View Full Version : FEATURED CD: Crucible - Tall Tales

Poisoned Youth
11-22-2012, 01:35 PM

One of my favorite CDs from the 90s. I was reminded of it today while driving to my Turkey Day destination.

Review from ProgArchives (ClemofNazareth):

It’s really too bad these guys didn’t stick with their careers as a neo-symphonic band. Their legacy will apparently remain one really excellent album (this one), a so-so one (‘Curtains’), and some impressive appearances on their resume - BajaProg, NEARfest, ProgDay among them.
The Rush influence is very strong and undeniable throughout this album, particularly in the vaguely mystical lyrics, Bill Esposito’s vocals (exactly what Geddy Lee would sound like with testicles), and the spacious arrangements that manage to sound meaty without overwhelming amounts of fluff, percussion, or extraneous trappings.

Right from the opening “Over the Falls” the band establishes their credibility as a fastidious studio group with very precise tempos, guitar and bass laying down a wall of sound without dominating the lighter flute and intricate keyboards, and Esposito weaving tales in a strong and ear-pleasing voice.

The flute is most prominent on “The Poet Liar” and the Imp’s Tale multi-sectioned second half of the CD, while keyboards dominate on “Find the Line” and the guitar/bass duo make up the bigger part of the lengthy and varied “Lords and Leeches” (although the multiple tempo transitions here give each band member an opportunity to contribute).

“In Ancient Tongue” features guitar and eerie keyboards in almost an Opeth (Blackwater Park) or Green Carnation (Acoustic Verses) kind of way – a very calm and intoxicating tune, although it does seem slightly out-of-place on this album. I believe there may also be a bit of dulcimer on this track, but the liner credits don’t call it out so maybe not.

“The Salamander” and “Land for Sale” are pretty unexceptional, very smooth keyboard/guitar interplay and solid vocals, but these two tracks seem to kind of fade into the woodwork between the lofty “Lords and Leeches” and the Imp’s Tale.

And speaking of Imp’s Tale, this is a very entertaining twenty-one minute, seven-part fantasy tale that even Arjen Anthony Lucasse would have been impressed with. The story is fiction noodling and not really of any particular consequence, but the music is quite good. The guitar work here is much closer to metal or neo-progressive, the tempos vary but are generally more aggressive than on the rest of the album, and the singing is really kept to a necessary minimum so the instrumental passages can be highlighted. This is the kind of work most progressive music nuts got hooked on in the first place; Crucible are clearly true believers and are offering up a solid testament to their ‘faith’.

This is a very solid four star work. It probably would be five were it not for the couple of rather bland tracks in the middle, and the too-obvious Rush influence. Those things aside, a highly recommended work, and a great addition to any collection.




11-23-2012, 09:44 PM
Where's the love?

I think it's a fine disc. Don't hear all that much Rush influence.

11-23-2012, 10:00 PM
LOVE this album! Had it for many years. I like the keyboard sound too, reminds me of Banks circa ATTWT/Curious Feeling/Duke. I disagree about the middle tracks being 'bland', I think every song is a winner here: this is a beginning-to-end listen for me! Nice to see it's not forgotten and still getting some love. Now let's talk the Janison Edge album! :D

11-23-2012, 10:53 PM
Love this CD. I would love to get copy, but apparently it's been out of print for a while.

11-23-2012, 11:43 PM
Great album fell in love with an imp's tale...after seeing the band live in 1996 in New York City.

11-24-2012, 12:07 AM
Saw them at Progday in the sweltering heat. They did a fine job, just as they did on this album. I haven't listened to it in a while, but I know I'd enjoy it if I did - - - - Jeff

11-24-2012, 08:39 AM
This is one of the first albums I bought when I was getting back into prog back in the 90's. It was a winner then and still is today. Love the cover art for this because that dude on the cover looks just like Mel Gibson ;) Yeah, I hear the Rush influence, but that may be the reason it holds up well because they really nailed it down. I don't find those middle tracks weak at all, in fact, Land For Sale is one of my favorite cuts because of the lyrics.

