sun. shows.

07-05-2013, 08:16 AM
One last comment...the MVP is going to suck if America keeps giving it to Alissa. I think the MVP can work well if it's a different person each week or at least if they keep their damn mouths shut! If I were Alissa I would have denied that it was me and left the house guessing.

07-05-2013, 09:03 AM
Supports my assertion that this season's cast comprises the most shallow, self-absorbed little half-wits in the history of the show...

:D Isn't it a requirement for someone who actually wants to subject themselves to BB to be as shallow, self-absorbed and half-witted as possible?

Elissa should have just come clean right at the start that she was Rachel's sister. I guess being a half-wit, she thought everyone else would be just as half-witted as she is. I suppose there must be some 3-quarter witted twits that were let in this time.

07-05-2013, 11:24 AM
I thought that Aaryn was the most beautiful woman in the house. Now when I look at her, I just see ugly. It'll be interesting to see what she does now that her Surfer Boy is gone.

Heh! Get ready for a good ride this week. Let's see how you enjoy the first 15 minutes of Sunday's episode! ;)

Yep. Every year they try and reach lower and lower. Hopefully they will at the very least rethink that process for next season.

Howie once said that I would be good on BB. Others who have seen the show and know me have said the same thing. Next year BB will get a video entry from me and we shall see if I can get in.

Would y'all vote for me for MVP??? :oops

07-05-2013, 01:24 PM
Heh! Get ready for a good ride this week. Let's see how you enjoy the first 15 minutes of Sunday's episode! ;)
Ooooh! I'm intrigued!

Would y'all vote for me for MVP??? :oops


07-11-2013, 10:01 PM
OMG! Ginamarie, get over it. :roll

That is all.

Duncan Glenday
07-12-2013, 10:22 AM

07-12-2013, 11:39 AM
OMG! Ginamarie, get over it. :roll

That is all.

Loved Julie saying to Nick that by now ,GinaMarie is huddled in a corner somewhere crying.

What a game-changing week, huh? The Moving Company is out of business, Aaryn is now #1 target (I hope she gets put on SLOP!), Elissa should get MVP again so these women will have 3 people nominated, with a 4th to throw in if someone wins POV.

I predict there to be an explosion from Jeremy soon. He seems ready to unleash on someone. I hope it is NOT Howard. Howie is my guy! Hope he makes it far.

Also very awesome for Chenbot to single-out Aaryn about being watched 24 hours. Hehe!

In case some of you missed it, TMZ caught up with Chenbot and asked her about the houseguests' comments:


Sure, she plays it cool on the show ... but "Big Brother" host Julie Chen says she's well aware of all the disgusting racist comments being made inside the house ... and she's offended.

Julie and her husband, CBS honcho Les Moonves, were leaving Craig's in L.A. last night when we asked how she felt about houseguest Aaryn's racist comments about Asians.

"Personally, I was offended," Chen told TMZ ... "I was offended by all the comments -- the anti-gay, the anti-black, but especially the anti-Asian ones ... for obvious reasons."

Still, Chen says she's hopeful Aaryn will be able to "change the way she thinks" after she leaves the BB house.

Chen does take one thinly-veiled shot at Aaryn when asked about the houseguest being dropped by her modeling agency -- check out the clip.

Scott Bails
07-12-2013, 11:44 AM
Given Ms. Chen's reputation, I'm surprised she hasn't had Aaryn removed from the show.

07-12-2013, 12:52 PM
Given Ms. Chen's reputation, I'm surprised she hasn't had Aaryn removed from the show.

...and lose the ratings from the drama??

Did anyone catch last nights TVGN BBAD? W-O-W! Talk about bullying! 3 vs 1 with Jessie being the 1. Sad. At least she stood her ground. I loved when she was telling Jeremy she wants him off of her bed :)

Here is the race war at it's fullest from last night -- uncut! :


TMZ said:

The race war inside the "Big Brother" house came to a head last night ... when racist Aaryn picked a fight with a black female contestant ... and MOCKED her by saying, "Whatchu gon do, gurl?"

She continued in an over-the-top stereotypical black voice ... saying, "Whatchu gon do gurrl ... class girl? Where's yo class?" (drama begins at the 2:00 mark)

It was disgusting and vile -- a callback to a white slavemaster talking to a slave on a plantation.

Eventually, Candice -- who's African American -- stood up for herself ... only for another female contestant, GinaMarie, to get in her face ... saying, "You want the black to come out?"

As things got even more intense, Howard -- who's also black -- grabbed Candice and begged her to stand down and not fight with the other racist houseguests.

FYI -- the fight started over a "prank" Aaryn pulled on Candice -- by flipping over her mattress.

Candice broke down in tears after the confrontation. Aaryn probably scouted for wood to burn a cross

Duncan Glenday
07-12-2013, 03:29 PM
Another "Big Brother" houseguest is on the outs with their employer ... this time it's Spencer Clawson, whose company is already laying the groundwork to hand him his walking papers.

Clawson has been captured on "BB" cams calling one houseguest "Kermit the F**" and praising Hitler as a gifted speaker.

Clawson serves as a railroad conductor for Union Pacific, who released a statement on their website saying, "The values represented by Spencer Clawson's comments during the Big Brother show do not at all align with Union Pacific's values."

They continued, "Mr. Clawson is on unpaid leave of absence while participating on Big Brother. Union Pacific does not condone his comments."

They ended their statement by saying they are "acting in accordance with Collective Bargaining Agreement terms regarding Mr. Clawson" ... which sounds like they are setting the stage to fire his ass first chance they get.

Both GinaMarie and Aaryn have already lost gigs due to their racist comments on the show.

And I thought he'd been quite reasonable...

07-12-2013, 04:02 PM
I can't wait for Aaron to be evicted and see what Ms. Chen has to say to her. I'm sure that Julie will be professional, but I bet she makes her feelings perfectly clear. She doesn't seem to me like one to bite her tongue.

07-12-2013, 04:16 PM
Did anyone catch last nights TVGN BBAD? W-O-W! Talk about bullying! 3 vs 1 with Jessie being the 1. Sad. At least she stood her ground. I loved when she was telling Jeremy she wants him off of her bed :)

Here is the race war at it's fullest from last night -- uncut! :

Those people are something else. They really picked a true bunch of asshole/losers for this season. I love how Howie just picked up Candace and carried her out of the room. What a guy! If they show that on TV there will be a nation of women falling in love him. I'm already there. ;) ...although,personally, the religion thing would be total deal-breaker for me.

07-12-2013, 05:04 PM
And I thought he'd been quite reasonable...

I like Spencer. From watching the feeds, he seems like a genuinely cool dude. I think he just lets something like that fly out because of not understanding the severity in today's world. If this were 1974-ish, the Archie Bunker/Good Times stereotypes would be accepted and there was no talk of being politically correct then. Some of the nation is still far behind. I don't think he means it maliciously. The way the women have let it fly out, there is some recurring themes evident. They let the stereotypes and mocking fly out too, too fast and too freely. It seems they have read from a previous script of their life. It will be interesting to see what their families have to see when interviewed. I do hope BB is ahead of the game and already planning on airing an interview.

I can't wait for Aaron to be evicted and see what Ms. Chen has to say to her. I'm sure that Julie will be professional, but I bet she makes her feelings perfectly clear. She doesn't seem to me like one to bite her tongue.

Well, good for Chenbot to give a bit of snark towards those who deserve it. I do have a criticism of her for last night; why didn't she ask Nick what he thought about racism in the house? She could have done a few good questions and reveal that the 2 gals have been fired from their jobs. She had a clear shot when he praised Spencer. She could have asked about Spencer's comments and even show video. THAT, imo, would have been great television. I know those are questions I would have wanted to hear the answer to.

