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Thread: Cardiacs--where to start?

  1. #626
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
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    I read those diary posts about six months ago and laughed until I was sore.
    Steve F.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

    "Death to false 'support the scene' prog!"

    please add 'imo' wherever you like, to avoid offending those easily offended.

  2. #627
    ^I'm gonna post the entire thing here by dribs and drabs. I love when Tim goes on a huge rant and then all of the sudden said he's bored.

  3. #628
    Recently Resurrected zombywoof's Avatar
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    Just ordered "Songs for Ships and Irons" and "Heaven Born and Ever Bright".

    No, I don't have a problem.

    Well, maybe ...

  4. #629
    I'm here for the moosic NogbadTheBad's Avatar
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    Songs for Ships & Irons is excellent.

    Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

    Gordon Haskell - "You've got to keep the groove in your head and play a load of bollocks instead"
    I blame Wynton, what was the question?
    There are only 10 types of people in the World, those who understand binary and those that don't.
    I'm one of the 212.

  5. #630
    Quote Originally Posted by zombywoof View Post
    Just ordered "Songs for Ships and Irons" and "Heaven Born and Ever Bright".

    No, I don't have a problem.

    Well, maybe ...
    You're problem is that you still don't have them yet...

    "Home of fadeless Splendour", "She is Hiding Behind the Shed", "Bodysbad", "Loosefish", "Big Ship", "All Spectacular", etc etc the list goes on. All terrible tunes.

    Congrats man!

  6. #631
    Quote Originally Posted by NogbadTheBad View Post
    Songs for Ships & Irons is excellent.
    Ian - I'll see your 'excellent' and raise it to 'one of the best rock albums of the 80's' ..............(well, OK 1991 release).

    "Pretty teeth scrapy clean with a wind-up machine
    I'm feeling very striking, its taken to my liking."

  7. #632
    Jan 14th 2005

    Kavus Torabi
    Entry 1. Tim says he thinks the new tunes we are playing remind him of muck. I think it’s his way of saying that he doesn’t like them anymore. He’ll change his mind tomorrow. He always does.

    Bob Leith
    Entry 1.. Heyyy it’s Babba. Tappa-tastic fuck a balls etc etc. Fucking stupid diary..,’//

    Timmy Smith
    Entry 1. I think there are worms at the core eating away at everything that ever gets done by anyone. Jim upset me today. He didn’t actually do anything but By Christ he upset me big. I used restraint as he is very very strong. I kept on wishing out loud that the bloody sun would stop shining in my eyes and Kavus ‘clever cloggs’ Torabi ‘suggested’ that I close the curtains! Well what do you do about that kind of behavior? Do as he asks? I think not! Because this diary is purely for our loyal fans to be interested in let me put this image into your minds…the next time you see him playing his expensive guitar on stage with Cardiacs just imagine his expression when he mentioned the curtains, all full of himself and pleased with himself. So much so that he had to leave the room and go and ‘relieve’ himself in the bathroom, if you can call it a bathroom.

    ************************************************** *********

    Jan 15th 2005

    Timmy Smith
    Entry 1. If Jon Daniel ever rests his ‘packet’ on my knee while he’s talking to me again I will be very very angry. (for our loyal fans who don’t know who Jon Daniel is…Jon Daniel is our tour manager, our ‘dad’… he’s not actually our dad as in ‘father’ but he is our dad). He always rests his penis and testicles on your knee while he speaks to you. Not naked of course, but you can feel it through the shorts that he always wears. None of us are keen on this habit. If you point it out to him he just says ‘it’s nice’.

    Kavus Torabi
    Entry 1. Jon Daniel was around today, he’s really nice. He came in all close to me and we talked about when we were at school. He is the sort of man who made my school days unpleasant but when he sits so close it’s like getting an apology. I wish he’d come around more often as, to my mind, it lightens the atmos, he wears shorts and plimsolls and has a big squashy face that I want to pet when it smiles. Ah, Big Jon Daniel. When he writes his name he puts a diagonal line through the O of Jon. He says it is because he is a punk rocker, but he doesn’t look like one to me. He was here because Tim and I had to do an interview for some Spanish magazine. We had to be on our best behavior. We always have to be on our best behavior when we do an interview. Alberto the interviewer was nice though but Tim made me sick.

