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Thread: Cardiacs--where to start?

  1. #51
    Member Morpheus's Avatar
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    There were rumors that there was a DVD in the works for those rehearsal vids, I don't recall if it was ever confirmed and it just got lost among all the troubles or if there was nothing to them in the first place.

  2. #52
    Just got the Tim Smith Tribute disc in the mail. Looking forward to it to say the least. Been binging BIG on cardiacs and Sibelius. Not sure what they have in common, probably just genius composers.

  3. #53
    The rehearsal footage was intended to be a DVD. Us putting it on YouTube was a taster of what to expect. All the footage of the tunes was mixed and edited but the other stuff ( ie: Jim's Shame) was maybe 80% edited when Tim went down. Given that he was editing it, there the thing has remained.

  4. #54
    So do you think there is a chance that somebody will take the reins and finish it?

  5. #55
    I dig the tribute disc. Very well done, bravo to all involved. Kavus - your version of "Stench of Honey" is wonderful, one of the best on the entire disc.

    Still on a huge binge. Seriously one of the greatest bands ever to my ears - the tunes are SO well written, clever, inventive, blah blah. Tim's sense of harmonic structure is masterful, as is his explorations of rhythms and grooves. Who needs a 20 minute prog tune when Tim "says" more in 4 minutes? Fucking hats off to this guy, I have an immense amount of respect and awe for his compositions which grows larger every day. I wish people on this list would stop listening to Yes and Asia for a minute and listen - I mean really listen - to what Tim is conveying in his music.

    As my love for classical music grows bigger and bigger, I find myself growing bored with a lot of prog these days, unless it is really different, unique, and can hold my attention. Cardiacs do this and more. Plus this music has fucking balls of steel.

  6. #56
    PS - what does R.E.S. stand for?

  7. #57
    another PS - especially for Kavus -

    The guitar pattern in the 'verse' of "As Cold as can Be..." is utterly fucking brilliant! I have been trying to figure out the counting, and I get:

    (in either 8th's or 16th's) 6, 5, 6, 3, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, that how guys think it or just feel it? and the harmonic sequence plus the guitar pattern just slays! The best!

  8. #58
    Sean, Feigenbaum, and Kerman - are you guys cardiacs fans? sorry to be so specific, but I'm curious. Koomran seems unconvinced although you're a huge Gong fanatic - I do seem some parallels here, although they are different beasts too. It sometimes it sounds as though you're talking by yourself if you're a prog guys can't relate I'm sure....Hehe ha he haha. Hooo hooo hooo ha.

  9. #59
    Start & finnish with the debut !

  10. #60
    Member thedunno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
    Start & finnish with the debut !
    That would be a bit difficult. The debut is the cassette album 'the obvious identity' which was never released on CD.

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by chalkpie View Post
    PS - what does R.E.S. stand for?
    I seem to remember this Q being asked of Tim either in The Organ or some other mag or on radio & I seem to remember Tim saying that he couldn't remember what it stood for.

  12. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by chalkpie View Post
    cardiacs on top everyday. Best band on the first 20 pages ay PE.
    Correction: Best band ever!

  13. #63
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    Tip: For those of you who have listened to all the main albums by "Cardiacs" & are looking for something more from the family, you're next step is to find a copy of the sublime, beautiful, pastoral almost churchlike album that is Mr & Mrs Smith & Mr Drake. I was lucky enough to get hold of it on CD at one of the last Astoria Christmas gigs , in the early 00s. You will not be disappointed. - perhaps my fav track on that album - Bill singing on this one. - ditto - haunting

  14. #64
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    chalk - I went through a similar phase when I first discovered 'em. I would wonder sometimes what my "ideal" band would sound like, and to be honest I have no clue, but Cardiacs are about as close as I've heard so far. They seem to appeal to a different breed than the dudes who worship Yes. It seems like most of them dig Magma and VdGG.

  15. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterG View Post
    Correction: Best band ever!
    …as far as I am concerned them being best or second best or whatever means nothing...the game they play with releasing their music devaluate whatever they ever the past I was trying to chase their I am not interested...

  16. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by thedunno View Post
    That would be a bit difficult. The debut is the cassette album 'the obvious identity' which was never released on CD.
    How does one hear this then, or does one not?

  17. #67
    Member thedunno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chalkpie View Post
    How does one hear this then, or does one not?

  18. #68
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chalkpie View Post
    Sean, Feigenbaum, and Kerman - are you guys cardiacs fans?
    I am. We carried their CDs for a number of years direct from the Alphabet Business Concern, and there was even some very, very, very preliminary talk before Tim was ill, about our releasing (some of) the catalog or at least the new album, upon its completion.
    Steve F.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

    "Death to false 'support the scene' prog!"

    please add 'imo' wherever you like, to avoid offending those easily offended.

  19. #69
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    Blimey, quite a few bitter voices and Cardiacs haters on here.

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by chalkpie View Post
    PS - what does R.E.S. stand for?
    IIRC it's actually short for The Residents. When they were writing the piece, Bill's keyboard part reminded Tim of the Residents, so he used it as the working title and it stuck.

  21. #71
    thedunno, thanks for posting that! Dig that rawness! Gorgeous! This needs to be an official album released on disc.

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterG View Post
    Tip: For those of you who have listened to all the main albums by "Cardiacs" & are looking for something more from the family, you're next step is to find a copy of the sublime, beautiful, pastoral almost churchlike album that is Mr & Mrs Smith & Mr Drake. I was lucky enough to get hold of it on CD at one of the last Astoria Christmas gigs , in the early 00s. You will not be disappointed. - perhaps my fav track on that album - Bill singing on this one. - ditto - haunting
    Thanks for these man - will check out for sure.

  23. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by JAMOOL View Post
    chalk - I went through a similar phase when I first discovered 'em. I would wonder sometimes what my "ideal" band would sound like, and to be honest I have no clue, but Cardiacs are about as close as I've heard so far. They seem to appeal to a different breed than the dudes who worship Yes. It seems like most of them dig Magma and VdGG.
    Right on. I can see the Magma/RIO/avant crowd gravitating towards this music, and it's pretty tonal overall. Yes some dissonance here and there, but not atonal, yet so complex in so many ways.

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Progmatic View Post
    …as far as I am concerned them being best or second best or whatever means nothing...the game they play with releasing their music devaluate whatever they ever the past I was trying to chase their I am not interested...
    The discs are being re-released. I have no idea the release history, but that has nothing to do with how good the music is. Tim could have never released anything and I would still consider him a genius. If you don't listen to them out of principle when the discs come out, that would be a real shame.

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve F. View Post
    I am. We carried their CDs for a number of years direct from the Alphabet Business Concern, and there was even some very, very, very preliminary talk before Tim was ill, about our releasing (some of) the catalog or at least the new album, upon its completion.
    Wow. Incredible. Really too bad, as in really really really too bad.


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