Those people are something else. They really picked a true bunch of asshole/losers for this season. I love how Howie just picked up Candace and carried her out of the room. What a guy! If they show that on TV there will be a nation of women falling in love him. I'm already there. ;) ...although,personally, the religion thing would be total deal-breaker for me.

Howie? I'd do him! TWICE! Mmmm, mmm, mmmmmm....

But, yeah, he is a cool kid! If you watch last night's BBAD, you seem him go through a very spiritual thing. He gets called into the DR and is in the HN room just filled with internal conflict. He and Candice had an awesome conversation prior to this. Check it out if you can.

The season just went from zero to sixty in 3 days. The house is turned upside down and only two house guests have been evicted. With the MVP and a 3rd nom each week, this year is shaping up to be one helluva ride! Won't you come along?! -- That's my commercial, hehe... I do like when power switches back and forth like it has. Helen will finally get t eat. I do hope Aaryn goes on slop.

If you follow Evel Dick on Twitter, you have seen him asking for people to leave the families of Aaryn and Ginamarie alone. I guess this racial thing has started to take a turn towards the families after all. I wonder if CBS will now address this part of the story.

07-12-2013, 11:26 PM
Well, good for Chenbot to give a bit of snark towards those who deserve it. I do have a criticism of her for last night; why didn't she ask Nick what he thought about racism in the house? She could have done a few good questions and reveal that the 2 gals have been fired from their jobs. She had a clear shot when he praised Spencer. She could have asked about Spencer's comments and even show video. THAT, imo, would have been great television. I know those are questions I would have wanted to hear the answer to.

Truly BB has scraped the bottom of the barrel with this year's group. It was inevitable after the debacle last year.

But, yeah, he is a cool kid! If you watch last night's BBAD, you seem him go through a very spiritual thing. He gets called into the DR and is in the HN room just filled with internal conflict. He and Candice had an awesome conversation prior to this. Check it out if you can.

No doubt Howie is the class of this year's crew.

The season just went from zero to sixty in 3 days. The house is turned upside down and only two house guests have been evicted. With the MVP and a 3rd nom each week, this year is shaping up to be one helluva ride! Won't you come along?! -- That's my commercial, hehe... I do like when power switches back and forth like it has. Helen will finally get t eat. I do hope Aaryn goes on slop.

Yes amazing how quickly this house has turned ugly. Two edged sword this bottom scraping casting idea. Makes the whole thing a trainwreck, which brings ratings, which encourages more bottom scraping .... on and on infinitum...

Duncan Glenday
07-13-2013, 01:46 PM
I still wanna see a series with a cast of grown-ups.

Scott Bails
07-13-2013, 05:35 PM
Yes amazing how quickly this house has turned ugly. Two edged sword this bottom scraping casting idea. Makes the whole thing a trainwreck, which brings ratings, which encourages more bottom scraping .... on and on infinitum...

One of the major reasons why I can't watch most "reality TV" these days.

I still wanna see a series with a cast of grown-ups.

What a novel concept.

Unfortunately, no one would watch.

07-13-2013, 09:25 PM
Yes amazing how quickly this house has turned ugly. Two edged sword this bottom scraping casting idea. Makes the whole thing a trainwreck, which brings ratings, which encourages more bottom scraping .... on and on infinitum...

Earlier this year they had the first BB Canada. In this group, I think that only Gruno and I watched it. One of the things that I found very interesting about it was that there was very little drama and fighting. Most of the cast got along and had a lot of fun. Instead of watching a bunch of losers fighting and going out of their way to hurt each other, it was a season of watching a group of people have fun. And ...it was fun to watch. The house was full of very different personalities and some very interesting people. There was some drama, but not as much as the US version usually has. I don't know if this has to do with different cultures, or just the group of people that was chosen, but either way it was a great season without all the drama.

Right up until the very end when one of the jury members cast the wrong vote, which was the deciding vote, and the wrong person won. THAT was drama. :)

Scott Bails
07-13-2013, 09:40 PM
Earlier this year they had the first BB Canada. In this group, I think that only Gruno and I watched it. One of the things that I found very interesting about it was that there was very little drama and fighting. Most of the cast got along and had a lot of fun.

Well, c'mon, it was Canada. ;)

07-15-2013, 11:16 AM
One of the major reasons why I can't watch most "reality TV" these days.

I didn't know you were a fan of Big Brother!

Earlier this year they had the first BB Canada. In this group, I think that only Gruno and I watched it. One of the things that I found very interesting about it was that there was very little drama and fighting. Most of the cast got along and had a lot of fun. Instead of watching a bunch of losers fighting and going out of their way to hurt each other, it was a season of watching a group of people have fun. And ...it was fun to watch. The house was full of very different personalities and some very interesting people. There was some drama, but not as much as the US version usually has. I don't know if this has to do with different cultures, or just the group of people that was chosen, but either way it was a great season without all the drama.

I have a feeling it was mainly due to it being the first ever BB Canada. The first season of BB USA was very tame. Although, that was in 2000. I do feel as the seasons come and go, more houseguests feel they have to be 'the character' and EVERYONE in the house ALWAYS feels that they are one step ahead of the others. That's where heads collide.

Right up until the very end when one of the jury members cast the wrong vote, which was the deciding vote, and the wrong person won. THAT was drama. :)

The finale vote was jaw-dropping. If you are reading this, then you are a fan of Big Brother. Do yourself a favor and watch this short clip of BB Canada where Topaz casts the WRONG vote (as she is acting suave trying to give a dig to the one she wants to lose) -- This is amazing in that the show is live and they have to cut to commercial because the houseguest is disrupting the live show. Her vote did matter and the winner won due to it.


Scott Bails
07-15-2013, 01:38 PM
I didn't know you were a fan of Big Brother!

I watched and really enjoyed the first season, but it quickly jumped the shark and became predictable and sickening to watch - no offense meant to anyone who watches it now. I don't pretend to have "highbrow tastes" in TV.

I just find most "reality" TV to be too manipulative, etc.

Hobo Chang Ba
07-15-2013, 03:47 PM

That Topaz...what a loser. :p

07-15-2013, 04:04 PM
I just find most "reality" TV to be too manipulative, etc.

Scripted, 100% real, or somewhere in between is fine with me as long as I am entertained.

Scott Bails
07-15-2013, 05:53 PM
Scripted, 100% real, or somewhere in between is fine with me as long as I am entertained.

I need more.

One of the things I loved about Survivor was that, to me, it was a social experiment. Seeing how people interacted with each other, where they often had to work together with people with whom they were competing against, etc.

But then people learned how to "play the game," and the show's producers began placing contestants who "filled a role." You always have a villian, a gay guy, a hottie, an old crusty guy, etc. It became too contrived.

This is one of the reasons why I LOVE Siberia so far - they take all of those tropes and satire them, and they nail it, IMO.

At the same time, while I usually enjoy American Idol (when they don't have completely idiotic judges - I'm looking at you, Nicki Minaj), I hate when they make these poor kids compete in groups. This has absolutely nothing to do with the premise of the show, and is only done to "produce friction and drama." I hate that. There's enough drama in the competition - you don't need to manufacture it.

I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that I have absolutely no interest in "drama" on a "reality" show. Make the premise interesting, get a wide variety of contestants, and then let it go. If your premise is good enough, people will watch. If you're manufacturing drama, you've failed, IMO.

