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Thread: NEW FEATURE - **Please Read ** -- BLOGs Are Now Available

  1. #1
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    Frederick, MD

    NEW FEATURE - **Please Read ** -- BLOGs Are Now Available

    We have opened the BLOGS section of Progressive Ears.

    A few guidelines:
    - Any member of PE can post a blog.
    - Blogs are NOT for promotion of bands, festivals, CDs, concerts, or samples. We created a forum for that.
    - Comments have been allowed, but the idea is not to use comments to turn a blog post into a thread, Be judicious with your comments.
    - There will be no capability to convert a blog into a thread, or a thread into a blog.
    - Politics and religion are not permitted - and blog content is subject to the same considerations as the rest of the forum - as described by the terms of service.
    - Blogs will be moderated.

    • What is a blog?

    A blog (abbreviation of “weblog”) is a discrete post, typically well thought out and composed, and can be thought of as a mini article.

    • Where are the blogs?

    See the navigation bar – the list of menu items toward the top left-hand-side of every page?

    Click on “Blogs”.

    • What’s the difference between a blog and an Article?

    PE’s “articles” will be used for formal articles, interviews, and – particularly – album and DVD reviews.

    • What’s the difference between a blog and the rest of the forum

    Forum Blog
    Forums are like social mixers Blogs are like a keynote speech
    Discussions, interactive by nature, inviting input from others Personal, a declaration, or descriptive, or self-expression. Post-and-forget. Retained for a longer-term.
    Accumulates group input and collaboration Personal accounts, news, reflection
    Oftem more unfocused - many people contributing user-generated topics (a wider variety of content) with differing viewpoints. Components of the discussion can go in many directions in the course of a thread. More focused as blogs are written and edited by a single author. Replies are directed to the primary author.
    Creates a discussion on a particular topic by allowing commenting of posts Posting or the content is the main purpose, not the commenting
    Asks for definitions, explanations or opinions - invites input. Provides the author's definition, explanation or opinion - without inviting further input.
    Long threads of short posts Longer post, maybe a few short comments
    • Why blogs? Isn’t this just too much? The site is confusing enough as it it…

    I expect some negative comments, and have no interest in reading them. If you don’t like blogs, don’t read them. But give them a chance – over time, you just might find some value in that section. Discussion closed.


  2. #2
    Member Jerjo's Avatar
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    OK, I tried one out.
    I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down.'- Bob Newhart

  3. #3
    I had wondered where to buy Viagra...
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  4. #4
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strawberrybrick View Post
    I had wondered where to buy Viagra...

    One "member" joined, and posted over 1,000 "blogs" before we found out and banned him.

    Getting rid of the fake blogs will take a day's work.

    I'm inclined to just close the blogs down completely



  5. #5
    Member Jerjo's Avatar
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    Wouldn't matter to me if you killed that feature entirely. I don't know of anyone here that reads them.
    I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down.'- Bob Newhart

  6. #6
    I'm here for the moosic NogbadTheBad's Avatar
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  7. #7
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    It seems to me, reading the description of the difference between a blog and a forum discussion, that many people open a discussion thread the way you are envisaging a blog. I see no harm in this, and for me personally I think having a separate "Blog" category is unnecessary. "Keep it simple", I suggest.

  8. #8
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    I've taken the blogs off the menu bar...


  9. #9
    cunning linguist 3LockBox's Avatar
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    hiding out in treetops, shouting out rude names
    Wade Blogs
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