The Bear Season 3: This new season of The Bear has really divided people. Opinions seem to be all over the place, but a lot of fans of the first two seasons seem to really hate season 3. Personally, I enjoyed season 3 a lot and thought the show took a lot of artistic chances. Not all of them worked, but I thought some of them were brilliant. Much of this season is told in montages, flashbacks, and non-linier storytelling. There is not a lot of plot to the season, and the flashback scenes can sometimes get a bit confusing, although I enjoyed them. Significant story lines are left open ended at the finale so not much gets resolved in the season. The acting is once again top notch with Jeremy Allan White once again at his brooding best. Jamie Lee Curtis reprised her role of his mother for one episode and I would not be surprised if she gets nominated for an Emmy she was so good. There are some individual scenes between characters in this season that I think are as good as anything I have seen on TV this year. I do understand some of the critisizm being logged at this season though. Some of the scenes (and episodes) get dragged out too long. The Jamie Lee Curtis episode is a good example. Some of the attempts at humor with Fak brothers get a bit close to 3 stooges territory and seem to be placed just so there is some comic relief. There is a bit of an artistic pretentious vibe to the whole thing that I can see would turn people off, but I actually enjoyed this season better than the first two. Having worked in the food biz for 10 years of my life I think they capture the chaos of the kitchen life pretty well.
4 out of 5 stars.