07-15-2013, 10:58 PM
I watched episode 1 of "Siberia". It seemed interesting if it were real. Knowing it is filmed to look like you are watching a reality show, but is just a scripted drama isn't for me. I assume the Blair Witch will make an appearance in one of the upcoming episodes?

Scott Bails
07-15-2013, 11:01 PM
I watched episode 1 of "Siberia". It seemed interesting if it were real. Knowing it is filmed to look like you are watching a reality show, but is just a scripted drama isn't for me.

You'd rather it was real? With real people really getting killed?


07-15-2013, 11:19 PM
You'd rather it was real? With real people really getting killed?


That's been done (sort of). Read The Hunger Games. :)

As for BB. Finger's crossed that Aaryn goes home this week. I was not buying her apology to Candace at all. "People think that because I'm southern, I'm racist". No you ignorant bitch, people think you're racist because of all the racist comments you make.

I loved her response when Amanda tried to give her a clue..."I wish I cared more...but I don't". That about sums it all up for me.

07-15-2013, 11:20 PM
Nowhere did I say I wanted someone dead. I like the premise of the show if it were a true reality show.

07-15-2013, 11:22 PM
I don't think for a minute that any of these Reality shows are real. But they amuse and entertain me, and that's all I ask for in a TV show.

Hobo Chang Ba
07-16-2013, 02:04 AM
I quite like Siberia as well, I just fear it's going to get too ridiculous at one point (yeah yeah...I know reality shows are ridiculous by nature ;)) But for the moment it's interesting. The first 30 mins of so of episode one were so damn reality show like that frankly it could have fooled someone...until they killed that guy. But I'm interested in seeing where they take it.

I also like the concept and would like to see a similar game be played for real (though I can see it taking too long in real time).

Scott Bails
07-16-2013, 08:59 AM
Nowhere did I say I wanted someone dead. I like the premise of the show if it were a true reality show.

I figured as much - I was just having a little fun.

I thought it was interesting this summer, however, that we have a scripted show about the filming of a reality show where people are killed (Siberia), and then you have a reality show where people are supposedly killed by one of the contestants (Whodunnit?). Like two sides of the same coin.

Anyway, I've de-railed your thread enough here. :)

07-16-2013, 11:06 AM
I thought it was interesting this summer, however, that we have a scripted show about the filming of a reality show where people are killed (Siberia), and then you have a reality show where people are supposedly killed by one of the contestants (Whodunnit?). Like two sides of the same coin.

Death has already joined the 'game':

A doctor overseeing the French version of the "Survivor" reality show has committed suicide following the sudden death of a contestant who he had treated, France's biggest TV station says.

Dr. Thierry Costa killed himself on location Monday on an island in Cambodia, the TF1 station said. Costa, 38, blamed the press for damaging his professional reputation in a handwritten suicide note that TF1 published on its website.

It was the second death in as many weeks to hit the prime-time "Koh-Lanta" show that it broadcasts.

The first tragedy was a 25-year-old contestant, Gerald Babin, who died March 22 during the first day of filming for the show's 2013 season. Babin went to Costa to get treated for mysterious cramps he had during the season's first tropical challenge but died in a hospital soon after following a heart attack, according to TF1.

The network has not released any details about what the contestants were doing before Babin died but French media said he was engaged in a tug-of-war.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/04/02/french-urvivor-show-doctor-commits-suicide-following-contestant-death/#ixzz2ZDlqpmYQ

I need more.

One of the things I loved about Survivor was that, to me, it was a social experiment. Seeing how people interacted with each other, where they often had to work together with people with whom they were competing against, etc.

But then people learned how to "play the game," and the show's producers began placing contestants who "filled a role." You always have a villian, a gay guy, a hottie, an old crusty guy, etc. It became too contrived.

But you had that with season 1 of Survivor. Heck, except for the "old" factor, The Real World had that in season 1 back in 1992. Are you saying it was a one-trick-pony for you? Seems many reality shows cater to this formula. As I said, I don't mind who is on the show as long as I find them and/or the show entertaining.

Scott Bails
07-16-2013, 11:17 AM
But you had that with season 1 of Survivor. Heck, except for the "old" factor, The Real World had that in season 1 back in 1992. Are you saying it was a one-trick-pony for you? Seems many reality shows cater to this formula. As I said, I don't mind who is on the show as long as I find them and/or the show entertaining.

When it happens more than once, it becomes formula, stereotypical and cliche. So, yes, I suppose it was a one-trick-pony kinda thing.

Duncan Glenday
07-16-2013, 12:04 PM
...and then you have a reality show where people are supposedly killed by one of the contestants (Whodunnit?)...

Whodunnit it so f***ing cheezy, yet I'm still watching it :lol

(BTW - my prediction: the butler did it!)

07-16-2013, 12:09 PM
I'm a big survivor fan and this is my first season of watching BB. I've given it a couple of weeks now and I'm still not sure if I'm watching it cause I enjoy it :huh or because I've gotten to familiar with all the contestants and have to see who gets voted off each week. The show the other night was a little bit of a turn off with all of the childish bickering but I did like the way the power and control of the game shifted so quickly. I guess at this point I'm interested enough to stay with it for the season and see how it concludes. Not sure who I want to win it yet but there are a few I definitely want to see voted off :lol

07-16-2013, 01:51 PM
I'm a big survivor fan and this is my first season of watching BB. I've given it a couple of weeks now and I'm still not sure if I'm watching it cause I enjoy it :huh or because I've gotten to familiar with all the contestants and have to see who gets voted off each week. The show the other night was a little bit of a turn off with all of the childish bickering but I did like the way the power and control of the game shifted so quickly. I guess at this point I'm interested enough to stay with it for the season and see how it concludes. Not sure who I want to win it yet but there are a few I definitely want to see voted off :lol

For me, so far, this is the weakest BB season I've seen in a long time. The people on the show are so shallow that I can't really feel good about any of them winning at this point...with the exception of maybe Helen or Amanda. Some of the contestants are often the shallow Jeremy types that you would expect but there is usually more breadth of different characters. Last season had a great cast of a variety of personalities. This season really is like high school. Even Kaitlyn said so in last nights show,

Kaitlyn: I feel like I'm in high school but on the other side.
Aaryn: You mean the loser side?
Kaitlyn: Yeah.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you're a first-time watcher don't just base your opinion on this season. I'm not impressed by it so far.

07-16-2013, 01:52 PM
I like Howard.

07-16-2013, 01:52 PM
BTW, from this point forward I will be referring to Aaryn as Aryan. :bad

07-16-2013, 01:53 PM
I like Howard.

He's got the brawn, but I'm not sure yet that he has the brains.

07-16-2013, 04:06 PM
So has the show devolved into a giant, greased up (and blurred out) orgy yet? At least I assume that's the point of these shows...

07-16-2013, 05:36 PM
He's got the brawn, but I'm not sure yet that he has the brains.

Out of all the house guests, I would want Howard to win from what I have seen thus far this season.

Next season they'd better have some house guests who are older than 40!

07-18-2013, 11:57 AM
I really wanted to see Aryan out this week, but it doesn't look like it's going to go down that way. It's probably smarter to get Jeremy out first anyhow. He's going to be hard to beat any any kind of physical challenges.

Just the fact that Kaitlyn was even considering not using the veto on herself makes me want her out. If you aren't there to win then you shouldn't be there at all. Or do you think it was just done for effect and drama and she was never really seriously considering it?

07-18-2013, 12:40 PM
Just the fact that Kaitlyn was even considering not using the veto on herself makes me want her out. If you aren't there to win then you shouldn't be there at all. Or do you think it was just done for effect and drama and she was never really seriously considering it?