11-24-2012, 03:23 PM
Here's a nice cover of a Crack The Sky tune on their followup album Curtains.


They also did Genesis' "Down And Out" live at one of the fests, no?

11-24-2012, 03:40 PM
I too am a big fan of this disc. It has aged very well to my ears. One of the few albums from its era that gets regular rotation at my house, alongside Deadwood Forest's "Mellodramatic" (an album that should get featured here one day). ;)

Farpoint Kevin
11-24-2012, 03:52 PM
I love this album too. Bought it halfway through their set at ProgDay '98. I do hear a bit of Rush influence, particularly "Caress of Steel" era, but I hear more Genesis and Kansas than Rush.
Apart from great songs and arrangements, it's a great sounding album as well.

Jimmy Giant
11-24-2012, 04:46 PM
I loved these guys. Tom Horton was a great multi-player and Billy's vocals were excellent. (if I remember the names right)
Progday was such a great set. Yes, I believe it was Down and Out played at PD.
I really miss these guys.

11-24-2012, 06:08 PM
One of my favorite prog albums of the 90's. Still really enjoy it.

Steve Sly

11-24-2012, 06:10 PM
. Now let's talk the Janison Edge album! :D

Love the Janison Edge album too. An overlooked gem from that era.

Steve Sly

11-24-2012, 06:18 PM
Love the Janison Edge album too. An overlooked gem from that era.

Steve Sly

Nice to hear that. I loved that album instantly and even went as far as to order their 3-track Acoustic Session EP just so I could have that band logo on two CD spines on my shelf! :p It's too bad it was only a one-off studio album - or, depending on how you look at it, perhaps a good thing considering the dip in quality from Crucible's first to their second. Anyway, these are both very loved albums in my collection - if I recall, the Crucible guys were actually in another band as well, perhaps a local cover band? Something like that.

11-24-2012, 09:36 PM
- if I recall, the Crucible guys were actually in another band as well, perhaps a local cover band? Something like that.

Yes, if I remember correctly all of the guys except the keyboard player played in a cover band. I believe they went under a different name, but it has been a while.

Steve Sly

Farpoint Kevin
11-24-2012, 09:46 PM
I think the cover band was called "Second Wind." Seems like when they returned for ProgDay weekend and played on saturday night at the Cat's Cradle, Tim, the keyboardist, had just left the band, so they had the keyboardist from the cover band filling in. He did great on the few Crucible songs he had managed to cram in time for the show, then they just took requests for covers for the rest of the evening. Pretty amazing, if not overly proggy, show. I do remember that they played a pretty impressive version of "War Pigs." :)

Poisoned Youth
11-24-2012, 09:53 PM
I saw them at NF '99 and were already pretty familiar with the material so it was one of my favorite shows. I enjoyed how into it these guys were at the scene. I remember they were watching Spock's Beard and going nuts when they did a cover of Squonk. Too bad they only ever did the two albums.

The Mister
11-24-2012, 10:13 PM
LOVE this album! Had it for many years. I like the keyboard sound too, reminds me of Banks circa ATTWT/Curious Feeling/Duke. I disagree about the middle tracks being 'bland', I think every song is a winner here: this is a beginning-to-end listen for me! Nice to see it's not forgotten and still getting some love. Now let's talk the Janison Edge album! :D
I am in complete agreement with this post. :-)

Don Arnold
11-25-2012, 12:47 AM
Love this CD. I would love to get copy, but apparently it's been out of print for a while.

I listed my copy on ebay today. And I'll add my two thumbs up on the disc. Rush influence? I don't hear it but that doesn't mean it is not there. When listening to it this past week, I was reminded of Cinema Show by Genesis. I think it was the acoustic guitar sound perhaps.

