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Thread: The Illness and Injury Thread

  1. #51
    General Miscreant Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeonKnight View Post
    Greg: I noticed you mentioned food allergies. Have you heard about ALCAT?
    Not until now. I just took a look at their website and HOLY SHIT THEY'RE EXPENSIVE!

    Since I don't have any medical insurance--haven't for almost six years, now--I think I'll have to pass on ALCAT for a bit.

    My body is a pretty good test kit on its own, though. My skin starts to flare rather predictably if I eat or come into contact with something I'm allergic to. Unfortunately, the condition is cumulative, so I have a reasonably long period of time to wait for things to really "clean out" of my system.

  2. #52
    PE Member Since 4/9/2002 NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    Not until now. I just took a look at their website and HOLY SHIT THEY'RE EXPENSIVE!

    Since I don't have any medical insurance--haven't for almost six years, now--I think I'll have to pass on ALCAT for a bit.

    My body is a pretty good test kit on its own, though. My skin starts to flare rather predictably if I eat or come into contact with something I'm allergic to. Unfortunately, the condition is cumulative, so I have a reasonably long period of time to wait for things to really "clean out" of my system.
    Expensive? Understood, but when it comes to improved health and weight loss, expense is a relative term isn't it?

    If you already know exactly which foods you are allergic to, perhaps ALCAT is overkill for you. The key
    question I would think is what if there are foods that you react to that you don't know about?

    For me the expense was easily justified. Blood test was handled by a doctor, and I tested for 200 foods and 50 chemicals are so. 250 cultures and my personalized reactive results delivered in an easy to read format were worth far more than the $750 I paid for it. (my insurance did not cover it.)

    I never would have known that mundane items like turkey, romaine lettuce, flounder, and hops (among many others) were all items that my intestinal system reacted to, causing inflammation, leading to weight gain among other issues. Every one has a different system , so your results will be different of course.

    All the best whatever you decide.
    “Where words fail, music speaks.” - Hans Christian Anderson

  3. #53
    Parrots Ripped My Flesh Dave (in MA)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vic2012 View Post
    Wazzat? All I see is some round thing.
    I didn't realize that I was being obscure. It's a grey hollow rubber ball with concentric raised circles and dots on it. We called it a "pimple ball" back then, and what I actually saw stuck to the drainpipe was a wasp nest...

  4. #54
    Member Vic2012's Avatar
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    Okay gotcha. So tell us the story.

  5. #55
    Parrots Ripped My Flesh Dave (in MA)'s Avatar
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    Pretty much what you'd expect when a 3-year-old grabs a wasp nest.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by llanwydd View Post
    Here is mine. Two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with a serious pain in my abdomen. I got up and was walking across the floor when I suddenly started sweating like a squeezed sponge. Seriously, this was the most I had ever perspired at once. I felt dizzy and somehow had the thought that if I ate something I would stabilize. When I got to the kitchen I fell on the floor and passed out. I don't know how long I was there but when I woke up I was in a pool of sweat and could hardly move. I eventually crawled to my bedroom and was so weak I decided to sleep on the floor. I woke again at some point and picked myself up and had a serious pain in my right foot.

    By the way, I never got an explanation of what caused me to pass out either this time or the time before but I figure if it only happens once every sixteen years I'm not going to worry too much.
    Sounds like vasovagal syncope. Very common, and relatively harmless. A nerve that regulates your blood pressure gets out of whack, and you don't get enough blood pumped to your brain, and you get nauseous and pass out. Best thing to do when it comes on is to stay laying down so you get some blood to your brain, and so you don't pass out and hurt yourself.

    I've been to the ER about 3-4 times in my life for this. I haven't had an episode in 10 years or so though.

  7. #57
    General Miscreant Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeonKnight View Post
    Expensive? Understood, but when it comes to improved health and weight loss, expense is a relative term isn't it?
    Can't argue with that. But, I had been spending thousands each year on just trial and error treatments (both OTC and Rx), and I now only working 25 hrs/week, so I have to prioritise.