The way that some of these people are falling head over heals for each other and observing the previous reactions when their playmate gets voted out she probably was seriously considering other options.

07-19-2013, 03:56 PM
Well, no big surprises last night. YAWN.

07-19-2013, 04:18 PM
I was a little surprised that "Aryan" could not even attract one vote. I guess there is something to be said about being just evil enough to keep around for another day?

No doubt Jeremy was the easy call though...

07-24-2013, 11:16 PM
I love that BB didn't tell the houseguests that the MVP was America. I was hoping that they wouldn't. What great chaos it caused. :) And the house is going to have a hell of a time trying to figure out who would pick Elissa and then Ginamarie. I hope Julie doesn't ruin all the fun tomorrow night by telling them the truth.

And good on Helen for nailing who the MVP is and how it would work. Wow. She is a smart one.

07-25-2013, 10:32 AM
At least this week let us know that there was a houseguest in there named "Judd" ;)

There have been some good fights this week. First week will will definitely see a gal going home.

For anyone interested, here was a decent fight between Elissa & Aaryn with pretty much the entire house as witness to all the drama.


07-25-2013, 10:34 AM
I can't wait until Aaryn is out of the game and has to face these questions:


07-25-2013, 10:19 PM
Well, this upcoming week should be very interesting and entertaining. :)

07-26-2013, 07:14 AM
Worst. Season. Ever.

07-26-2013, 08:51 AM
And good on Helen for nailing who the MVP is and how it would work. Wow. She is a smart one.

That was a good call by Helen, but really not all that surprising, considering her line of work.
(political consultant)

I mean, what other occupation could provide better preparation for BB? :)

I thought the biggest development this week was Spencer and Howie selling Judd on the idea that Amanda is running the house at the moment and so the "moving company" should be reactivated with new members. They also seem aware that Helen is also very dangerous.

My strategy would be mowing down physical threats and smart schemers ASAP.

07-26-2013, 01:02 PM
Full disclosure: My previous comments were prior to watching the Thursday episode. Now that I'm caught up....

Wow, once again Aryan slides by without a single vote to evict! Wearing an evil and racist target on her back has provided unforeseen benefits. Even Elissa did not vote for Aryan!

To top all that, Aryan wins HOH! :D LOL Going to be interesting to see who kisses ass this week...

Oh, forgot to mention that I thought Elissa has been so much nicer then her bitc* of a sister this year, Nicer and perhaps quite a bit better looking.

Not any more, after I saw the real Elissa cracking on Amanda for wearing a one piece swim suit. Foul bitc*! Especially after Amanda and McCrae have really been her shield.

Oh well, Elissa and Aryan deserve each other and neither has a prayer of winning anyways...

07-26-2013, 02:06 PM
Oh, forgot to mention that I thought Elissa has been so much nicer then her bitc* of a sister this year, Nicer and perhaps quite a bit better looking.

Not any more, after I saw the real Elissa cracking on Amanda for wearing a one piece swim suit. Foul bitc*! Especially after Amanda and McCrae have really been her shield.

Elissa said something last night like, "You don't win BB by being mean to people" or something along those lines. And I said to my husband, "HELLO! Has she met her sister?". :O

I agree that Elissa was pretty mean to Amanda and it showed a mean side of her that we hadn't seen before. It was not her best moment.

08-01-2013, 06:29 PM
Please send Candice home. Please send Candice home. Please send Candice home. (she said while clicking her heels three times)

08-01-2013, 06:47 PM
I'm hoping for Amanda to be gone. We need something to continue to shake things around. If Amanda goes, then McRae will be a loose cannon. He will definitely be unstable. That would be good. If memory serves me right here, after tonight, Aaryn has no HoH deals with anyone. Her and Ginamarie can jump to whichever side wins HoH and/or has power. If Amanda goes, then I can easily see Aaryn and Ginamarie sucking in their prejudices and siding with Candice, Howard and Spencer. I am sure Jessie will be right there with them.

How it will go down: Howard will go tonight. These fools don't want to upset the herd so they will keep with the flock. Silly muthuh flockers!

08-02-2013, 10:48 AM
As predicted. Ugh.

Okay, c'mon Spencer!!! Rally!!

With this week's HoH ( I won't spoil who won) it will be a deciding factor in saving the season.

How much you wanna bet they do an all-stars next season or something where past houseguests are playing somehow?

08-02-2013, 12:04 PM
A bunch of friggin' wimps in this house. It seemed like nobody wanted to vote out Howard, but everybody did. I really wanted to see Candace leave. She's just annoying.

Howard wasn't a threat. Sure he's strong. But he's heavy and not very graceful, which means he's not likely to win endurance challenges and he's not all that smart, so not likely to win any puzzles or quizes. I was sorry to see him go.

I'm disappointed that Aryan followed the house. I was really hoping to see her rally the rest of the house and go back on her word. She's a strong personality who could probably run a coalition of Spencer, Howard, Judd, Ginamarie, and maybe Jesse. Instead she's now sided with Helen and Elissa which was a dumb move. They don't have any allegiance to her and she'll be the first to go when it's time for the group to start eating their own. She basically gave up her game by siding with them IMO. I don't like her, but going back on her word would have been (a) a smart move, I think and (b) good TV. :)

08-02-2013, 06:29 PM
This may be temporary... but as of 5pm ET, CBS is no longer carried on Time Warner Cable. I do not know if that affects any here. I use DirecTV.

08-04-2013, 06:13 PM
With this week's HoH ( I won't spoil who won) it will be a deciding factor in saving the season.

I know who HOH is but, not who was nominated. I agree with your assessment of saving the season or not.

08-05-2013, 10:10 AM
GM and her nomination speeches? Holy crap! A cringe festival trainwreck. :p

08-05-2013, 10:54 AM
GM and her nomination speeches? Holy crap! A cringe festival trainwreck. :p

I loved that Judd couldn't keep himself from laughing. :D

08-05-2013, 11:04 AM
Amanda is such a jerk.

08-07-2013, 07:36 PM
The video is viewable via the TMZ link below.


"Big Brother" contestant Spencer Clawson just learned a valuable lesson about child porn ... don't even joke about that crap ... because cops will go after you.

In case you didn't see the clips from this week -- Clawson grabs the microphone attached to McRae (another houseguest) and while pretending to be McRae, Spencer goes off on this really uncomfortable riff about child porn, saying, "I like to beat off to child porn. Did I ever tell y'all about that? I love it. Beating off to child porn is my favorite thing there is."

You'd think he'd stop there, but no ... he kept going, saying, "I love it when they're around three or four years old. My favorite ones are when you can tell they're in a basement."

And the jokes didn't go unnoticed ... especially by Spencer's hometown police in Arkansas.

Chief AJ Gary from the Conway Police Department in Arkansas tells TMZ, "The Conway Police Department was alerted to comments made. Due to the nature of the comments, our department moved quickly to look into the matter. At this time we haven't found that any criminal act was committed."

Good news, but still ... don't make child porn jokes. They're not even funny.

08-07-2013, 07:59 PM
What does it mean that they looked into the matter, I wonder. Does it mean they watched the BB footage? Or does it mean that they confiscated his home computer.

So now Spencer is in trouble with the cops AND his employer. What a doofus. :roll

Duncan Glenday
08-07-2013, 11:06 PM
This year's cast started off at a low level, and continues to downgrade. What a pathetic cast of losers!

08-08-2013, 09:31 AM
This year's cast started off at a low level, and continues to downgrade. What a pathetic cast of losers!

LOL! Agreed. What a spoiled child Amanda is. I truly hope that she goes home tonight.

