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Thread: Synthesizer Gear Porn ;-)

  1. #1101
    Member Gizmotron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by battema View Post
    The Roli absolutely looks sleek and sexy compared to most of the others (even the Continuum has a certain boxy quality). For a time I was hoping the Osmose would forego traditional black/white keys in favor of something darker, maybe even like a walnut or expresso theme for the keybed.

    It's hard to describe unless you've actually experienced the surfaces for yourself: the rubber texture of the Roli, at least for my fingers, discouraged smooth gliding. It actually started to hurt my fingertips, like the skin was constantly being pulled. IF one wants to try one of these I'd suggest buying from a retailer like Amazon where you can easily return it with minimal hassles.

    Something else to mention: all of these devices that are designed to have very fluid pitch control require a very different style of playing. You might notice that even in La La Land, his hand shape and fingering doesn't quite look "typical." MPE devices require a lot more care with things like finger position, even how much/little you move once on the key. For example, on a piano if I want to stretch and hit an interval 3 or 4 keys above the octave, my thumb might roll a bit on the lower held key. On a piano this is a non-event but on an MPE device this can suddenly cause the lower held key to drift sharp in pitch. Or if the Y axis controls something like filter cutoff (Y axis being where you touch a key, be it closer to the lower (front) or upper (back) of the key itself...if you play a chord where your fingers naturally land on very different positions on that axis it can have unexpected results (for example, a Db chord where the black keys might be near the front but the white keys might be close to midway or back).

    None of these are fatal flaws, and most of these MPE controllers include ways to adjust curves and sensitivity to accommodate your particular playing style: just as an example, you can set the Continuum to quantize the initial pitch when you touch the fretboard but then track relative to that position. So, when you first play a note it will be on pitch but you can still then glide to another note or even wiggle your finger for vibrato. Best of both worlds

    I can see this sort of tech not being for everyone; for me personally it's amazing stuff and well worth the learning curve.
    Excellent points, John.
    I can see that the Roli could really penalize less than perfect piano technique. And the surface of any controller must feel right.

    Thank you!

  2. #1102
    Member hFx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rarebird View Post
    Would be nice, but I already have a M-Audio Keystation Pro 88, so that covers for the piano action. Alas it cant be looking at my computer-screen, which makes it not that great as an input for Cubase.
    I had the Keystation Pro 88 for a while but it felt way to heavy to play and I had to realize I'm NOT a pianist... I've tested a few others while visiting music stores and of the available controllers both Keylab II 88 and the Native Instrument Komplete 88 felt lighter than I remember the M-Audio. Even better feel in the more expensive digital pianos but those are well beyond my radar range...
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  3. #1103
    I'm not really a pianist myself, though I have had piano-lessons, so I'm used to piano-keyboards and I like the feel of my Keystation.

  4. #1104
    Member Gizmotron's Avatar
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    Been there too!
    I have a Keystation Pro 88 that I’d love to sell off. But the weight and value mean it would have to be a local pick-up.

    It sits alongside my old Yamaha KX-88. I don’t currently use it but would hate to part with it because it was my main board for so long.

  5. #1105
    So I'm looking at buying some more modules for my synth. I'm thinking of a Pachinko, which is basically like a smaller version of the Mutable Instruments Marbles, and a NanoRings, which is likewise a smaller version of the MI Rings.

    Anyone with any familiar with Rings and/or Marbles? I'm also thinking of getting an Intellijel Springray, though I have to get it from two different companies (the Springray module I'm getting from Detroit Modular so it'll go on my rewards points, but for whatever reason, Detroit Modular don't have the spring tanks, so I'm getting those from another dealer).

  6. #1106
    Unfortunately haven't had experience with either of those. I use a MakeNoise Wogglebug for injecting uncertainty into my patches, and think it's fabulous.

    For me personally, I gravitate toward a different sort of reverb as opposed to the spring style...but I have eyeballed this sucker just for massive pluckability:
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  7. #1107
    Quote Originally Posted by battema View Post
    Unfortunately haven't had experience with either of those. I use a MakeNoise Wogglebug for injecting uncertainty into my patches, and think it's fabulous.
    Yeah, I had been lusting after teh Wogglebug for a long time, had one in my "rack" on Modular Grid. But the thing is...the thing is called Pachinko, I mean, that's like a sign from God, right?!

    (in case you don't know, pachinko is a Japanese game, kinda like a vertical pinball machine...sort of, my brothers had one, which I think they got when my family was in Japan in the late 60's, so this sort of seems like the random voltage module for me...besides, I believe it does a few things the Wogglebug doesn't)
    For me personally, I gravitate toward a different sort of reverb as opposed to the spring style...but I have eyeballed this sucker just for massive pluckability:
    Yeah, the Ekdahl was another one I was looking at, at one point, but it looks like it's too bulky for my tastes. Right now, though, I'm focused more on the Pachinko and NanoRings.

  8. #1108
    Quote Originally Posted by battema View Post
    Arturia does quality work with their keyboards. I have a Keystep and even with the smaller keys, it has an excellent feel with really nice (channel) aftertouch
    The only small disadventage of the Keystep is, it memorises the midi-channel after it has been turned of and with pianoparts with different channels it might get annoying if you discover you are on the wrong midi-channel. So I always selelect the channel I want to work on.

  9. #1109
    Speaking of Arturia...they finally caught up with the tomato juice with V8

    I'm in just for the Emulator II, to be honest.
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  10. #1110
    I'll wait till it has everything I want, or mostly everything I want
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  11. #1111
    Sigh...have I mentioned recently how much I hate software synths?