    Besides, while I am able to avoid the food and external triggers that I've identified, I have been clearing up. It's just the impossible-to-avoid situations that set me back a bit, now.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeonKnight View Post
    I never would have known that mundane items like turkey, romaine lettuce, flounder, and hops (among many others) were all items that my intestinal system reacted to, causing inflammation, leading to weight gain among other issues. Every one has a different system , so your results will be different of course..
    I'm Okay with turkey, but not chicken. Although, I'm fine with eggs.

    I recently narrowed down a sensitivity to hops, which pisses me off royally. I am really starting to freakin' miss beer. Although I can still drink sake and Scotch in moderation.

    In any case, the ALCAT test is certainly something I'll be keeping my mind on for a while. When I can afford to do it, I think I'll will--just for the confirmation of what I've found on my own, and to expose any sensitivities I may need to know about for the future.


  8. #58
    [QUOTE=llanwydd;52241]I'd be interested to know what sort of people these were who abused you, especially their ages. I know that many stories of satanic ritual abuse have turned out not to be true and innocent people have suffered as a result. However, I'm certain that these these things occur occasionally within the "metal" community. When I was younger I knew a few teenagers who were very serious about the devil and I wouldn't have put anything past them. I tend to think, though, that such ritual crimes are not perpetrated by anyone of a responsible age. When I hear stories like yours I don't form any conclusions but I never dismiss them because I have suffered other kinds of abuse and no one would believe me because of the good reputations of the people involved. Anyway, to be more concise, were these a bunch of teenage metalheads?[/QUOTE
    Last edited by Enid; 02-16-2013 at 09:13 PM.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by llanwydd View Post
    I'd be interested to know what sort of people these were who abused you, especially their ages. I know that many stories of satanic ritual abuse have turned out not to be true and innocent people have suffered as a result. However, I'm certain that these these things occur occasionally within the "metal" community. When I was younger I knew a few teenagers who were very serious about the devil and I wouldn't have put anything past them. I tend to think, though, that such ritual crimes are not perpetrated by anyone of a responsible age. When I hear stories like yours I don't form any conclusions but I never dismiss them because I have suffered other kinds of abuse and no one would believe me because of the good reputations of the people involved. Anyway, to be more concise, were these a bunch of teenage metalheads?
    This was a Satan worshippers sect that revolted against the Church of Satan and moved to the east coast. They programmed kids to perform rituals that derived from Judeo-Christian concepts. Such as the works/writings of Colin De Plancey. A young man was murdered in a ritual so he could return as a captain to rule over 40 legions of demons. Something in particular that is forbidden by the Church of Satan. The exact same ritual was attempted on other youths but failed because of good police work but unfortunately the cults and the victim usually fled. Yet many times it was reported by close friends of mine and for the purpose of saving a life...yet!..the victims who escaped denied ever being there. Usually between ages 15-25. Teens were programmed by the sect and they formed seperate divisions that worshipped in the wooded areas of my hometown. Interestingly enough it was discovered that the same ritual took place in the town 100 years before. People in the town called it the "100 year ritual". Between 4 to 5 different Satan cults worshipped in the vast wooded areas of my hometown. These youths were programmed by the sect and abused my friends. Menantico Sandwash and various wooded areas beyond were the places they worshipped. At night you could hear sing-song chanting, hellish screams, and the pounding of 55 gallon oil cans. If they caught you...they would tie you up and taunt you, drag you through the mud and leave you by the roadside...not bringing much harm to you..or turn you over to the elderly group who would consider you an ideal candidate for sacrifice. Police investigated for 2 years after the first murder. They discovered about 6 members that belonged to the elderly sect who were posed as Christians at a local church.

