This is absolutely fantastic news! The whole article is worth a read. I found all the details of how the shows came together pretty fascinating, but nearly squeaked with joy when I got to the details about LSD at the end. Here's the relevant (translated) quote for anyone curious:
It seems to be a very active time for you. What are the plans for the future? Will "LSD", the lost Cardiacs album, ever be released? (started recording in 2008 and never finished due to Tim's illness)
Jim: LSD? We have completed all the recordings. Many think that it was an almost completely completed project but it wasn't. There was still a lot of work to do and we brought it to a final form. It's ready for the mixing phase, we're working slowly but I think it will be ready next year. All the voices were still missing, we recorded them but I can't tell you who sang yet.
Jon: Jim won't say it, but he's been particularly active on this project from a studio work perspective. He was the key element
Jo: Now you know too much, we'll have to kill you (laughs)