View Full Version : review cd??

11-20-2013, 04:50 PM
i am kind of new to the site and i wonder why there is no review for cd like in prog archive??

Don Arnold
11-20-2013, 05:38 PM
i am kind of new to the site and i wonder why there is no review for cd like in prog archive??

Welcome aboard clauper! The previous version of PE had a reviews section and I understand this current version will have provision for reviews soon.

Meanwhile, take a wander through some threads, post a bit, and allow us to get to know you.

Btw, lots of great prog from your province!

from...a fellow Canadian, eh

11-20-2013, 05:43 PM
Maybe Duncan will chime in. :)


11-21-2013, 08:15 AM
Salut Clauper et bienvenue

I'm not an Admin here, but I'll chime in, at least partially

i am kind of new to the site and i wonder why there is no review for cd like in prog archive??

As I am also a member of PA, the site spends an amazing amount of effort in an (almost) exhaustive database, which takes a huge amount of space... But PA's financial needs are met through Google adds revenues... But this is starting to cost them too: go look at Roxy Music's Country Life blurred artwork to check out the blackmail

AFAIK, PE has no such financial means (just member's donations >> I must renew mine, my star's gone out about a month ago) to hold and maintain such a database (and it would only duplicate PA's, which is pointless, IMHO). We had under our previous version a review section that could've maybe compared to PA's database, but only reviewed albums were entered in it. So it was totally incomplete and it was never the plan to rival PA.




11-21-2013, 10:40 AM
But PA's financial needs are met through Google adds revenues... But this is starting to cost them too: go look at Roxy Music's Country Life blurred artwork to check out the blackmail

LOL. I took a look. Were they asked by an advertiser to blur the cover? This makes me think how hilarious the American cover for Country Life was - they removed the women and just left the trees.

11-21-2013, 11:24 AM
LOL. I took a look. Were they asked by an advertiser to blur the cover? This makes me think how hilarious the American cover for Country Life was - they removed the women and just left the trees.

Needless to say that it was imposed by Google, or elsea boycott

11-21-2013, 11:47 AM
In this age of easily accessible samples, I find the written review passé... I can use 1000 words to describe an album, or you can actually HEAR the music being described; without my bias tainting it for you.

Don Arnold
11-21-2013, 12:03 PM
In this age of easily accessible samples, I find the written review passé... I can use 1000 words to describe an album, or you can actually HEAR the music being described; without my bias tainting it for you.

Interesting notion Yves. I think there's some merit to your assertion, yet for me, I still find value in reviews. Particularly when the reviewer has claimed to have given a cd several spins. We all know that some Prog takes those several spins before it sinks it's teeth under your skin. With that in mind then, a listen to a sample may not reveal what the album has to offer.

Btw way, for those counting (probably only me :) ), posts in this thread up to mine originate from:

Canada = 5
Belgium = 2
USA = 1

11-21-2013, 12:52 PM
In this age of easily accessible samples, I find the written review passé... I can use 1000 words to describe an album, or you can actually HEAR the music being described; without my bias tainting it for you.

I don't. Maybe I am biased as I am a reviewer but I often hit the review sections of sites to get a low down of a band or artist through the written word. I find some reviews highly entertaining and it's interesting to read what others think of an album or band. Then I make up my own mind whether to pursue said artist or album. I use samples as well. There is room for both in our small corner of the world.


Duncan Glenday
11-21-2013, 12:55 PM
I have now extracted the 3,000-plus reviews from the old site.

It will take a few days of dedicated work to insert them into the new PE system. I hope to do that in the coming weeks.

The biggest challenge is the cover art ... we will probably not be able to include album covers in the converted reviews, though it will be possible to include them in new reviews.

I'm moving this discussion to its proper forum...

Dean Watson
11-21-2013, 12:55 PM
I like the option to have both - a review and a listen.
Btw - Canada = 6.

11-21-2013, 02:21 PM
I don't. Maybe I am biased as I am a reviewer but I often hit the review sections of sites to get a low down of a band or artist through the written word. I find some reviews highly entertaining and it's interesting to read what others think of an album or band. Then I make up my own mind whether to pursue said artist or album. I use samples as well. There is room for both in our small corner of the world.


Jon, I reviewed on the same site as you, and on PE, for years. There was a time when I seeked out reviews regularly. Now, when I hear of a band that might interest me I go to YouTube first. I don't really care what [insert reviewer name here] thinks of the album, I only care about what I'll think of the album. :)

11-21-2013, 02:50 PM
I still like to read reviews, before, or after I bought an album. It is always fun to know what someone else hears in music.

11-21-2013, 03:08 PM
Reviews will always have a niche audience, I just don't feel they're as vital as they were about a decade ago.

11-21-2013, 03:52 PM
When I first came to PE I spent most of my time in the reviews. It was at least a year or two before I started going to the forum. I look forward to the return of the review section because I always found PA to be a bit klutzy.

Don Arnold
11-21-2013, 04:05 PM
When I first came to PE I spent most of my time in the reviews. It was at least a year or two before I started going to the forum. ....

This was me too. I had never participated in a forum before so it just seemed too foreign a concept for me. I used the PE reviews though (along with the Dutch pages, PA, SoT, and others) to guide my purchasing decisions. At some point, I was motivated to sign up so I could do the forum thing, and now I feel at ease to post here and there and enjoy the prog-banter in PE land.

