Hand. Erased. Signature.
Hand. Erased. Signature.
I've checked every possible setting in the system, and I've contacted the support desk. Everything on the system is correctly configured and they aren't aware of anyone else having the same problem.
There is a user forum which I searched as well - will check again to see if anyone has reported the problem since I last searched.
Does it possibly have anything to do with posting from the mobile version?
I tried to change my signature and it won't let you edit that section at all
" The more I talk to people about music on the internet, the less I want to talk to people about music on the internet. "
http://thefairlysecretarmy.bandcamp.com/ - the anything goes project
http://wavesofmercury.bandcamp.com/ - the metal project
http://myoldestfriend.bandcamp.com/ - the prog instrumental trio project
Still can't see my signature.
Testing, testing. Don't eat the brown acid...