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Thread: PIL

  1. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    It is 'Poptones'.

    Metal Box is indeed great. It was seeing that Old Grey Whistle Test performance of 'Careering' which made me want to hear more. (They did 'Poptones' on the same episode.)

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte View Post
    At least he called them gentlemen!
    I wouldn't have been so polite. Every other time I've ever seen Lydon interviewed, the interviewer acts like a fanboy kissing the feet of his god, and consequently ends up taking all kinds of stupid dren from Lydon. I remember a clip I saw on an MTV anniversary show where the Sex Pistols were being interviewed during their reunion tour. Kurt Loder or whichever talking head it was asked about the story about Lydon punching a photographer or something similarly inane. Lydon responds, "That's it! Interview's over!" and starts to walk off. Loder, sounding genuinely upset that his hero was turning his back on him, says "What, why?!". Lydon turns gives him this deadly serious look and says "Because you'll be next, mate!". Then there was the time Craig Kilborn asked him if The Pistols were influenced by Iggy Pop, and Lydon says, "The only thing we knew about Iggy Pop was that he had long hair, which meant he was 'The Enemy'". And then people wonder why some of us are dismissive of punk rock. I can't believe nobody's ever punched that guy in the face.

    Oh, and the other thing I remember from the early PIL was the story of the concert they did at the Ritz. They played from behind a video screen, with avant garde film footage or whatever being projected onto the screen. The audience apparently expected to be able to see the band, so they started throwing stuff at the screen. Concert ended in a riot apparently.

    Oh, and let's not forget the American Bandstand appearance. Yes, that's right, PIL appeared on American Bandstand. The clip is on Youtube. It was total chaos. Lydon ran into the audience and dragged the kids down onto the dance floor, apparently not even trying to pretend to lip synch the song they were doing, and Keith Levene climbed up on of the onstage towers that the kids sometimes danced on (which was a big no no for the "live" musical guest). On camera, Dick Clark seems to be slightly bewildered, but as soon as the red light went off, he apparently threw a shit fit at the band.

  3. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by arturs View Post
    Dunno if this is the one he was thinking of, but the Poptones guitar part reminds me of Starship Trooper.

    Anyway, good album!
    Yeah, I think it was Poptones he was talking about.

  4. #29
    Keith Levene roadied for Yes and was very influenced by Steve Howe.... but you probably knew that anyway.

    I don't know if anybody has read Viv Albertine's biography, but there is a section where Levene is trying to teach her rudimentary guitar, and the Yes connection is mentioned there. Great book btw, highly recommended.

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  5. #30
    Tom Snyder attempts to interview the Lydon and Levene.

    Being the good sport that he is, Tom even had Lydon on again when the Pistols did their reunion tour:

  6. #31
    And here's the infamous American Bandstand appearance, which watching it now, is actually a lot more brilliant than I remember it being from when I first saw it, just because Lydon's doing something very few people have the mivonks to do, which is to mock the whole lip synching thing (though he claimed in the second Snyder appearance that he simply forgot the words to the song and had to do "something" to make up for that):

    And yes, listening to it now, the main guitar riff in Poptones does sound a bit like the thing Steve Howe plays in Starship Trooper, when he switches back to electric after the acoustic interlude, .

    Oh, and I misremembered: it's Lydon himself (naturally) who climbs up the tower, not any of the other band members (excuse me "communications company" board members or whatever they were supposed to be, according to the Tomorrow Show appearance). The other three seem to be trying to keep up the pretense of pretending to play the song.

  7. #32
    Member frinspar's Avatar
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    I am a Vai fan, but I'm also a big fan of when Vai is employed as an instrument, and becomes part of a whole. ALBUM guided/forced/directed/whatever him into a place where he was part of a functional unit. I still listen to Album.

  8. #33
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    album. cassette. compact disc. keyring. biro. coffee mug.

    loved that, and the campaign!

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    written approval.

  9. #34
    johnny is so underated due to the sex pistols thing. but he and pil are amazing to see in concert

  10. #35
    PIL is awesome. Plain wrap album and flowers of Romance my favorites.
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  11. #36
    Member davis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cats On Glue View Post
    johnny is so underated due to the sex pistols thing. but he and pil are amazing to see in concert
    like Wyatt Earp and Tombstone. Take an 18-month period of someone's life and put a microscope on it.

    After rereading this thread, I need to give PIL another listen. it's been a long time... although I'm just getting into The Jesus Lizard & Stinking Lizaveta.

  12. #37
    Member davis's Avatar
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    Just did a 'check' on John, as I am wont to do. He's only 16 months older than I am, and only an inch taller. I was expecting him to be taller. oh well.