    Evidence confiscated frm the young man's room directed the police to the church and other evidence was not revealed at the inquest . The inquest into wide spread cult related activity in the area. 90 teenage Devil worshippers were converted to Christianity by pastor Harry Snook. This was all printed in a Miami newspaper in 71'. Fads at that time were not "Heavy Metal" music but more like the "Dark Shadows" series. Other kids in my age group have testimonies available to read on the internet. They are either dead, in mental institutions, or religious fanatics. The police could not convict the elderly group due to lack of physical evidence on the young man's body. They are always careful to not leave marks or evidence of a struggle. They also played a pit-game where certain fringe members were given instruction to commit the final act...although there would be 50 members present during the ritual and yet the most obvious evidence was left behind for the police to track and convict the 2 or 3 fringe members. This gave the public an image of 2 or 3 kids getting high and worshipping the devil in the woods ...but it was hinted in many newspaper articles that there was something much more deep rooted going on than kids checking to see if their eyes were green. A high priest of each Satan cult would be a full fledged member of the elderly group..while many of the other members had never met or worshipped with the elders.

    The same ritual was attempted through the mid 70's and all through the 80's. You would sometimes see them walking out of the woods. It's the largest city in South Jersey and back then the wooded areas were vast where today the woods has been chopped down and replaced with industry. I have no idea if the original wealthy sect fled...but the Devil worship continued for years after the young man's sacrifice. Also the 3rd Generation Watchtower society attempted to channel a demon through a young girl by lowering her into a pit of dead snakes in "Mill Woods". The newspapers were having a field day. 3 boys, 3 LSD tabs, rock music, and more blame to those influences than the actual murderers. In this case ...being murdered in a Satan cult ritual had little to do with isolated incidents of drug consumption/drug culture...fads or whatever! I guess because we were just coming out of the 60' would be a good excuse to not reveal the truth. People lie all the time you know? Some friends who were close to me understood otherwise. Years later the detectives were kind enough to clear the bullcrap out of the air and sit and have a conversation with me regarding just how it was all planned and how everything connected.

  10. #60
    I can totally understand how people would find this story farce, but I suppose you must consider that the times we lived in were much different than today. Back had Richard Nixon and the Vietnam war to deal with..but that not being the only reason for panic escape into a cult. Lilith Sinclair who was once a priestess of the Church of Satan was harrassed for the murder of this young man. According to history, she formed the "Temple of Set" together with Michael Aquino in 1972. The young man who went to our school was murdered in a Satan cult ritual in the summer of 71'. Vineland/Millville police harrassed Sinclair and members of her group a month after his death. Perhaps Sinclair was already on the east coast . In 1974 ...I was introduced to a few members of the elderly sect. The only time I ever actually saw them in the flesh. A friend of my family introduced me to them at work. I later had suspicions that Barbara Hutton, the actress..was connected to this group. She owned a venue about a 30 minute drive from Vineland. Maybe you recall her? She was married to Cary Grant and deeply interested in the spirit world. Maybe this all has to do with my phobia? thanks friends for the support.

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Enid View Post
    I can totally understand how people would find this story farce, but I suppose you must consider that the times we lived in were much different than today.
    Shaking my head in absolute disbelief.

  12. #62
    General Miscreant Greg's Avatar
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    When LaVey created the Church of Satan, it was actually meant as a farce.

    He did it in protest of the large numbers of nouveau/quasi-Christian proselytisers who stood on their soap-boxes (literally) during he early 60's at University of California (I think I'm remember the place correctly--one of those universities in CA).

    LaVey was actually a rather gentle person, but he was completely jaded after his work as a homicide photographer, and used "satanic" imagery as a metaphor for his experiences. As well, the 60's had already seen the emergence of Gerald Gardner's "Wicca" in the U.S., to which LaVey wanted to respond with the utmost in "non-flowery" shock-religion. It was a public political statement, but, more-so a system of self-empowerment; to LaVey, it held an important core meaning that gave him purpose following his career in the circus, followed by his photographic work with the police in California.

    It was rather unfortunate that many groups who came in contact with LaVey during that time spun off onto their own misguided direction drawing even more than LaVey did from the work of Crowely and the Golden Dawn, and bastardising LaVey's morbidly "poetic" commentary on life.

    I honestly don't believe a word of the reports that suggest the rituals happened "100 years before", as it was simply not possible. Ritualistic satanism didn't emerge in Europe or the U.S. until after Crowely was dismissed form the Golden Dawn and started the O.T.O. "Historic satanism" is a sociological myth born of the panicked reaction of the Church in response to German Protestants wanting oust "witches" during the late 1400s.