    ************************************************** *********.

    Jan 16th 2005

    Timmy Smith
    Entry 1. I saw my brother with no clothes on today. I never ever want to see that again. I don’t know what he was thinking. I am only telling you this so as to hurt him. And it’s Sunday! Did some more work on ‘newy’ (working title) today. Had to overdub some more drums because Babba only had one stick when we recorded them last time. He thought it wasn’t fast enough. I told him it’s as fast as nature intended. That shut him up. Anyway it went quite good. He behaved himself throughout and even did a little spit on the floor at the end. He got a respectful round of applause from the others (not me) and this made ‘uvver-babba’ appear. (briefly). I keep on going from thinking the new tunes are muck to thinking the new tunes are spangles. Then we went to the pub but they wouldn’t let us in.

    Bob Leith
    Entry 1. Surely can me love to it good have stiffy…I tie crayon to it and elbow and be gone x

    Kavus Torabi
    Entry 1. Babba was recording some drums today and when Tim tried to tell him to hit them harder the walkie-talkie was too loud and Babba couldn’t hear him. When I listened back to the recording there was a howling walkie-talkie feeding back all over the drum parts. I gave Tim a look that conveyed “That’s not how you record drums, that screeching racket ruins what might have been a good song”. Tim just gave me a look back that said “It’s meant to go like that and what the fuck would you know anyway cunt”.
    He’s never called me names to my face but I think he’s biding his time.

    ************************************************** *********

  8. #633
    Recently Resurrected zombywoof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chalkpie View Post
    You're problem is that you still don't have them yet...

    "Home of fadeless Splendour", "She is Hiding Behind the Shed", "Bodysbad", "Loosefish", "Big Ship", "All Spectacular", etc etc the list goes on. All terrible tunes.

    Congrats man!
    Frankie, when I finish off my Cardiacs collection (including side projects), will you be making me a cake, complete with the Little Man logo? :-)

  9. #634
    Quote Originally Posted by zombywoof View Post
    Frankie, when I finish off my Cardiacs collection (including side projects), will you be making me a cake, complete with the Little Man logo? :-)
    Yes. I'll also put the Little Man Daisy logo using a piece of Canadian bacon as the flower head and pieces of ziti as the pedals, which are leftovers from Kavus's dinner when he eats at a bad Italian restaurant, which hasn't happened yet.

  10. #635

    All of you watch this. Twice. Direct order. Kavus sighting at 26:00ish. Love it. Live it. Eat it.

    PS - This written from some cat who has compiled every Cardiacs gig at :

    November 23: London Astoria (AUDIO)

    Webmaster: Absolutely electric atmosphere at this show, exceptional ticket demand had the show moved to the upstairs room at the Astoria, and expectations were high. Lights went down, intro tape played, then we were treated to Mel and Claire from Sidi Bou Said walking onto the stage (was Jo Spratley there too?), Intro tape segued into the opening to "Dirty Boy", a track Tim had said they would probably never play live due to technical reasons. Needless to say, the audience were ecstatic. A completely mad set followed, including special apearances by Dominic Luckman and Tim Quy, brought on for a couple of older numbers. For the encore, a keyboard was brought onto the stage. "Bill Bill Bill" everyone shouted, they were wrong... Jon Poole took his place behind the keyboard instead, tiny Bob Leith took the microphone, and we were extra-specially treated to "The Whole World Window", a song they hadn't played live for over 12 years!!! I have never seen so much emotion at a gig, enough to make grown men cry, it was an incredible sight down at the front, everyone hugging and shaking hands. Flowers flew through the air, The Consultant and Miss Swift, waaaaahh!! just like being back at the Marquee all those years ago. Magic...
    Last edited by chalkpie; 08-03-2014 at 09:17 PM.

  11. #636
    I'm still pissed at myself that I didn't go to England to see them while there was a chance.

  12. #637
    Quote Originally Posted by smcfee View Post
    I'm still pissed at myself that I didn't go to England to see them while there was a chance.
    Yeah man - hindsight is 20/20. I have only been to England once, in the fall of '93 when I was "studying" at the Birmingham Conservatory of Music, and it looks like I had the opportunity to see a few shows in December of that year...problem was I never even heard of these guys until 2005 or 2006 here on PE, but I still didn't get fully on board until well after Tim's accident. Had somebody told us that you NEED to get your asses to London to see this crazy band called Cardiacs, there is no doubt we would have done it without blinking.

    Incidentally, I will never forget the morning of December 6th or 7th (I think it was announced on this day, not the actual day - the 4th) when we got up and a couple of our English pals (and suite mates) told my buddy and I that Frank passed away...I still remember that moment so vividly. We skipped classes, played FZ ALL day and then headed to the Flapper and Firkin and proceeded to raise more pints than we could ever remember in honor of our musical hero.