  13. #38
    Metal Box and Flowers of Romance are indispensable classics i.m.o.
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  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by frinspar View Post
    I am a Vai fan, but I'm also a big fan of when Vai is employed as an instrument, and becomes part of a whole. ALBUM guided/forced/directed/whatever him into a place where he was part of a functional unit. I still listen to Album.
    IIRC, Vai once said that it contained some of his best playing. Anyway, I really, really like Album/CD/Download too and play it quite often.

    Been meaning to get Metal Box for years now, but it's out of print. Allegedly Second Edition contains the same songs but has inferior sound.
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  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunlight Caller View Post
    Keith Levene roadied for Yes and was very influenced by Steve Howe.... but you probably knew that anyway.
    I found that a bit surprising, but he was major Yesfreaker...
    "Dem Glücklichen legt auch der Hahn ein Ei."

  16. #41
    Member davis's Avatar
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    I know some of us frown upon this, but in a pinch, if you really have to have it,

  17. #42
    Member davis's Avatar
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    This is fairly recent

  18. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by at least 100 dead View Post

    Been meaning to get Metal Box for years now, but it's out of print. Allegedly Second Edition contains the same songs but has inferior sound.
    Well, the vinyl release of Second Edition had poor sound viz-a-viz the vinyl release of Metal Box because of the format of the two releases. Metal Box consisted of three 12" 45rpm records. Second Edition was a double LP at 33rpm. It has to do with cramming more information into a smaller space. It's the same reason why back in the VCR days, anything recorded at the SP setting was going to have better sonic fidelity and picture quality than if you had recorded it at LP or SLP/EP speed, even though you could only get 2 hours onto a tape at SP versus 6 hours at SLP/EP.

    I'm not sure if any of that holds true for any of the CD releases of the music, though. CD's don't have the same limitations as vinyl or magnetic tape, so unless they added some bullshit tricks to the mastering of the CD edition of Metal Box, they should sound exactly the same.

  19. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Cats On Glue View Post
    johnny is so underated due to the sex pistols thing. but he and pil are amazing to see in concert
    I get what you mean, but he was pretty highly rated during the sex pistols thing. No lack of fans and followers then.
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  20. #45
    Member Since: 3/27/2002 MYSTERIOUS TRAVELLER's Avatar
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    the stuff with Keith Levene and Jah Wobble is all interesting
    the rest... meh

    they are on Colbert tonight
    I don't know the current lineup... is it the original band of some new fabrication of Rotten's?
    Why is it whenever someone mentions an artist that was clearly progressive (yet not the Symph weenie definition of Prog) do certain people feel compelled to snort "thats not Prog" like a whiny 5th grader?

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuitarGeek View Post
    Well, the vinyl release of Second Edition had poor sound viz-a-viz the vinyl release of Metal Box because of the format of the two releases. Metal Box consisted of three 12" 45rpm records. Second Edition was a double LP at 33rpm. It has to do with cramming more information into a smaller space. It's the same reason why back in the VCR days, anything recorded at the SP setting was going to have better sonic fidelity and picture quality than if you had recorded it at LP or SLP/EP speed, even though you could only get 2 hours onto a tape at SP versus 6 hours at SLP/EP.

    I'm not sure if any of that holds true for any of the CD releases of the music, though. CD's don't have the same limitations as vinyl or magnetic tape, so unless they added some bullshit tricks to the mastering of the CD edition of Metal Box, they should sound exactly the same.
    GG, thanks for shedding some light on this! Interesting stuff.
    "Dem Glücklichen legt auch der Hahn ein Ei."

  22. #47
    The current lineup includes Lu Edmunds (guitar), Bruce Smith (Drums), Scott Firth (Bass). The lineup has always been quite fluid though, Lydon plus a collective of left-field innovative players.

  23. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by GuitarGeek View Post
    I'm not sure if any of that holds true for any of the CD releases of the music, though. CD's don't have the same limitations as vinyl or magnetic tape, so unless they added some bullshit tricks to the mastering of the CD edition of Metal Box, they should sound exactly the same.
    I have the CD version that came in the replica metal film canister, I have no issues with the sound quality. I had the vinyl back in the day, but trashed that as the discs sat and scraped next to each other in the tin and were never played on any decent system.

  24. #49
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    I got the metal tin one cheaply 7/8 years back, it must have gone out of print not long after that.

    I don't have Second Edition but the track order is not the same.

  25. #50
    Get Metal Box/Second Edition and The Flowers of Romance. First-rate post-punk with an avant/Krautrock feel. Lots of Second Edition sounds like Can with John Lydon singing. TFoR is simply bizarre. And wonderful, in its own way.
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