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Thread: Who here is still releasing new music?

  1. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by Enid View Post
    I tend to believe that what I've been working on for the last 6 years is causing me agony. It originally began with 7 pieces I wrote and recorded that I went back to and observed , discovering that it was more of a suite. I then reconstructed it recording atmospheric sections to be played by string quartet which fell between each of the 7 pieces. In sections of some of the pieces...I had recorded distorted guitar playing 5/chord style , producing an odd effect and decided for a Cello to play that instead. After 4 years of pulling my hair out, I decided to base it on a Chamber Rock approach. I found the right musicians and we rehearsed the material in my house until it was tight enough to perform. I have 4 amazing musicians that play in orchestra pits who don't expect to get paid. I work with two of the musicians on side projects. We are ready...but I have decided that this music could become a Chamber Symphony instead of Chamber Rock. The only aspect of this journey which I'm afraid will annoy the musicians...will be when I ask them to record the entire work as a Chamber Rock piece and then as a Chamber Symphony, so I can listen back to both versions and decide what was meant to be. I have to hear it first in it's entirety to make that decision. Obviously I'm not doing this for money and I don't care...but I desire to release the work to share with others. If I can complete the work , finalize everything, I will put effort into distributing it. I expect nothing in return . Although one of the most beautiful experiences in the life of a musician/composer is for people to tell them that they like your music. That's ultimately the best gift...appreciation.....just don't allow it to swell your head. Stay humble.
    You are lucky to have found musicians that don't expect to get paid.

  2. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Rarebird View Post
    You are lucky to have found musicians that don't expect to get paid.
    I agree

  3. #128
    I just released a new album with a new project called "Grackle". The music is less "proggy" than anything I did with Little Atlas or French TV, but firmly outside of the mainstream box. Drums are by my fellow French TV alum, Jeff Gard. The whole album is available to listen to on Apple Music, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc...

    Here's a video to one of the tunes,. enjoy!

  4. #129
    Member Yodelgoat's Avatar
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    Nice - I hope your investment will be rewarded. But why move away from prog? Is this available only digitally? or did yo produce a CD/Vinyl?

  5. #130
    Oh No! Bass Solo! klothos's Avatar
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    i below

  6. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by Yodelgoat View Post
    Nice - I hope your investment will be rewarded. But why move away from prog? Is this available only digitally? or did yo produce a CD/Vinyl?
    Grackle isn't an intentional "move away from prog" as much as it is an exploration of other musical ideas and interests that don't fit cleanly in that category. Besides, Little Atlas is still alive, meaning I still get to create progressive music with the ultimate group of musical brothers. I've already been "rewarded" in the incredible satisfaction of writing, creating, recording, producing, and sharing. We've even covered the costs Wintergarden is a digital-only release, though we did a small batch run of cds to sell at shows. Its available wherever you usually get your digital music. Or you can just stream it for free on spotify, apple music, youtube, bandcamp, etc...


  7. #132

    We self record, the last album Contraption we mixed ourselves. Pay for mastering and CD Baby as the aggregater.

  8. #133
    Recently I've released my first EP, it contains instrumental progressive rock songs (Pink Floyd meets Vivaldi meets early Dream Theater).

    I use the new "free streaming" attitude - the whole album can be listened in its entirety for free. And if someone likes it and wants to support the artist, they can download it on Bandcamp.

  9. #134
    A few days ago I put my new album Rare Bird Suite on Bandcamp.

  10. #135
    4 years after the original reply but as people are still responding... Yes, we are still making music to share with the world. We released our Debut album in July 2016.

  11. #136
    Member Yodelgoat's Avatar
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    So, in 2016 did any of you who have recently released material find it to be a good year for sales? Where are your sales coming from? Is there anything you are doing to advertise or to promote your material? Obviously, this is not a place where you can do that, but I would sure like to know what has worked for you, and what if anything definitely does not work. (fly-by leaflet drops?)

  12. #137
    Kinetic Element and I just keep plugging away. We released Travelog in 2015 and in 2016 after ten years of trying to make a dent in the prog world we got to play at both ROSfest and Terra Incognita. I am blessed to have a bunch of guys who do it for love of the music and have day jobs, because we have just hit a TOTAL for three albums of about 1000 units sold. Most of it occurred in 2015 with the release of Travelog. I just don't care about whether it makes money or not. By constantly being where I needed to be at festivals I finally met people who could help and wanted to help and we wound up signed by Nick Katona to Melodic Revolution Records.