  13. #638
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    Quote Originally Posted by chalkpie View Post
    Ian - I'll see your 'excellent' and raise it to 'one of the best rock albums of the 80's' ..............(well, OK 1991 release).
    Chalky, I'll see you and raise that to THE best album of the 80s

  14. #639
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterG View Post
    Chalky, I'll see you and raise that to THE best album of the 80s
    I don't know about that. As much as I like Ships & Irons, I like A Little Man and On Land more. :P

  15. #640
    Member Romerovm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chalkpie View Post

    All of you watch this. Twice. Direct order. Kavus sighting at 26:00ish. Love it. Live it. Eat it.

    PS - This written from some cat who has compiled every Cardiacs gig at :

    November 23: London Astoria (AUDIO)

    Webmaster: Absolutely electric atmosphere at this show, exceptional ticket demand had the show moved to the upstairs room at the Astoria, and expectations were high. Lights went down, intro tape played, then we were treated to Mel and Claire from Sidi Bou Said walking onto the stage (was Jo Spratley there too?), Intro tape segued into the opening to "Dirty Boy", a track Tim had said they would probably never play live due to technical reasons. Needless to say, the audience were ecstatic. A completely mad set followed, including special apearances by Dominic Luckman and Tim Quy, brought on for a couple of older numbers. For the encore, a keyboard was brought onto the stage. "Bill Bill Bill" everyone shouted, they were wrong... Jon Poole took his place behind the keyboard instead, tiny Bob Leith took the microphone, and we were extra-specially treated to "The Whole World Window", a song they hadn't played live for over 12 years!!! I have never seen so much emotion at a gig, enough to make grown men cry, it was an incredible sight down at the front, everyone hugging and shaking hands. Flowers flew through the air, The Consultant and Miss Swift, waaaaahh!! just like being back at the Marquee all those years ago. Magic...
    Wow, that opening.... "Dirty Boy" is one of my top favorite songs of all time, period. No other tune can bring out the same emotion/feeling as that song for me. Thanks for posting!

  16. #641
    Member Lieto's Avatar
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    That Astoria concert is outrageous. Man I am so hooked too its not even funny. I think I am going to finally get Guns and maye the Mare's Nest CD this weekend. Cardiacs are BY FAR the best musical discovery/connection I have made in a long friggin time. Lately, listening to any Cardiacs has taken me to a higher plane of existence. I now walk around the house screaming "THERE"S TO MANY IRONS IN THE FIRE" and about Manhoo and Ducks and horses and Mr. Flower. With a Pilf. My parents are weirded out. Dad loves the musicianship and how tight it is, but can't really dig into it so much. Oh well Cardiacs are a way of life. Tim Smith is now in my list of top 10 composers Frankie. I know he's now in yours too
    "Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible"
    -Frank Zappa

  17. #642
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lieto View Post
    I now walk around the house screaming "THERE"S TO MANY IRONS IN THE FIRE"
    I've been walking around shouting "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" for my entire life! I guess I was born a Cardiacs fan!....
    Steve F.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

    "Death to false 'support the scene' prog!"

    please add 'imo' wherever you like, to avoid offending those easily offended.

  18. #643
    All of you watch this. Twice. Direct order. Kavus sighting at 26:00ish. Love it. Live it. Eat it.
    This is a great concert, i only wish more full songs were filmed rather than just snippets. It does, however give you some idea of what it was like to see them from the pond as well as on stage (and backstage). I have the full bootleg of this show somewhere.

    The consultant (James?) filmed a few of the London Astoria shows. I think this is almost the complete 2004 show. My first Cardiacs gig and still one of the most phenomenal concerts i've ever witnessed. I think i'm right in saying that it was the first time they had played Everso Guarded Line since the 80's. We got the heaviest Dirty Boy ever too.
    Look at that setlist!

    It cuts off during English Sea

  19. #644
    Quote Originally Posted by loosefish
    I think this is almost the complete 2004 show. My first Cardiacs gig and still one of the most phenomenal concerts i've ever witnessed.
    My first and last Cardiacs gig, but what an experience! That 3-week London trip in 2004 was already almost too much for a Russian teenager, but this gig was a climax - I literally spent the following night and the entire next day unable to pick up my jaws from the floor, hopelessly trying to collect myself after what have been one of the greatest concert revelations of my entire life. And believe it or not, I haven't heard a note of Cardiacs prior to that! Went there and bought a ticket totally blind, thanks to the accolades I read on the old PE. Bought four CDs right there on the spot: "All that Glitters", "Heaven Born" and both parts of "Sing to God".

