150G of samples is amazing. My Korg Kronos has I believe 60G, so it almost triples it and those samples from 8DIO are gorgeous.
Dave really stepped up the game with this one.
People are already complaining about the price, but if you consider the competition such as the Waldorf Quantum, the Modal synths, the Nord Stage 3 and the Solaris, it's in the same ball park.
I think we've become spoiled as far as prices go for serious electronic instruments. Back in the 70's 80's musicians(Pros of course) were spending $10,000-$15,000 for new synths.
After the video completed I watched the Omnisphere presentation from Eric Persing. Omnisphere is by far my favorite(Desert Island synth) software synth.
The new update 2.5 looks wonderful, with mapping for most major hardware synths and more presets looks like a winner, and it's FREE!!