    Bought the V-Collection 8, tried to upload/update using the Software Center. Their "one click does it all" went very badly. Now it shows most of my plugins are uninstalled and won't reinstall all but 5 older ones. And they are definitely gone from my PC. Already lost all my custom presets.

    So much for today being a good day!
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  12. #1112
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by battema View Post
    Sigh...have I mentioned recently how much I hate software synths?

    Bought the V-Collection 8, tried to upload/update using the Software Center. Their "one click does it all" went very badly. Now it shows most of my plugins are uninstalled and won't reinstall all but 5 older ones. And they are definitely gone from my PC. Already lost all my custom presets.

    So much for today being a good day!
    OH NO..can't believe you lost all your custom preset..I know that feeling, and it's horrible. Maybe, just maybe, they're hiding somewhere and perhaps Arturia support might have some suggestions.

    I've always had terrific support from Arturia, whether it be software or hardware issues. I'm sure they'll get you straightened out John.

    I have to check out this Emulator VST. Didn't know they just released it.
    I miss my Emulator II HD+ I had, but I don't miss the many years and hours I spent creating samples manually.
    I now have SampleBot to use with my Yamaha Montage, but haven't tried it yet.

    Good luck, keep us posted my friend.
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  13. #1113
    Member BobM's Avatar
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    I had to download all night to get the update for Analogue Lab V but in the morning it was done and it installed just fine. Been playing with it for a day now and, even though it now contains a vocoder, it only has presets. I guess I would have to buy the individual instrument to get a useful version that accepts a microphone so I can make my own phrases.
    A gentleman is defined as someone who knows how to play the accordion, and doesn't.

  14. #1114
    On top of everything a couple of the plugins (the CS-80 one) are saying they won't work with Windows 7. I'd been resisting upgrading to 10, but I guess my hand's been forced.
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  15. #1115
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by battema View Post
    On top of everything a couple of the plugins (the CS-80 one) are saying they won't work with Windows 7. I'd been resisting upgrading to 10, but I guess my hand's been forced.
    I had the same issue last year John. I had purchased a bundle for their 3 compressors, and immediately had problems with them in Windows 7 and Cubase 6.
    Back and forth with support, until they eventually agreed to a refund.
    But it made me think about Windows 10, and I was able to update to 10 for free.
    Worst mistake I ever made. Win 7 was extremely stable for Cubase 6 and for recording and plug ins.
    I did lose some of my VSTs that weren't compatible anymore, so be aware of that.

    Windows 10 is CONSTANTLY updating, and quite a few times it messes up my DAW. I even had it screw with my Focusrite Interface. I had to do a search and it was a known bug in Win 10 and had to download a fix from Focusrite which fixed it.

    Upgrading is a lose lose if you ask me, but so much of the new software does not support Win7 anymore.
    I use my music computer solely for recording, and then my other PC is for internet stuff.

    Microsoft still allows a free download upgrade to Win10 if you decide to do it. I can't remember how I did it, I read about it on one of the Computer blogs. The update is directly from Microsoft and isn't from CNET or any other site like that, I don't use those for downloads, too risky.
    I'll see if I can find out how I got it.
    Soundcloud page: Richard Hermans, musical meanderings YouTube: [

  16. #1116
    At this moment I seem to have some problems with downloading the updates for my V collection 5. It keeps downloading the ARP2600 for hours and hours. One of these days I'm going to contact them.

  17. #1117
    Interestingly, the 2600 was the one that first went sideways on me this morning.
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  18. #1118
    Marklar Jimmy Giant's Avatar
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    I'm sticking with V6 until they have a reasonable upgrade price. V7 didn't offer me anything I needed. V8 would be nice, but not $300 nice. They should be $100 upgrades. I may consider $150 if they have a half off sale, like they should on introduction. I've not had problems doing updates with V6.

    I did upgrade to Komplete 13 Ultimate as that had some good new things like Mysteria.

    That said, I just bought parts for a new monster PC. So I have to build that, get the baseline tweaked, then install EVERYTHING again. Good thing I have the week after Xmas off. My first venture into NVMe drives. Let's see this thing scream!


  19. #1119
    I got a $150 price for the upgrade which I was okay with...except of course that it all crashed to hell
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  20. #1120
    Marklar Jimmy Giant's Avatar
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    All I saw was $299 upgrade. Where did you see $150?
    I would upgrade for that to install on the new system....
    ...or maybe after they exorcize it!


  21. #1121
    I guess the deal is, you log into your account and you get an upgrade price based on what you specifically have. In my case, it offered me $150. It might be because I sprang for the OB Xa V synth earlier in the year.
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  22. #1122
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
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    Here is the link to upgrade to Win 10 for free from Microsoft.
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  23. #1123
    Marklar Jimmy Giant's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm on V6 and my offer was $299
    I've spent a fortune on these guys over the years!
    And I want a PolyBrute!


  24. #1124
    Quote Originally Posted by Top Cat View Post
    Here is the link to upgrade to Win 10 for free from Microsoft.
    Thanks Richard...I think I may actually have a Windows 10 install disc that I bought a year or two ago specifically to upgrade the music PC on a rainy day, but this might be just as efficient. Much appreciated!
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  25. #1125
    Member hFx's Avatar
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    A week or go or so I bought a Keylab II and updated my v6 to v7 for $99 during Black Week. So well - I'm not prepared to put another $199 for the EII so I'll await the next major sale to upgrade to v8. The two last upgrades haven't given too much of interest (just Mellotron in v7 and now EII in v8). Generally I mostly use 6-7 of the avilable synths which I'll happily pay for. I guess the Arturia collection is the softwae synth package I've payed the largest sum for, if I include the yearly updates.
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