    When we put out Travelog we had become fortunate to attract the attention of Fred Schendel and Steve Babb of Glass Hammer who did our mixing and mastering. We were looking to get a "name" associated with our project in order to get some attention and this was a Godsend. Literally. I had been simply relentlessly networking with hundreds of people in the prog world via the Internet (Facebook, Twitter, message boards before FB came around, MySpace too) and just kept asking and asking for opportunities to play live which finally materialized into dates at Jaxx, Orion Studios and some venues in New Jersey, DC, and Richmond, and I am still doing all that. We are still not able to keep putting out product at a pace that can sustain momentum so I have to keep pushing and pushing and I expect that will never stop.

    Anyway I also engaged the services of William James of Glass Onyon Promotion and got a plethora of additional reviews thereby, and I'm sure that's what finally convinced ROSfest to give us a chance. I made sure music CDs or files went to every possible prog internet radio station and made friends at the stations and among their listeners. I posted music to Soundcloud. I let people know where it was.

    We have gotten an invite for Progtoberfest 2017 and I am working on shows to play out at least four times before then. I put together an online press kit so that I have something to e-mail to every venue I approach. And I will go after Cruise to the Edge next. All I know how to do is ask and present what he have, and be supportive because I believe what to sow, you reap. My anthem is Mission by Rush which I quote in all my posts here.

    This is the MRR link.

    Prog Lives. It keeps us young. But ... recognition won't come to you. You have to go after it.
    A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission!

  13. #138
    Jefferson James
    My band put out a live album last year, on a new (to us) label, and it pretty much sank without a trace. The release also corresponded with my decision to leave social media so I wasn't around to "work" Facebook and all that stuff. It's all good 'cause the album was meant as a "live band" calling card, something to send promoters, and we were not expecting any real sales to result.

    All that aside, we're still writing and recording new music and there is a studio album on the horizon. I would not be doing this (the band) whatsoever if I didn't believe this is the best music I've ever been involved with. I can't wait to put something out there but since there's no momentum behind the band, there's no pressure to rush something out.

    We're back to doing what we do best: writing and recording songs. I can't fathom doing anything else (like selling CDs bundled with another product). Hats off to the guys who can do the crowd-funding and the merchandising and the social media work and have a day job and still be able to write and rehearse with their bands.

    A year ago I decided writing, arranging and recording music is all that matters to me and I ditched all concerns of the peripheral necessities that have become part and parcel of commercially releasing music these days; I am thinking about music.

    It feels awesome and it's insanely gratifying to have a band who not only work for peanuts but are able to take my rough ideas and send them skyward.

  14. #139
    Member Yodelgoat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KerryKompost View Post
    It feels awesome and it's insanely gratifying to have a band who not only work for peanuts but are able to take my rough ideas and send them skyward.
    So you are just going to produce albums and not really "try" to sell it? Are you going to be playing out? If so, where will you play? are the venues still out there to play prog?

  15. #140
    Jefferson James
    Quote Originally Posted by Yodelgoat View Post
    So you are just going to produce albums and not really "try" to sell it? Are you going to be playing out? If so, where will you play? are the venues still out there to play prog?
    Hi Goat!

    I like to take it one album at a time so who knows if there will be another one after the one in progress?

    And, no, I personally am not going to try to sell the album aside from telling friends about it and maybe posting something here; if we can't find a partner or label to do that, we'll just give it away digitally.

    As for gigs, luckily here in the LA area there are always opportunities to play, and that's on our radar, but it comes down to: are we going to get together to rehearse a live set, or are we gonna get together and compose new music as a collaborative?

    Right now we're getting together to write and record; when we're done writing and recording we'll whip up a set, play a couple local gigs, and see what, if anything, happens. We've played a bunch of gigs (last one was RoSFest 2015) and we can all rock a stage so it's all a matter of prioritizing at this point.

    Over the last year I've made some significant lifestyle changes and there were lots of times I felt like scrapping the band. But, damn, when I hear the music we're co-authoring and what my band mates are contributing, I have to keep going, at least one more album, you know? It's still fun and we're still writing music that challenges us as a band and individually. It took us almost 2 years just to co-write one 15-minute epic, but I've gotta say, hearing the almost-finished result makes it all worthwhile. This motherfucker is as tweaked as an epic can get, for me anyway. Considering it's a true collaboration between 5 writers, that's saying something.

