View Full Version : Sigur Ros on Tour

09-17-2013, 06:53 PM
Sigur Ros is playing at the Mann Center in Philadelphia this Friday night and I've been counting down the days for some time. Been looking forward to it since they quite literally blew me away when they came to town last summer. I'm surprised they don't generate more discussion here.

I grant you they may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for my taste, they are one of the most melodic, dynamic, intense, original, inspired, and downright entertaining bands creating music these days. Their songs, like all good songs, can take awhile to grow on you, but once they do, its goosebumps up and down the arms, and you'll find yourself unable to get their beautiful, haunting, and melodic hooks out of your head.

The live show is nothing short of stunning. Intense lighting and visuals backdrop this amazing 11 piece touring group that rivals Marillion (my all time favorite live band) in sheer power and enjoyment. The final 5 minutes of their traditional show closer, Popplagio, is the most breathtaking, and incredible thing I've seen on stage in ages.

I know Sigur Ros has their share of detractors but I have to believe the reason they aren't discussed more is simply lack of familiarity. I promise you they are more progressive and doing far more interesting stuff than a lot of bands that are discussed here with more frequency. But that is to be expected. I mention this mainly because they are currently on tour in the US (with more European dates later in the fall) and if they are coming to your town and you aren't familiar with them, you may just want to check them out. As a friend of mine has said, "They are a drop everything band."

09-18-2013, 12:12 AM
They are coming to Birmingham, and I have been wondering if I should go or not. I guess I need to youtube some of their stuff.

Roth-Handle Studios
09-18-2013, 05:54 AM
Incredible band...! One of my absolute favorites together with Radiohead. My wife saw them in London two weeks ago and said it was truly spectacular.

09-18-2013, 08:05 AM
Here's a review from their show 2 nights ago in Cincinnati:

"There are rock concerts, and then there’s Icelandic trio Sigur Rós, who brought their undefinable and jaw-dropping show to PNC Pavilion Monday night.

Since the ’90s, Sigur Rós has constructed a reputation for being one of the most unique bands around, especially with lead singer Jónsi singing in a made-up language called Hopelandic. The band gained popularity in the States and have consistently sold albums here, despite their music rarely being sung in English and having unpronounceable song titles.

You’d think having such exotic textures and song structures was enough to distinguish them from other bands, but they went on to develop a live show that borders on performance art—no wonder they get grouped into those “best live band around” lists. And for Cincinnati to have one of the most alluring international bands to come here, it was surprising the entire pavilion wasn’t sold out.

Opener Julianna Barwick was originally slated to play at MidPoint Fest but dropped out of her own headlining tour to open for Sigur Rós. An American singer with numinous vocals, she played songs from her just released Nepenthe album, which was produced in Iceland by Jonsi’s boyfriend, Alex Somers. Her performance demanded quietude, and the almost-filled pit gave her their undivided attention, as images swirled in the background.

When Sigur Rós took the stage, the show seemed more inclined for something you’d see at the CAC, not a venue where mainstream rock ‘n’ roll artists perform. With three violinists and horn players in the background and two drummers on either side of the stage, the band grew to 11 members strong. The musicians remained shadowy, backlit figures for the duration of most the show, with an occasional burst of floating, firefly-esque lights illuminating them. On set opener “Yfirboro” from this year’s Kveikur album, Sigur Rós greeted the crowd with crackling percussion, a cornea-searing strobes light show, Jónsi’s countertenor vocals and music that built and crescendoed, akin to a lot of classical pieces; the audience wasn’t witnessing a rock show but a theater performance.

Sigur Rós mainly stuck to new songs like the eight-minute long “Brennisteinn,” but also delved into older songs like “Untitled #1,” aka “Vaka” from their ( ) record, which was their most elegiac song of the night. Not all of their songs were just pretty pieces, though. “E-bow” combined loud, droning rock music, with Jónsi implementing his signature bowed guitar trick. After the dramatic score broke loose and died down, Jónsi stood alone onstage and held a high note for almost a minute. The agog audience roared in approval and anticipated a two-song encore.

If the first encore was a tidal wave of hope, then final song “Popplagio” was the storm. The latter song trembled with intense percussion and dark cloud imagery, and as the song progressed, the band resurrected their own storm that sounded like a 100 mph gale-force winds.

Once the show ended the audience erupted into a standing ovation, and just like any good theater performance, Sigur Rós came out for a curtain call and took a much-earned bow."

09-18-2013, 10:49 AM
I've saw them 5 times in Boston starting in 2002 until 2007. The last 2 tours were huge spectacles of light and sound - yet very intimate and parallel to their early experience in the Avalon with only about 300 in attendance (for me at least).

This is a GREAT live band - extremely emotional, polished and very well done. I understand about the vocals - an acquired taste for sure - - -


09-18-2013, 11:12 AM
Hi Richard - I will be there in Philly as well with my daughter. It's my first time seeing them live, so looking forward to it immensely.