11-25-2012, 12:16 PM
I think the cover band was called "Second Wind." Seems like when they returned for ProgDay weekend and played on saturday night at the Cat's Cradle, Tim, the keyboardist, had just left the band, so they had the keyboardist from the cover band filling in. He did great on the few Crucible songs he had managed to cram in time for the show, then they just took requests for covers for the rest of the evening. Pretty amazing, if not overly proggy, show. I do remember that they played a pretty impressive version of "War Pigs." :)

Yes, I remember that show. I believe it was their last ever live performance. It was a lot of fun. A little short on actual Crucible material, but the all request hour was a blast and they proved that they could play anything.

Steve Sly

mellotron storm
11-25-2012, 03:35 PM
I'm another one who doesn't own this because it's out of print but i do have their 20 minute An Imp's Tale from the Progday live release.

11-26-2012, 02:01 AM
Deadwood Forest's "Mellodramatic" (an album that should get featured here one day). ;)


11-28-2012, 07:52 PM
I'm currently checking out local band Bolus and their album Delayed Reaction and I have been reminded several times throughout of Crucible. Most notably in the vocal department but there's an overall vibe to these guys that is quite reminiscent IMO. Great stuff!

11-29-2012, 09:10 PM
I'm currently checking out local band Bolus and their album Delayed Reaction and I have been reminded several times throughout of Crucible. Most notably in the vocal department but there's an overall vibe to these guys that is quite reminiscent IMO. Great stuff!

A bunch of us were listening to the Bolus album at the hotel at ProgDay this year and were commenting that they reminded us of somebody, but could not quite place it. At some point someone mentioned Crucible and yea that was it. There are a lot of similarities.

Steve Sly

12-01-2012, 05:50 PM
Saw them at Bajaprog circa 2000 or so. Very nice guys. They had been down to San Felipe the day before the show, which is where I went for a few days after the festival was over. Crashed my truck, in the middle of the night, on the highway between San Felipe and Mexicali on the way home. Some guy rear ended me. Luckily the truck was driveable so I got the hell out of Mexico as fast as I could (before the cops arrived).

Crucible was great and I picked up the album at the show. It was in heavy rotation for a couple of years. That cover always reminded me of Squonk. I'll go with the whole TotT and W&W vibe. I'm going to go find my copy right now :D

12-01-2012, 07:30 PM
That cover always reminded me of Squonk.

Yes, or "Jack-in-the-green". I guess there's a lot of 'woodsy folklore tales' in prog.

12-01-2012, 10:24 PM
I loved these guys. Tom Horton was a great multi-player and Billy's vocals were excellent. (if I remember the names right)
Progday was such a great set. Yes, I believe it was Down and Out played at PD.
I really miss these guys.It's actually Tim Horan. The only parts of this cd that remind me of Rush are Bill's voice(he sounds like '70s Geddy, but without the screaming); The Salamander sounds like one of Rush's reggae experiments. Btw, I hear 'Tron and various synths throughout Tall Tales, but Tim is only credited with organ, piano, flute, and acoustic guitar. Did someone outside the band write the liner notes? Or does the band just not know what those sound like? Btw, I'd like to thank the person that started this thread. I have been trying to make my way through the cds I bought at Second Spin the other day, but stopped to crank Tall Tales when I saw this thread.

12-01-2012, 10:27 PM
dug it out again because of this thread, maybe for the first time in 5 years or so. GRRRREAT stuff, a very enjoyable listen. And good guys too. At that ProgDay gig I gave them a large graphite crucible from my chemistry lab, on which I'd inscribed their "CRUCIBLE" logo in gold paint. I bet it sits on Tim's shelf somewhere. LOL.

12-04-2012, 11:20 AM
Recently scored a copy on eBay. Should be on its way - looking forward to add it to my collection.

12-04-2012, 03:55 PM
Very good album for sure, hard to get though... I remember seeing it for 150 USD at Amazon. First two tracks are my favorites.
Also love Janison Edge album, let it be the next Featured one!

12-08-2012, 07:46 PM
I guess this is one of those CDs I'm glad I bought years ago. It's a shame these things have to become so difficult to track down for a reasonable price.

I think I shall pull this off the shelf tonight, along with the Janison Edge disc - and both Bolus albums! Sounds like great evening of listening to me. :)

12-08-2012, 10:36 PM
I guess this is one of those CDs I'm glad I bought years ago. It's a shame these things have to become so difficult to track down for a reasonable price.