And I have to say that McCrea really earned some respect from me after last nights show. Thank goodness that he's smart enough to realize what an ass Amanda is being and not just follow her around like a lost puppy. Which, quite frankly, is what I was expecting him to do. I hope that he's also smart enough to separate himself from her and vote her out if needed. I'd actually really like to see him win. He's a pretty smart guy and very likable. I think that he could win, but he's going to have to drop Amanda to get to the end.

08-08-2013, 09:55 AM
This year's cast started off at a low level, and continues to downgrade. What a pathetic cast of losers!

It's why I only lasted a few weeks. I can roll with reality shows, but this one is total trash.

08-08-2013, 11:01 AM
And I have to say that McCrea really earned some respect from me after last nights show. Thank goodness that he's smart enough to realize what an ass Amanda is being and not just follow her around like a lost puppy.

Don't let the editing fool ya. After he lays into her, he snuggles up to her and kisses her hermaphrodite arse! He is nearly as pathetic as she is. The difference is that he doesn't let the game get personal where Amanda plays 60/40 in the personal dept.

McCrea did entertain the idea of getting Amanda out this week or next. He did have conversations with others on how he would be able to do it. He is just worried that he will be voted out right after.

Word has it that everyone in the house is at least part of the jury.

I want Amanda out, but I feel the vibe is too strong for Candice to leave so she will be out.

As for the 2nd eviction tonight. In a haste, I think it will be Jessie or Judd. It is most likely going to be the over/under speed rounds type of comp. Either that or the traditional true/false stuff.

08-08-2013, 01:38 PM
I like Jesse. She seems like such an underdog and outsider in the house, but that girl's got fire. She doesn't just lie down and die when under fire, she fights back.

Plus I loved the scene on the first night when she was in the bedroom talking to two of the guys (I forget who) and they commented how the pretty girls usually get voted out first and she said "I know" and pointed to herself. LOL!

08-08-2013, 01:52 PM
I hope it is true/false and they use America is MVP. That would most likely eliminate demanda and destroy her reason for getting Judd.

08-08-2013, 03:10 PM
Judd made an interesting comment about MVP last night. He said he thought it was America or previous houseguests. I'd love for the outed houseguests to be MVP for a week or two. Or let the Jury be MVP! That would be fun!

08-08-2013, 05:17 PM
Judd made an interesting comment about MVP last night. He said he thought it was America or previous houseguests. I'd love for the outed houseguests to be MVP for a week or two. Or let the Jury be MVP! That would be fun!

LOL That would drive them more bonkers than they already are!!!

08-08-2013, 06:42 PM
I also like Jessie. Her downfall is that she is too fragile. She cries for and about anything and everything. The moment something doesn't go her way, she wails. Judd and Jessie had it out not too long ago. Judd said he never wants to see/talk to her ever again. I am glad Jessie doesn't sit there and take the crap from the mean girls. I question some of her more revealing outfits. I mean, I am happy that she seems to have enough confidence to parade around in some of those short-shorts and mini-dresses. I just wish she carried that confidence inside, as well.

I fast forward through commercials; was America's MVP an option for this week? I wonder if there will be an MVP for the double eviction.

Speaking of double eviction.... somehow the houseguests figured out that there is a double eviction tonight. I don't know if they are sure or just a guess, but that's been the talk all day.

If some of you want to keep up with the daily stuff in the house, you might be interested in this twitter feed:


They do good blow-by-blow accounts and seem to keep just the meat of the convo's in. Just make sure to not check it out before you have watched eviction episodes ;)

By the way, Sharp -- good to have you back with us!

08-08-2013, 07:01 PM
I fast forward through commercials; was America's MVP an option for this week? I wonder if there will be an MVP for the double eviction.

I don't recall. We usually FF through the commercials too. Maybe they'll just use the same MVP vote that put Amanda up. Or maybe we're done with MVP after tonight. They'll have to abandon it at some point as they'll need the extra vote to evict.

Speaking of double eviction.... somehow the houseguests figured out that there is a double eviction tonight. I don't know if they are sure or just a guess, but that's been the talk all day.

Do they have any sense of time in the house? I always wonder how they don't figure out that the eviction is earlier in the evening on double eviction nights. Aside from that, they may just figure that there hasn't been one yet so there is bound to be one soon.

You know what they haven't shown this year, that I recall? They've asked America to pick the foods that the Have Nots can eat, but I don't remember them ever showing what America picked. Usually there's a big to-do where the houseguests come in from outside and see the food choices. But I think I've only seen that scene once this season.

08-08-2013, 07:12 PM
I don't recall. We usually FF through the commercials too. Maybe they'll just use the same MVP vote that put Amanda up. Or maybe we're done with MVP after tonight. They'll have to abandon it at some point as they'll need the extra vote to evict.

Tonight would be a good night to end it. The dining room table should be changed out any day now.

Do they have any sense of time in the house? I always wonder how they don't figure out that the eviction is earlier in the evening on double eviction nights.

I recall being told that there are 3 clocks in the house: backyard; kitchen; bathroom. One major indication that they have a sense of time is on some of the BBAD's, especially early in every season, the houseguests are caught saying "Hey, it's 9 o'clock -- we're on Showtime!" Well, now it is TVGN, but you get the idea.

You know what they haven't shown this year, that I recall? They've asked America to pick the foods that the Have Nots can eat, but I don't remember them ever showing what America picked. Usually there's a big to-do where the houseguests come in from outside and see the food choices. But I think I've only seen that scene once this season.

I believe it is due to other content that they would rather show. Same goes for a shorter "Who's ready to see my HoH room?" segment. They haven't shown many of the letters being read. For that, they are almost always on TVGN. Maybe they figure that since BBAD isn't on Showtime anymore, that more people are likely to view it on TVGN so it is semi-repetitive.

08-08-2013, 07:18 PM
Hey Gruno this thread got me hooked on this show. I found a great site that blogs the live feeds all day and nite. Onlinebigbrother.com

Sometimes gets confusing late at mite and when lots of action but overall a great blog

08-08-2013, 10:15 PM
OMG... without giving any spoilers from tonight, the capacity of some to self-destruct through their own ignorance and paranoia has reached new heights!

08-08-2013, 11:10 PM
OMG... without giving any spoilers from tonight, the capacity of some to self-destruct through their own ignorance and paranoia has reached new heights!

Let me guess. Amanda?

I'm on vacation next week so tonight will be the last episode that I'll be able to watch for just over a week. I'll be PVRing them...and I have no problem with spoilers so I'll probably check in here to see what's going on.

08-08-2013, 11:27 PM
Let me guess. Amanda?

I'm on vacation next week so tonight will be the last episode that I'll be able to watch for just over a week. I'll be PVRing them...and I have no problem with spoilers so I'll probably check in here to see what's going on.

Yes.. and to some extent Aaryn as well... sowing the seeds of their own destruction so to speak.

08-09-2013, 11:20 AM
'twas a good one!

Candice did good with directing her venom towards Ginamarie. From this point forward it should be told to the houseguests that no matter what, the noms have the floor to speak and shall not be interrupted or the person interrupting will get a penalty nomination. What Candice did was exactly what is needed in the house now -- drama!

It's time for them to start eating their own. The house is done with being 'friendly'. This season is horrible with the houseguests not having balls to vote how they want to. Why everyone continues to vote all together and not split any votes is beyond me. That's not gameplay, it is being a coward. No one wants to make their own move. They all want to do what the HoH wants. Ugh.

The winner of this week's HoH (it's a good one) will have to do some damage. Looks to be interesting... finally!