09-18-2013, 11:15 AM
Yeah...I saw them first around 2000 or so, supporting ( ) and then again last year in the lead-up tour for Kveikur (a fairly different setlist than the current one). They are a very strong live band and put on a great visual show as well.

Frankly, Julianna Barwick would almost be worth the price of admission as well; she's very talented and her new one is a pretty cool little disc.

09-18-2013, 11:38 AM
I will be at the Mann show as well. should be a nice bookend to the start of their 2012/2013 touring that they started here last summer

the new LP has worn well. a bit of a throw back to their original sound; less poppy and 'song' oriented, more abrasive and less upbeat. all expected after keyboardist Kjartan Sveinsson left as he supplied the more straight material to the band. which is a shame setlist wise because I loved the upbeat material on his last LP 'With a buzz in our ears we play endlessly'

the Tower Theater 'takk' gig was one of the best shows I've seen, my favorite LP from them as well

09-18-2013, 12:06 PM
Well, I got tickets because of this thread. Only $50ish a tix, so not too shabby. Very close tixs by the way at a wonderful venue. :)

09-18-2013, 12:27 PM
I am scouring Craigslist as we speak. Lots of UNC Chapel Hill students are selling their tix for Saturday night's show in Raleigh - - - I should score something for face value. It's at an outdoor theater (Red Hat) and supposed to be a beautiful evening too - - - we will see.

09-19-2013, 08:00 AM
Well, I got tickets because of this thread. Only $50ish a tix, so not too shabby. Very close tixs by the way at a wonderful venue. :)

Fantastic. I highly recommend you go here: http://www.setlist.fm/ and familiarize yourself with the songs they are playing on this tour. Everything is on youtube, and at the very least make sure you're familiar with Popplagio.

I'm so looking forward to tomorrow's show in Philly.

09-19-2013, 08:03 AM
It's at an outdoor theater (Red Hat) and supposed to be a beautiful evening too - - - we will see.

I'm envious. I was gonna drive down there from Philly but my friend in the Raleigh area decided to go to Chicago to see Hackett instead. Little does he know... :roll

09-20-2013, 03:54 AM
"Heima" is one of the best concert-DVDs I've ever seen!

09-21-2013, 10:06 AM
phenomenal show last night. nice crowd, beautiful autumnal weather, perfect venue/perfect sound. band always has great merch too

loved that the set featured a nice selection of 'takk' as well as the new LP. wonderful!

sigur ros 2013.09.20 Philadelphia Mann Music Center

1. Yfirborđ (Kveikur)

2. Brennisteinn (Kveikur)

3. Glósóli (Takk…)

4. Olsen Olsen (Ágćtis byrjun)

5. Hrafntinna (Kveikur)

6. Stormur (Kveikur)

7. Sćglópur (Takk…)

8. E-bow ( )
9. Varúđ (Valtari)

10. Hoppípolla (Takk…)

11. Međ Blóđnasir (Takk…)

12. Kveikur (Kveikur)

13. Festival (Međ suđ í eyrum viđ spilum endalaust)

14. Popplagiđ ( )

10-02-2013, 11:38 AM
Rhea and I saw Sigur Ros in St. Louis last night. Great show! I've seen them twice before (2002 and 2004, I think) and Jonsi solo once. The first two times were really incredible experiences. I was really immersed in the shows. Last night... not so much. I don't know if it was simply because I knew what to expect this time and didn't have the "surprise" element or if I was simply not in the right frame of mind. The band certainly played as well as ever. I did enjoy the show, but it wasn't the same this time for me.

10-03-2013, 05:03 PM
I was at the same St Louis show as Roy, all I can say is it was 'fall out of your seat' good. Yup, simply smashing.
I thought it was so immersive I was put in a dreamlike state. I was really taken by how much the core band members play their instruments in an unconventional manner, shear creativity.
This was my 2nd time seeing them which was a nice 5000 seat theatre and before at a large night club (I think around '07) - the thing I noticed at both shows was how attentive the audience was (pin-drop quiet), probably more so than prog shows.

The opening act Juliana Barwick was the perfect compliment with her looped vocals sounding like a choir of angels.

A question for the experts - did they have members of Amiina as part of the touring ensemble?
Probably the most people I've seen onstage since Brian Wilson Presents SMiLE.

Sigur Ros setlist (source stltoday)

Meo Bloonasir

10-03-2013, 06:27 PM
Saw then in Chicago a couple nights ago...O...M....G!!! Absolutely mind blowing. As if the great music with it's myriad of melodic hooks wasn't enough...the bloody light show and visuals were just...words fail me.

And to top it off, this show was at the Auditorium Theater...the acoustically perfect Auditorium Theater. Needless to say, the sound, mix and balance was immaculate.