I think I shall pull this off the shelf tonight, along with the Janison Edge disc - and both Bolus albums! Sounds like great evening of listening to me. :)I could burn you a copy and send it to you.

12-08-2012, 11:07 PM
I could burn you a copy and send it to you.

So that I could have a legitimate copy AND a burned copy? Thanks man!!

12-09-2012, 12:29 AM
So that I could have a legitimate copy AND a burned copy? Thanks man!!Oops, didn't read your whole post. Just read the part about it being expensive. So, I assumed that you didn't have it. I got mine for $19, but Amazon has it for a steep price now.

07-04-2013, 09:26 AM
I think this thread may be the best place to say that I recently discovered their second (and last) effort, Curtains.
Boy, what an album - in fact, I think they have improved a lot over their debut, I just can't stop listening to this! I managed to get the CD from 3rd party seller at Amazon for a decent price. Hammond and mellotron lovers, take note!

07-04-2013, 10:56 AM
I think this thread may be the best place to say that I recently discovered their second (and last) effort, Curtains.
Boy, what an album - in fact, I think they have improved a lot over their debut, I just can't stop listening to this! I managed to get the CD from 3rd party seller at Amazon for a decent price. Hammond and mellotron lovers, take note!

Although I like "Curtains" I can't agree with your assesment. To me "Curtains" sounds unfinished. Many of the tracks start out strong, but then just kind of go nowhere. With a little more work I think it could have been a much better album than it is. "Tall Tales" is a much stronger album to my ears.

Steve Sly

07-04-2013, 02:28 PM
The only weak point is ending most of the tracks with just fade out, as if they ran out of ideas by that time.
The tracks are diverse, with many twists and turns and nothing close to aimless noodling. There are less tracks that are memorable on Tall Tales - in fact, I can only name the first two and Lords And Leeches as true standouts.
By the way, their style and sound (and vocals) remind me of another quite obscure band - Dagmahr (the only album I am familiar with is My Magnificent Instability). Maybe both of these albums deserve to become Featured Albums on PE one day!

07-04-2013, 03:55 PM
Ironically, Tall Tales is probably in my top 15 prog albums of the 90s, and Lords & Leeches is the track I like the least. ;)

Re Dagmahr, I found the 2nd album "As Far As We Get" to be a much stronger disc than the debut. Seek it out if you liked the debut. They were rumoured to have been working on a 3rd album a few years back but nothing ever materialized as far as I know.

07-04-2013, 07:39 PM
Yes it is too bad they did not continue.

I loved both CD's.

I haven't listened to either of them in the past couple of years, am pulling them out now and will be listening for the rest of the night. Thank you for reminding me

11-15-2013, 04:56 AM
For some strange reason, I decided to pull out Tall Tales and listen to it on headphones. Great headphone music. Btw, my question was never answered? Why wasn't Tim Horan credited for his Mellotron and synth playing on Tall Tales? Also, this CD sounds like the early Collins prog Genesis years. Salamander is the only track that sounds like Rush. The CD is very retro, yet very modern. Are they others like it? Of course, outside the obvious Spock's Beard, Flower Kings, Wobbler, and White Willow.

11-15-2013, 09:14 AM
I'm another one who doesn't own this because it's out of print but i do have their 20 minute An Imp's Tale from the Progday live release.

I could burn you a copy if you like - I live not so far from you

11-15-2013, 11:00 AM
For some strange reason, I decided to pull out Tall Tales and listen to it on headphones. Great headphone music. Btw, my question was never answered? Why wasn't Tim Horan credited for his Mellotron and synth playing on Tall Tales? Also, this CD sounds like the early Collins prog Genesis years. Salamander is the only track that sounds like Rush. The CD is very retro, yet very modern. Are they others like it? Of course, outside the obvious Spock's Beard, Flower Kings, Wobbler, and White Willow.

