Kinder Flow <> Knifeworld
Nasty Knob <> Tony Banks
Murk Erode Firth <> Mike Rutherford
Last edited by at least 100 dead; 04-23-2015 at 01:26 PM.
"Dem Glücklichen legt auch der Hahn ein Ei."
Jackson Browne = jacks own boner
Inject...and Adios <> Jane's Addiction
"Dem Glücklichen legt auch der Hahn ein Ei."
the only one I know is mr mojo risin = Jim Morrison
Jean-Luc Ponty:
Let's see. There's Jon, a yelp... what have we got left? Oh.
Van der Graaf Generator = A Vagrant Dragon Reefer
Impera littera designata delenda est.
The Beatles = The Best Ale
The Rolling Stones = The Strolling Nose
Crosby, Stills & Nash = Silly Charts Snobs
The Beach Boys - Chose The Baby
Last edited by bob_32_116; 04-23-2015 at 03:57 PM.
Bronski Beat - Boab Stinker = Oink Stabber
ProgDay = Orgy Pad
Ken Golden = Kennel Dog
If you've never seen it, there's hours of fun to be had at Warm Voices Rearranged - a site which publishes record reviews made up from anagrams of the artist's name and record title. Like:
The Rolling Stones - England's Newest Hit Makers
The white-skin men sell translated Negro songs.
Yes - Tales from Topographic Oceans
These cosmic oafs play ornate prog.
The Fiona Apple titles are a hoot.
Progressive rock = Pickers, groovers
Jefferson Airplane=Airson Jefferplane
Janis Joplin = Spain jail Jon
Jim Morrison = J Moir's minor (Brits know that that would be Vic Reeve's kid)
Kurt Cobain = obtain ruck
Tim Buckley = tickley bum
Nick Drake = kinke card
Anagrams are very useful when writing lyrics! I did a song called "Everybody Wants To Meet My Raccoon", and a few lines of the lyric were evading me, until I discovered "Everybody wants to meet my raccoon" = "Met my very own carbonated coyotes". The carbonated coyotes did end up in the song!
Yes, Rush, Genesis = Yes, sir - HUGENESS!
Neil Peart = Ripen Late
Alex Lifeson = One fixes all
Geddy Lee - Eddy glee
John Rutsey - Joy hunters