    Thanks for the videos, really takes me back to those better times!

  20. #645
    Wow, they were very much on fine form that night (something the above video's can't hope to do justice to), but i can't imagine seeing that gig having never heard them before . Respect.

    I was there, in front of the mixing desk grinning my arse off, loving every second. Tim didn't talk much this night though.

    I saw them in '06 as well, but i was a trifle 'over-refreshed' that year

    Actually, what happened to the Astoria gig that was filmed for release? I read somewhere that Tim wasn't happy with the rough cut so it got shelved. I'd love to see it, even in it's unedited state.
    Last edited by loosefish; 08-05-2014 at 05:15 PM.

  21. #646
    Recently Resurrected zombywoof's Avatar
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    Okay, fellow Cardiacs fans, I have a confession to make. I love and just eat up everything this band does, but I just don't get "Dirty Boy". What am I missing?

  22. #647

    Nah, you're not the only one. I know a few people that don't care for it on record. Live, however, it's a completely overwhelming and immersive experience. Almost made me cry in fact

    I still think it's just about the greatest damn song i've ever heard personally...

    Has this been posted yet? Cardiacs pay homage.

  23. #648
    Quote Originally Posted by loosefish
    i can't imagine seeing that gig having never heard them before
    I really developed a habit like this in my teenage years and actually got to know many bands through their live shows rather than their recorded music. But of course, there were hardly any of them on a level (and as dear to my heart as) Cardiacs. Samla Mammas Manna is the only other band worth mentioning in this context - them and Cardiacs are my best live discoveries ever. I was just about to add Magma but then realized that I actually heard their music prior to seeing them live - just did not think much of it. In this case, it took a gig to warm to a band I'd already been aware of.
    I was there, in front of the mixing desk grinning my arse off, loving every second.
    My head is somewhere to the right hand side on this video. The first half of the show I was just standing there awestruck, but from "Is This the Life" onwards I finally joined the mayhem and jumped until my feet were numb.
    Quote Originally Posted by zombywoof
    I love and just eat up everything this band does, but I just don't get "Dirty Boy".
    I like that track, I dig the monster slow heavy groove they are building up there and the typically crazy chord progressions, but overall this is not one of my favorite Cardiacs songs. I know for lots of people it's their best track, but I'm not one of them. Though when they ended their show with it (if memory serves), it was really pretty awesome.

  24. #649
    Recently Resurrected zombywoof's Avatar
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    I do get the feeling it works better live from watching a few YT clips. I don't completely hate it, by the way, I like the main riff and the vocal melody, it just doesn't really *work* for me as a whole.

  25. #650
    Quote Originally Posted by zombywoof View Post
    Okay, fellow Cardiacs fans, I have a confession to make. I love and just eat up everything this band does, but I just don't get "Dirty Boy". What am I missing?
    Ian Anderson - How familiar are you with it?

    I know you are a musician, so maybe just concentrate on the chord/harmonic changes one time through, or actually maybe a few times. That and nothing else. I would give my left nut to be able to conjure up those progressions (as long as somebody gave it back). Ooooooohhhh. Seriously, the changes in that tune just make me want to stop writing music - it is just on another level altogether. Tim goes through this 'cycle' (on the chorus starting at 3:38) which I always think to myself "hmmmmm....this is like the circle of fifths that Trane is doing in Giant Steps", but I know its not a true circle of fifths - but it does feel like it. Once you "get" these changes, which are just....oh man...... then go with the melody overlapping them (think of Tim's voice as some low lying clouds over a musical landscape of chords) - what else is there to say? Utter brilliance, perfection, beauty, darkness, etc all hitting you simultaneously. Also, the vocals that are held at the end (for over a minute I think) has never been attempted before in pop music, or anything else for that matter as far as I am aware? Its a moment in music that defies description, as long as you as a listener are completely and utterly embedded in this piece - I know its a studio technique - but the result and intention is what matters. It's a mood piece, not a virtuosic display as many of their other compositions are, so keeping that in mind may help with your expectations of this piece.

    OR....WTF do I know and I'm talking out my ass, and it may be overrated for you which is perfectly valid. But I really hope you dig it at some point man!
    Last edited by chalkpie; 08-05-2014 at 06:50 PM.


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