I think the Canadian band Bolus sounds somewhat similar to Crucible especially the vocals.

Steve Sly

11-15-2013, 01:00 PM
These guys still have a sealed copy for sale for 30 bucks (not bad given its been out of print for so long)


good album, I still feel disappointment that I didn't make their NYC show, I had plans in going but opted out in the last minute due to some girlfriend issues at the time.

11-15-2013, 01:08 PM
These guys still have a sealed copy for sale for 30 bucks (not bad given its been out of print for so long)


good album, I still feel disappointment that I didn't make their NYC show, I had plans in going but opted out in the last minute due to some girlfriend issues at the time.

Where was their NYC show? - don't think I remember that.

11-15-2013, 01:17 PM
I don't remember the date, it was before their second album, for some reason I think it was on one of those Wednesday night affairs at that club on Bleeker Street (Rock & Roll Café??) or something like that, saw a bunch of prog bands, me and maybe ten other people (not much love for prog music back then I guess), still remember being introduced to Iluvatar at that club, but I may be wrong (those days where a bit hazy), I just remember having the CD (bought it at a record show from a fellow called Bob, forgot his last name now, saw him at Rosfest this year actually) and was really excited when I heard they where playing NYC, but like I said missed it.

11-15-2013, 01:24 PM
I don't remember the date, it was before their second album, for some reason I think it was on one of those Wednesday night affairs at that club on Bleeker Street (Rock & Roll Café??) or something like that, saw a bunch of prog bands, me and maybe ten other people (not much love for prog music back then I guess), still remember being introduced to Iluvatar at that club, but I may be wrong (those days where a bit hazy), I just remember having the CD (bought it at a record show from a fellow called Bob, forgot his last name now, saw him at Rosfest this year actually) and was really excited when I heard they where playing NYC, but like I said missed it.

He mentioned Robert Wolf - everyone drink a shot! What, you don't know that drinking game? ;)

Yes, I was thinking it might have been one of the Rock 'n' Roll café shows - I was at several of those but somehow missed this one, and couldn't remember for sure. I wish someone had videotaped them all. I'd kill for a DVD set of those!

Scrotum Scissor
11-15-2013, 01:43 PM
I played this for the first time in almost a decade just the other weekend, and it's a very good "retro-neo" album indeed. I'm not too crazy about the vox, but it isn't terrible either.

11-15-2013, 02:12 PM
I played this for the first time in almost a decade just the other weekend, and it's a very good "retro-neo" album indeed. I'm not too crazy about the vox, but it isn't terrible either.

I'm going to have to listen to this this weekend - I'm feeling nostalgic for retro-neo!

11-15-2013, 02:30 PM
Bought this when it came out, loved it, enjoyed them at NF, yet I don't think I've listened to the album for well over 10 years.

11-15-2013, 06:49 PM
I played this for the first time in almost a decade just the other weekend, and it's a very good "retro-neo" album indeed. I'm not too crazy about the vox, but it isn't terrible either.

I'm going to have to listen to this this weekend - I'm feeling nostalgic for retro-neo!What the hell is retro-neo? Bands can't be both. Crucible does not have a "neo" sound. They are retro to the bone.

Scrotum Scissor
11-15-2013, 08:21 PM
What the hell is retro-neo? Bands can't be both. Crucible does not have a "neo" sound. They are retro to the bone.

Bands can be both. Some bands are both. The essential "neo" approach channelled through "retro" gear. Iluvatar is definitely both, especially on A Story Two Days Wide, wasn't that it's name? Ad Infinitum were both, and I didn't particularly like them. For "retro to the bone", try Wobbler, Thřnk, Gargamel, Ingranaggi della Valle, Diagonal, Psycho Praxis or that ilk - completely different altogether.

Sorry, but "retro-neo" endures.

11-15-2013, 09:01 PM
What the hell is retro-neo? Bands can't be both. Crucible does not have a "neo" sound. They are retro to the bone.

Stop the carousel, I want to get off!

11-15-2013, 09:07 PM
I have this CD, but have not listened to it in years, time for a listen...