    I've been lucky in that I've gotten to do some cool things with this and my prior band so anything that happens at this point is pure gravy. It doesn't matter. All that matters is how hard we're dedicated to working on the music.

  16. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by KerryKompost View Post
    Hi Goat!

    I like to take it one album at a time so who knows if there will be another one after the one in progress? [...]
    Good to hear you guys are still writing and recording together. I finally got around to picking up that first Heliopolis CD, and am glad I did (although I wish I'd done it sooner)! New Frontier is probably my favorite tune, but there's lots of cool stuff on all five tracks. Was wondering how progress on the sophomore disc was going.

  17. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by KerryKompost View Post
    Hi Goat!

    I like to take it one album at a time so who knows if there will be another one after the one in progress?

    And, no, I personally am not going to try to sell the album aside from telling friends about it and maybe posting something here; if we can't find a partner or label to do that, we'll just give it away digitally.

    As for gigs, luckily here in the LA area there are always opportunities to play, and that's on our radar, but it comes down to: are we going to get together to rehearse a live set, or are we gonna get together and compose new music as a collaborative?

    Right now we're getting together to write and record; when we're done writing and recording we'll whip up a set, play a couple local gigs, and see what, if anything, happens. We've played a bunch of gigs (last one was RoSFest 2015) and we can all rock a stage so it's all a matter of prioritizing at this point.

    Over the last year I've made some significant lifestyle changes and there were lots of times I felt like scrapping the band. But, damn, when I hear the music we're co-authoring and what my band mates are contributing, I have to keep going, at least one more album, you know? It's still fun and we're still writing music that challenges us as a band and individually. It took us almost 2 years just to co-write one 15-minute epic, but I've gotta say, hearing the almost-finished result makes it all worthwhile. This motherfucker is as tweaked as an epic can get, for me anyway. Considering it's a true collaboration between 5 writers, that's saying something.

    I've been lucky in that I've gotten to do some cool things with this and my prior band so anything that happens at this point is pure gravy. It doesn't matter. All that matters is how hard we're dedicated to working on the music.
    This sounds really fucking cool. I look forward to it. In slightly related news, we too have a 15 minute song coming (3 parted but quite united). Only 2 of us wrote it though! Good to see you're still plugging away despite the malaise that sometimes comes into the picture regarding all the "other stuff" (non-music creation)!

  18. #143
    Jefferson James
    Quote Originally Posted by aith01 View Post
    Good to hear you guys are still writing and recording together. I finally got around to picking up that first Heliopolis CD, and am glad I did (although I wish I'd done it sooner)! New Frontier is probably my favorite tune, but there's lots of cool stuff on all five tracks. Was wondering how progress on the sophomore disc was going.
    You are seriously the kindest person on earth, thank you. Wow, that's so cool of you.

    New Frontier was the very first song we wrote together from scratch, the rest of the songs on the debut were adapted from home demos we'd all written.

    For the sophomore album I wanted all the songs written from scratch, collaboratively. So far we've got about 40 minutes of all-new collaboratively written music (in two suites) and a couple of pre-written demos we're going to tackle to flesh the album out. We wanna keep the running time around 50-55 minutes max.

    It's silly to talk about the music prematurely 'cause anything can and likely will change, but I will say these songs are fucking loaded with details. Tons of one-off's and rhythmic shifts, solo sections, unison bits, balanced by sections where vocals are happening. There are still verses and choruses (chorusii?) so it'll be recognizable as rock music, but other than that things have gotten a lot weirder music-wise.

    And why not, right? That's the goal. Nothing pleases me more than writing a riff that stumps the band for awhile until we all get it down. We all love it when someone throws in something weird, or challenging, not to be gratuitous but because if it fits, you must acquit. Don't sweat it -- edit. Zero rules except it's gotta have energy and sincerity and fit into the rock music mold.

    Thanks again!

    Quote Originally Posted by 3RDegree_Robert View Post
    This sounds really fucking cool. I look forward to it.
    Thank you, that makes two of us.

    This is a little piano solo, a rough mixed, unmastered MP3 played thru computer speakers, recorded on a smartphone while watching an LSD video. We're recording with the same gentleman who did our first album, John Prpich; he's a great engineer and so, so fast in getting sounds, so no worries about the sound quality based on this phone recording.

    Thanks for listening, seriously.

  19. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by KerryKompost View Post
    You are seriously the kindest person on earth, thank you. Wow, that's so cool of you.