11-21-2013, 04:46 PM
It's all good Yves. I see your point. I mainly read reviews for entertainment. I enjoy learning of other people's opinions about (insert here) album.
Looking forward to contributing to the review section when the time comes. Its just another way to spread the good word of this music called prog we all know and love. :)


11-22-2013, 04:36 AM
In this age of easily accessible samples, I find the written review passé... I can use 1000 words to describe an album, or you can actually HEAR the music being described; without my bias tainting it for you.

I don't. Maybe I am biased as I am a reviewer but I often hit the review sections of sites to get a low down of a band or artist through the written word. I find some reviews highly entertaining and it's interesting to read what others think of an album or band. Then I make up my own mind whether to pursue said artist or album. I use samples as well. There is room for both in our small corner of the world.



Yves' PoV is a very good one... Indeed, if you have to trust reviews or your own ears, I'd take the second alternative

However, it's kind of weird, but despite my own ton of reviews on PA and JMA, the only real times I read others, is generally after I've written mine... or else, when some album fails to ring an interest, when I know it should... then I seek reviews that might give me a clue on how to appreciate it.

11-22-2013, 04:37 AM
I have now extracted the 3,000-plus reviews from the old site.

It will take a few days of dedicated work to insert them into the new PE system. I hope to do that in the coming weeks.

The biggest challenge is the cover art ... we will probably not be able to include album covers in the converted reviews, though it will be possible to include them in new reviews.

I'm moving this discussion to its proper forum...

Duncan for prez ;)

once that's done, two months rest, than onto the polls section :p

01-15-2014, 03:12 PM
Jon, I reviewed on the same site as you, and on PE, for years. There was a time when I seeked out reviews regularly. Now, when I hear of a band that might interest me I go to YouTube first. I don't really care what [insert reviewer name here] thinks of the album, I only care about what I'll think of the album. :)

Do you feel the same way about movies and movie reviews? You could watch a preview for a movie, but it can be very hard to judge the movie by the preview.

01-15-2014, 03:50 PM
Truth is, I don't watch too many movies. We still have brick and mortar video stores here. The 2 or 3 times a year I actually feel like watching movies, I'll wander over there and read the box and see if it's something I could get into. I don't seek out movie reviews on the internet. Of course, I'm merely renting the movie; I don't buy any. If I make a mistake in my choice I have no qualms about stopping it and returning it.

01-16-2014, 03:23 AM
Do you feel the same way about movies and movie reviews? You could watch a preview for a movie, but it can be very hard to judge the movie by the preview.

Truth is, I don't watch too many movies. We still have brick and mortar video stores here. The 2 or 3 times a year I actually feel like watching movies, I'll wander over there and read the box and see if it's something I could get into. I don't seek out movie reviews on the internet. Of course, I'm merely renting the movie; I don't buy any. If I make a mistake in my choice I have no qualms about stopping it and returning it.

I don't buy films either... and while DVD rental stores are on the decline, most library sustems in Benelux or France have DVD (though you might have to wait a few weeks/months to get your paws on it.
Noneed to cjeck out internet for movie reviews.... every country's TV stations have plentuy of film programmes, fiklled with previews, reviews and interviews

01-16-2014, 05:53 AM
Reviews will always have a niche audience, I just don't feel they're as vital as they were about a decade ago.

I tend to agree with Yves' opinion, unless we are speaking of real obscurities or ultra-limited new releases. Count me among those that go to YouTube, Soundcloud or Bandcamp for the first listen (in order for my ears to decide unbiased). But, at a second phase, I always seek (love) to read others opinions after my purchases. So it still makes me a review freak in the end.

01-16-2014, 08:14 AM
Reviews can also bring something to my attention. I read book reviews to know if there is something interesting to read. Sometimes I use movie-reviews for it, if a movie is based on a book, I try to look for the book.
CD-reviews can serve like this, if I read them in a paper or a magazine. If something looks interesting, I might try to find some soundfiles.
And I love to read reviews after I bought something. Sometimes I also look at reviews before buying something. It is not always easy to find soundfiles of some obscure stuff.

01-16-2014, 08:33 AM
A good review is alwas a good thing. Bad reviews (especially one based on personal preference) are a kiss of death. Getting music into the hand of those who like the kind of music you are releasing is absolutely key to having any success. Sending prog disks to someone who is into metal might as well be sent to a 70 year old childrens song reviewer. There is definitely such a thing as "bad press"

01-16-2014, 10:59 AM
I tend to agree with Yves' opinion, unless we are speaking of real obscurities or ultra-limited new releases. Count me among those that go to YouTube, Soundcloud or Bandcamp for the first listen (in order for my ears to decide unbiased). But, at a second phase, I always seek (love) to read others opinions after my purchases. So it still makes me a review freak in the end.

Yessssss... as said gbefore, I do sometimes read reviews, but after I bought (and reviewed) an album

And to be honest, I don't review nearly asc much as before, for the reasons that ves states... I used to think a review was more important than just a rating, but indeedif a detailed review is written, I find it lmore useful afterwards, as opposed to a simple "scrtching the surface" (bit not too lightly) review wioll be more helpfum before acquisition (if I choose to read one)

As for books, comics, single malts and movies (etc..), I read/watch reviews if (and only if)the object reviewed is of likely interest... In other words, the latest Pixar, Tom Cruise or Tom Clancy novel are reviewed, I won't even read them

01-16-2014, 02:11 PM
If I read a review of a movie based on a book and it looks interesting, I'm going to try to find the book in the library.

When I saw a Annie Haslam live-CD I didn't buy it, but I found a review, which made me interested, so I bougt it. The same with Annie Haslam's Renaissance.

11-25-2014, 01:49 AM
yodelgoat has said an amazing comment and I totally support him