Sharp, glad you're on board. You missed BB Canada and if you get a chance, it's a 29 episode season and they are all on YouTube!

08-09-2013, 01:17 PM
Sharp, glad you're on board. You missed BB Canada and if you get a chance, it's a 29 episode season and they are all on YouTube!

And it was a lot more entertaining than this season of BB-USA. There were some good 'twists' in it to make it more interesting. One of the things that feels wrong about this USA season is that the game has been very cookie-cutter, aside from the MVP which is over now. There have been no "expect the unexpected" moments. No fortune teller. No Zingbot (so far). Just a bunch of whiny, spineless players getting on each others (and my) nerves.
This game needs a good shake-up, and it needs it soon!

Candace had every right to have her say to GM. Especially after the things that GM said to her at the nomination ceremony. GM showed total disrespect with her behaviour. I hope that BB steps in and doesn't let that happen again...ever. It's not fair to the nominee. Their final plea deserve to be heard by the rest of the house.

Hobo Chang Ba
08-11-2013, 10:20 PM
Thank god the mvp thing is over.

And after watching tonight's episode all I can say is damn...is that Helen really good at the game of BB.

08-12-2013, 06:28 PM
Wow, watching all the stuff we missed during Judd's lightning fast back end of double eviction night was very revealing and heartbreaking.

I wonder if Demanda will feel guilty at some point when she discovers that Judd was telling the truth when he said he never was MVP...(probablynot)

I've just recently become a huge Kitchen Nightmares fan and can't help but notice that BB and KN both share the same theme music for some of their more dramatic moments.

Is Gordon stealing from Julie, or the other way around? :D

(or maybe it's a moot point since the music is generic?)

08-17-2013, 02:22 PM
Well, BB missed a lot for the Thursday show. They never aired any of Jessie's tirades against Elissa, Helen or Aaryn. Jessie was on fire going after each one. She was calling Elissa "Rachel's Shadow" and asking her stuff like, "Who got their boob job first; you or your sister?" I miss Jessie as she stood up for herself. She kept telling everyone that the show is boring because each week it is a unanimous vote. She was right!

Ok, so now it will finally get a tad interesting as the alliances are going to be visibly broken.

I did what I had to do -- I began watching the 2013 seasons of BB Australia and UK. For Australia, I am on episode 3. It is interesting in this version.

For the aired shows, there is no music behind the scenes they show. All diary entries are dry and you hear Big Brother talking to them in the diary room and throughout the house. The show started with half of the house divided. There are no 'have-nots', but half of the house is like a jail. They can see the others via a plexiglass barrier in the yard. The jail side has beds that are only 3 feet long or wide and some are so narrow that your body doesn't really fit. Also, the jail side relies on the others to cook their meals and provide for them! They get their meals handed to them through holes in the plexiglass. The show introduced a man and woman into the game on day #2 and they are 'married'. They are really strangers and met in the DR and were told they have to go into the house as a married couple and convince everyone of that for one week or they will be the ones put up for eviction. It's pretty interesting to see them try to keep their stories straight with all the details about a married couple.

The UK version is more difficult to understand with their accents. The premier showed a trippy entrance from each house guest. They introduced them all separately and it was like a wrestling event. It reminded me of how the contestants entered the arena for the original 'Running Man' movie. I like that both shows have no laundry dryer so they have to air out their clothing. This UK version, they have to harvest their own veggies and fruit as they have a full garden there. I think I will stick with the Aussie version in full and then move on to the UK version after.

Yes, I like Big Brother.

Duncan Glenday
08-17-2013, 05:59 PM
Well, BB missed a lot for the Thursday show. They never aired any of Jessie's tirades against Elissa, Helen or Aaryn. Jessie was on fire going after each one...

Or the fake wedding - I thought that would bring a lot of viewer interest!

08-17-2013, 08:07 PM
I think the most interesting thing about the us show will be the news reports of the fallout that results from many of the HGs actions. A big reality check. I do hope either Jessie or Judd returns next week. That should be fun

08-18-2013, 11:04 PM
Well, BB missed a lot for the Thursday show. They never aired any of Jessie's tirades against Elissa, Helen or Aaryn.

It sounds like the editing this season is really missing the mark. I spent tonight catching up on four episodes. I barely stayed awake through them. Worst season ever. Seriously.

08-21-2013, 10:02 PM
Oh Aryan, Aryan, Aryan, you just handed the win to Amanda or McRea. What a lost opportunity you just threw away. I hope they buy you a nice new white cloak with their winnings.

08-24-2013, 12:17 PM
I agree Aryan really passed on a chance at a huge move. Can't understand why she feels so threatened by Amanda who hasn't won anything yet. Hopefully who ever gets back in the game can muster up enough allies to oust Amanda or Mcrea. At this point I'm pulling for the underdog Spencer or perhaps Judd if he can get back in.

08-24-2013, 12:28 PM
I couldn't wait. I just had to look up who won HOH. I also saw the nominations. Things could finally get interesting! :)

08-25-2013, 11:59 AM
I couldn't wait. I just had to look up who won HOH. I also saw the nominations. Things could finally get interesting! :)

Well, without giving anything away -- PoV comp was held yesterday and the drama gets even more intense because of the winner!

Right now, the house is where I wished it had been a month ago; in turmoil. Nobody really trusts anyone except themselves. Even MaCranda are teetering with each other.

We have roughly 4 weeks left and there should (finally) be some good shows coming up.

I do feel the evicted house guests who had a chance to return should have been sequestered from each other as to not share secrets and schemes.

I thought this was a pretty accurate account of this season, as told by Evel Dick:


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Thoughts on Big Brother 15 so far

Well, my first thought is about how bad this twist of MVP has completely fucked this game up.

How much more exciting would this season have been if the MVP twist hadn't gotten rid of people like Jeremy and Nick? Two people who were there to play the game.

How much more exciting and fun would this season have been if the Moving Company had rolled through the house a bit before McPussy turned on them mid game?

McCrae was a fan favorite at the start of the season, then he became McPussywhipped and has shown no life at all except in his penis when Amanda gives it back to him in order to fuck her.

Elissa getting MVP 3 weeks in a row was a crock of shit to start with, even the producers saw this and stopped it, then gave it to "America" which is never a good idea. Did they forget how "America" voted in Big Brother Season 1? There was a reason they completely changed the game for season 2, because it fucking sucked.

The MVP would have worked so much better had they made a rule that you couldn't be MVP back to back weeks. You can't be HOH 2 weeks in a row, so why let the MVP have back to back to back MVP's? It was fucking ridiculous. And Brenchel's fans voting for Elissa to have it 3 weeks in a row shows how fucking stupid their fanbase is... the chick did absolutely NOTHING to earn it.

Julie Chen promised us a summer of no floaters, talk about false advertising. Holy fuck, were they ever wrong. We have had more floaters this season than in any other season I can think of. My guess is that the twist sounded good on paper, but in practice turned to shit.

Way too many showmances this year, and none of which were appealing what so ever. Do they think this is Bachelor Pad or MTV's Challenge show? Can't any of these people get laid outside the house? Why do they think they need to find some peen inside the house? I don't get it...

Bringing players back always sucks. And it sucks for the people in the house even more than it does for us watching. They already got this person out, now they have to do it again... which they usually do within a week or two anyhow.
I know some of you will bring up Gary from Big Brother Canada, but they brought his granny dress wearing ass back at the very end of the game which was total bullshit anyhow. Now we know why they are having a nine person jury this season, so they can bring back a jury member into the house... yawn.