    New Frontier was the very first song we wrote together from scratch, the rest of the songs on the debut were adapted from home demos we'd all written.

    For the sophomore album I wanted all the songs written from scratch, collaboratively. So far we've got about 40 minutes of all-new collaboratively written music (in two suites) and a couple of pre-written demos we're going to tackle to flesh the album out. We wanna keep the running time around 50-55 minutes max.

    Think nothing of it, my friend. Having followed since the Next/Mars Hollow days, it does my heart good to know you've continued making the music you want to make. If the musicians are having fun, that can often translate to the listener in ways that are not quantifiable but very effective. I think that's something that comes through with City of the Sun. I got similar vibes from Moth Vellum (which I think you and I have actually talked about in the past), along with a musical "sunniness" that I can't quite put into words.

    It sounds like the new music is coming along well, and if New Frontier is any indication, the collaborative material will be something to look forward to. If there's a pre-order, I'll be there.

  20. #145
    Jefferson James
    Thanks, aith01! We've wrapped up the music for "Cluster A", as you can see it's pretty straightforward. "Cool part" is this really sunny, upbeat thing I came up with as a platform for Mike and Matt to solo over, it's only 5 chords but for some reason it's some of my favorite music I've ever "written". We're gonna start tracking this one in a month...thanks again!


  21. #146
    Taker of Naps IncogNeato's Avatar
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    1. why? - I can't NOT make music. I will always take part in projects that are of interest to me, whether they pay me money or not. I don't make my living playing music, but I make a little side cash singing on people's albums. I guess that's different than your main point. I always, always have a desire to record and write music.

    2. How do see the future of music as a commodity? - Not being burdened with trying to make music my livelihood, I don't concern myself with it. The way I see it, music will always have an audience of true music lovers...however small. There will always be a small contingent of people who want real music, who want physical formats, who want to see live bands, who want the t-shirts, etc. The so-called decline in sales, IMO, is truly just a sussing out of who the true music fans are. The same true fans of music who bought CDs in 1995 are buying CDs in 2017. They didn't grow out of it, they didn't forget about it, they did not lose interest. They crave new music. They always will.

    3. Do you have second doubts about wether you're being realistic? - I feel like I am being realistic. I am starting up a new venture, hopefully, with guys in my own area (a first for me in quite a while...most of my projects are overseas remotes) that hopefully can sustain itself. But that's the goal...write good songs and try to get it to sustain itself. If we can't get the second part accomplished, we at least have the first part.

    4. What formats are you going to use? - CD and download, most likely. I'm looking at using Bandcamp when the time comes and short-run CDs for the hardcores.

  22. #147
    Taker of Naps IncogNeato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rarebird View Post
    You are lucky to have found musicians that don't expect to get paid.
    That is a rare, rare thing. I am of the perspective that, if it's something that truly, deeply interests me and I love it, then I don't expect to get paid money for doing it (singing). Holding the end result in my hand (the finished song/album) is plenty. Then I'll spend all my time sharing it with anyone who I think would like it.

    That falls in line with being realistic, IMO. If you're realistic about the kind of music you're playing, and understanding the size of the audience you're most likely going to appeal to, then you can let expectations fall away and simply enjoy it.

  23. #148
    Member Koreabruce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IncogNeato View Post
    That is a rare, rare thing. I am of the perspective that, if it's something that truly, deeply interests me and I love it, then I don't expect to get paid money for doing it (singing). Holding the end result in my hand (the finished song/album) is plenty. Then I'll spend all my time sharing it with anyone who I think would like it.

    That falls in line with being realistic, IMO. If you're realistic about the kind of music you're playing, and understanding the size of the audience you're most likely going to appeal to, then you can let expectations fall away and simply enjoy it.
    I like your attitude. That is also the way I'd do it.

  24. #149
    Taker of Naps IncogNeato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koreabruce View Post
    I like your attitude. That is also the way I'd do it.
    Thanks. It took me a while to get there. Ha! But music is meant to be enjoyed...both by the listener and the creator.

  25. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by KerryKompost View Post
    Thanks, aith01! We've wrapped up the music for "Cluster A", as you can see it's pretty straightforward. "Cool part" is this really sunny, upbeat thing I came up with as a platform for Mike and Matt to solo over, it's only 5 chords but for some reason it's some of my favorite music I've ever "written". We're gonna start tracking this one in a month...thanks again!

    Awesome! I'll be paying extra attention to the "Cool part" section, once it's done.


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