Speaking of bringing a jury member back. Julie did say that the last person was going to jury house, but Julie is reading a teleprompter and I really hope these people are in sequester, not frollicking by the pool together, becoming friends and sharing hate stories about people in the house. It would be another travesty to the game. Same way it was for BB Canada bringing someone back who was in the jury house, becoming friends with everyone, relaxed no stress from the game, no fights, no fighting for your life, just chilling talking about where they will be getting together after the show for drinks. Because these people together in that relaxed setting are forming different opinions of these people outside the house... and it is NOT FAIR to put them back into the house after forming these new types of relationships with these people in jury house. So, I hope it was only a mistake in the wording...

I could go on and on, but I won't. I will end this here, just making the point that had we not had that horrible twist of MVP, this season could have been so much better. The house would have been split very early on and Big Brother is at it's best when the house is split and the two sides are going at it all game. Power shifts back and forth are the best, yet the HOH had zero power for the first month or more in the house. This could have been a great season, but instead we are left praying for a showdown between Amanda and Helen, whoopty doo...

There's always next season...

08-25-2013, 01:47 PM
McCrae was a fan favorite at the start of the season, then he became McPussywhipped and has shown no life at all except in his penis when Amanda gives it back to him in order to fuck her.

HA! That line alone was worth the read. It make me LOL, really OL.

I'm trying to hold off checking on-line for POV and the aftermath if it was used. But I know what I HOPE happens. I might just have to give in though. I'll see how my day goes. :)

08-25-2013, 01:51 PM
Hold out!! Don't pimp it for yourself!! ;)

The PoV ceremony is usually held Mondays in the afternoon.

08-28-2013, 09:44 PM
Okay, well that wasn't what I was hoping for. I wanted Aryan to win and Amanda to go up. At least Elissa was smart enough to put Andy up. And the rest of the house is finally figuring Amanda out, so as long as she or McCrea don't win the next HOH she could be next to go (fingers crossed!). Looking forward to tomorrow night!

08-29-2013, 08:35 AM
God that Demanda performance last night has completed the transition for Elissa into a sympathetic character.

Just a reminder that some of us in the NY/Philly area are pre-empted by Jets/Eagles tonite. BB replayed at 2am for you nightowls.

08-29-2013, 11:03 AM
God that Demanda performance last night has completed the transition for Elissa into a sympathetic character.

What Amanda did was just evil. When Evel Dick did this, he was ruthless, but still respectful -- if that makes sense ;) This season, Jessie was just a wallflower about it, but she was still cool. They didn't show you the full Amanda tirade against Elissa. MANY of the things she said could not be aired due to constant language. It would have been a barrage of bleeps. In fact, it got so ugly that Amanda was called into the DR and scolded because BB thought she might physically hurt Elissa.

Just a reminder that some of us in the NY/Philly area are pre-empted by Jets/Eagles tonite. BB replayed at 2am for you nightowls.

Damn, that sucks!

When BB was in its first seasons, there was no Sunday show. It was on Saturday. Pre-season Raiders football (locally) would be on. Well, our CBS has a duopoly here in L.A.; they own another TV station -- KCAL Channel 9. So, they would run a banner through the game "Big Brother is being aired on our sister station, KCAL channel 9 at this moment" -- Sucked for me as I would usually VCR the thing as I was single and mingling on Saturday ;) Back then, no internet streaming or anything. I had to call a friend who used to tape every episode to watch at a more convenient time. Whew... glad times have changed!

My hope for tonight is that Judd wins HoH.

08-29-2013, 04:42 PM
My hope for tonight is that Judd wins HoH.

That would be sweet. I'd like to see that too. I think Aryan or GM winning would be okay too. Anyone but Amanda or McCrea.

....which means that Amanda or McCrea will probably win. :roll

08-29-2013, 06:25 PM
I think Aryan or GM winning would be okay too.

You think she is staying?

08-29-2013, 06:58 PM
I do. I think Andy is out.

Elissa and Aryan made a deal to get rid of Amanda. Aryan showed her loyalty by choosing Judd to play POV, as Elissa asked her to do. Elissa does not trust Andy. So my prediction is that McCranda will vote for Aryan to leave, Judd and GM will vote for Andy to leave. Spencer is the swing vote, but I just don't see him voting with McCranda.

Either way, tonight's show should be entertaining...finally! :)

08-29-2013, 07:01 PM
I do. I think Andy is out.


08-29-2013, 07:03 PM
Spencer is the swing vote, but I just don't see him voting with McCranda.


Would he see it as voting WITH McCranda, or voting for his pal, Andy (to stay)?

08-29-2013, 08:00 PM
Hmmmmm. Well, you probably have inside information, but I really, really, really, really, really hope that Andy is out. Not that I want Aryan to stay. I just want Amanda out and Aryan is more likely to do that than Andy is.

08-29-2013, 11:01 PM
Well that wasn't how I expected things to go, but it's all good.

I thought that Julie handled the interview very well. I think that Ayran will be changed person when she sees how she behaved on the show. Although I'm sure that there are a lot of pissed off Texans tonight since she seemed to blamed her actions on "I'm from Texas".

09-01-2013, 09:04 PM

09-02-2013, 11:38 AM

Yep. Great episode, eh?

Was even better through the live feeds. Amanda crying that she doesn't want to be there anymore. Crying that she doesn't want to go to jury with everyone there that hates her. She is a mess!! I love it!

09-05-2013, 10:40 AM
Anyone catch After Dark last night? A lot of jawwin' from Amanda and Ginamarie. They went face-to-face and Judd got in between them while everyone else (except Elissa) watched. Of course Amanda called MacRae a 'pussy' for not jumping in and defending her.

Damn BBAD for being on TVGN!!! They mute the language and with Ginamarie and Amanda, that means almost everything they say!

09-05-2013, 12:24 PM
Ding, dong, the witch is dead!!

09-05-2013, 01:05 PM
Ding, dong, the witch is dead!!

Fingers crossed!

09-06-2013, 08:57 AM
Well I sure wasn't sorry to see Amanda go. I was neutral on Elissa. I have no idea now who I would like to see win this thing. Usually by this point I'm rooting for someone, but I don't have any strong feelings about anyone.

09-06-2013, 10:48 AM
This week was very good. The behind-the-scenes action was the best yet. Andy was working both sides like a charm. He gave up his skeleton shirt as collateral. He told the Exterminators, "the shirt cost like $20, so what?" -- it worked.

The Exterminators had a plan in case Elissa won HoH; they would tell her MacRae voted Amanda out as he wants an all-male group to the end and that Amanda just kills his game with her fighting.

If MacRae won, they would tell him Elissa was the vote for Amanda and that Andy voted to keep her and that Elissa's ring was a fake one she brought into the game specifically for this purpose.

Pretty smart. Andy is lining himself up for a victory.

MacRae can't play in HoH so the Exterminators are sitting pretty. HoH seemed to be some puzzle-type thing. I won't blow any surprises, though.

I knew that with a double eviction BB wasn't going to show much backstory before getting to the voting. They completely ignored the fights between Amanda and Ginamarie and others.

09-06-2013, 12:08 PM
If I had to pick a winner, I think that I would pick Andy at this point. He has played very strategically and done a great job playing both sides. Most people who try to do that get caught and evicted long before this point.

It's interesting to hear all the behind the scenes stuff from you. I don't get BBAD and don't really have the time to peruse the discussion sites and such. I occasionally check in on those sites when I want to know something specific, like I don't want to wait to hear who won a challenge. But I don't see much of the strategic stuff outside of what they show in the (not even) three hours a week.

09-06-2013, 01:30 PM
This week was very good. The behind-the-scenes action was the best yet. Andy was working both sides like a charm. He gave up his skeleton shirt as collateral. He told the Exterminators, "the shirt cost like $20, so what?" -- it worked.

The Exterminators had a plan in case Elissa won HoH; they would tell her MacRae voted Amanda out as he wants an all-male group to the end and that Amanda just kills his game with her fighting.

If MacRae won, they would tell him Elissa was the vote for Amanda and that Andy voted to keep her and that Elissa's ring was a fake one she brought into the game specifically for this purpose.

Pretty smart. Andy is lining himself up for a victory.

MacRae can't play in HoH so the Exterminators are sitting pretty. HoH seemed to be some puzzle-type thing. I won't blow any surprises, though.

I knew that with a double eviction BB wasn't going to show much backstory before getting to the voting. They completely ignored the fights between Amanda and Ginamarie and others.

Not the biggest deal in the world here Gruno, because BB for me is a just a very guilty pleasure, and this year's edition has really been awful in so many ways, as we've discussed here.

But some of those feeds are spoilers for the rest of us. Not only that, I am quite sure some of the events you describe here will be used in future episodes, because that has happened before, with some of the live feeds you've mentioned previously.

So when in doubt, why not use white text for possible spoilers? It is very easy, just type it up and use the "A" text option in the advanced editor to print the spoiler text in white. Then we can choose to read the spoilers or not by simply selecting the text to read it. Like this:

So funny to see Amanda balling her eyes out over getting backstabbed, like she's some sort of angel beyond criticism. A taste of her own medicine, like GM said.

09-06-2013, 01:34 PM
I can definitely do that. No prob!

09-12-2013, 11:01 PM



Did something happen? An eviction? McCrea? Oh. Okay. I'm going back to sleep. Wake me when something interesting happens.


09-17-2013, 10:39 PM
Hey folks. A Survivor thread has been started for this season...beginning tomorrow (the show, not the thread ;)). It's in the WOT forum.

09-18-2013, 03:45 PM
Oiiii what a choice tonight. The racist, the pervert and the rat. While the rat will probably get it for game play, the vicious way he talks about the previous house guests, including jurors, makes him as vile a person as the rest of them. It is one thing to lie and deceive but to be mean and vindictive about it is an entirely different matter. At this point, I am more interested in the reality shocks that these HGs get rather than who wins.

09-18-2013, 04:05 PM
Oiiii what a choice tonight. The racist, the pervert and the rat. While the rat will probably get it for game play, the vicious way he talks about the previous house guests, including jurors, makes him as vile a person as the rest of them. It is one thing to lie and deceive but to be mean and vindictive about it is an entirely different matter. At this point, I am more interested in the reality shocks that these HGs get rather than who wins.

I've never cared less about who wins. Honestly, I could actually skip the finale and not care. But I'm like a cat....curiousity will get the best of me. Not curiousity of who wins, but curiousity of who the jury thinks deserves it and why.

09-18-2013, 04:28 PM
I've never cared less about who wins. Honestly, I could actually skip the finale and not care. But I'm like a cat....curiousity will get the best of me. Not curiousity of who wins, but curiousity of who the jury thinks deserves it and why.

Yeah it is like a train wreck that you just can't get away from! I will definitely watch it.

09-18-2013, 10:35 PM
I've been watching the east coast feed via links at Jokers website. Couldn't wait until it airs over here in SoCal!

09-18-2013, 10:42 PM
I think you need a Reality TV 12-step program Gruno. :lol

09-18-2013, 10:55 PM


Hobo Chang Ba
09-18-2013, 11:21 PM
Well, I'm glad who won won.

I'm not as glad that they didn't reveal to them of the real world consequences of some of the contestants actions. Oh well.

Here's to 16! :beer

09-19-2013, 08:20 AM
In the end, out of the final 3, Andy deserved the win.

You think Julie was ticked that GM's mike was not turned off when she interviewed Spencer? ( I have to pee!) :D

The players were told "they made national headlines", so I am quite sure those involved had some very queasy feelings. Except for GM, since she seems oblivious.

I think this might be my final season with BB, pretty much a waste of my time getting involved with this kitty litter.

09-19-2013, 09:40 AM
The players were told "they made national headlines", so I am quite sure those involved had some very queasy feelings. Except for GM, since she seems oblivious.

I suspect that there are going to be a few rude awakenings this morning. :O I liked Spencer asking if he was one of them. LOL. Yep! You certainly are!

I think this might be my final season with BB, pretty much a waste of my time getting involved with this kitty litter.
You say that now...but you'll be back. ;)

I'm happy that Andy won. He did deserve it. His answers to their questions were great. I didn't like the way he lied to everyone, but when you heard how he explained his actions it became a valid strategy. Plus I loved that he admittied to just being too much of a coward to tell the truth.

And I still think that Amanda is just a big bully and a cow.

09-19-2013, 11:05 AM
I think you need a Reality TV 12-step program Gruno. :lol

Maybe! ;)

With a 1.5yr old who goes to sleep about 9:30pm, we had to schedule accordingly. I didn't want to start watching BB at 10:30 or 11pm.

In the end, out of the final 3, Andy deserved the win.

Agreed! I would have also liked Spencer to have had a shot. The guy dodged so many evictions. Some may say 'floater', but you have to be calm/cool each nominated week so you don't get the target reversed and aimed at you.

The players were told "they made national headlines", so I am quite sure those involved had some very queasy feelings. Except for GM, since she seems oblivious.

I am more excited to see the aftermath than the last few weeks of BB!

I think this might be my final season with BB, pretty much a waste of my time getting involved with this kitty litter.

Worst season by a landslide. Next year, I will do my best to make you proud, NeonKnight. This I promise.

I suspect that there are going to be a few rude awakenings this morning. :O I liked Spencer asking if he was one of them. LOL. Yep! You certainly are!

Hah! I will post any related links of interviews or video that comes about.

And I still think that Amanda is just a big bully and a cow.

Definitely! She still seems to act like she did nothing bad. What a moron.

Thanks to everyone who participated. It's a long season and that much longer when the cast sucks.

Anyone on the fence about Big Brother... try to watch the Canada season that is coming up this winter. I am sure ForeverAutumn and I will have a thread going, but I know others would like the show. Last season was better than recent BB seasons by far! A friend of mine in Texas loves Big Brother. Two weeks ago I told her all about the Canadian season; she is now 5 episodes away from the finale and put BBUSA on hold to watch the Canadian version!

Until next season, this is Gruno, from outside the Big Brother house... ready to go in on season 16 -- in 2014!!

09-19-2013, 11:11 AM
Until next season, this is Gruno, from outside the Big Brother house... ready to go in on season 16 -- in 2014!!

Did you seriously apply? If you do get in, how will we know it's you? Other than your mysterious disappearance from this place, that is. :)

The 2nd season of BB Canada is going to have a tough time living up to the first season. They certainly set the bar very high.

09-19-2013, 11:16 AM
Did you seriously apply? If you do get in, how will we know it's you? Other than your mysterious disappearance from this place, that is. :)

Oh, I have a list of websites/boards ready to go with instructions that will be left for family and friends to bombard if/WHEN I get on the show! I haven't made the video, but I definitely am doing so. My goal is to try to convince them a 40something yr old is needed on the show!

You will know it's me because of the title under my name on the show. Plus, all my "Studio Gruno" shirts I would wear... although they took those away from Howie when he was on the show... hmmm...

The 2nd season of BB Canada is going to have a tough time living up to the first season. They certainly set the bar very high.

They have the odds stacked up against them, but I have faith after this last USA version!