    Much of the non-CoS satanic rituals are built upon Crowely's expansion of the Golden Dawn's earlier exploration of Freemasonry and Egyptian magick. Even the symbolism that is integral to the satanic cults that became visible in the 60's rely heavily on work that didn't exist before Crowley created it.

    The "thousand-year-lineage" stories for all such magical cults/religions/familys/etc. is actually complete nonsense, apart of the history of the Freemasons, upon which all of the others are originally derived.

    But, that's all a subject for a completely different PE thread.

  13. #63
    I am far from being an expert on the subject matter itself. The boy's sacrifice is directly tied in with Christian/Satanism in his belief that his sacrifice would engender the aid of Christian demons. He was delusional trusting his life to a ritual in a book. The use of human sacrifice is older than recorded history and the use of such a sacrifice can actually be found in the Bog Burials in Ireland and Northern Europe. There is also much on the subject in the James G. Frazier's classic.."The Golden Bough". It derives from the writings of medieval theologians in which demons had legions. You can research the newspaper articles, the testimonies of the victims, the police reports, etc ..but you had to physically be there living through order to believe it and that's it...basic and simple. All the slimballs who got away with Satanic ritual abuse to my friends...Well..I guess the sun shines on a dog's ass sometimes too? On a more serious's evident why I have problems because I was caught in the thicket of this so called nonsense which in the end, was far as I'm excuse to kill and torture innocent kids.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enid View Post
    I am far from being an expert on the subject matter itself. The boy's sacrifice is directly tied in with Christian/Satanism in his belief that his sacrifice would engender the aid of Christian demons. He was delusional trusting his life to a ritual in a book. The use of human sacrifice is older than recorded history and the use of such a sacrifice can actually be found in the Bog Burials in Ireland and Northern Europe. There is also much on the subject in the James G. Frazier's classic.."The Golden Bough". It derives from the writings of medieval theologians in which demons had legions. You can research the newspaper articles, the testimonies of the victims, the police reports, etc ..but you had to physically be there living through order to believe it and that's it...basic and simple. All the slimballs who got away with Satanic ritual abuse to my friends...Well..I guess the sun shines on a dog's ass sometimes too? On a more serious's evident why I have problems because I was caught in the thicket of this so called nonsense which in the end, was far as I'm excuse to kill and torture innocent kids.
    As I say, I don't dismiss your story. If there is a book about this cult that you encountered and the crimes involved I'd love to read it. If not, I think you should probably be the one to write it.

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by firth5th View Post
    Sounds like vasovagal syncope. Very common, and relatively harmless. A nerve that regulates your blood pressure gets out of whack, and you don't get enough blood pumped to your brain, and you get nauseous and pass out. Best thing to do when it comes on is to stay laying down so you get some blood to your brain, and so you don't pass out and hurt yourself.

    I've been to the ER about 3-4 times in my life for this. I haven't had an episode in 10 years or so though.
    I have taken a look at vasovagal syncope on Wikipedia. The symptoms seem very much related to the phenomenon I have experienced. Thanks very much for the tip.

  16. #66
    General Miscreant Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enid View Post
    I am far from being an expert on the subject matter itself. The boy's sacrifice is directly tied in with Christian/Satanism in his belief that his sacrifice would engender the aid of Christian demons. He was delusional trusting his life to a ritual in a book. The use of human sacrifice is older than recorded history and the use of such a sacrifice can actually be found in the Bog Burials in Ireland and Northern Europe. There is also much on the subject in the James G. Frazier's classic.."The Golden Bough". It derives from the writings of medieval theologians in which demons had legions.
    I can't argue that point. But, it is historically unconnected with "satanic" practices. Prior to LaVey's very public exhibition of his commentary on society via the newly established CoS in the 60's, ritualistic sacrifice had a wholly different context.

    Quote Originally Posted by Enid View Post
    You can research the newspaper articles, the testimonies of the victims, the police reports, etc ..but you had to physically be there living through order to believe it and that's it...basic and simple. All the slimballs who got away with Satanic ritual abuse to my friends...Well..I guess the sun shines on a dog's ass sometimes too? On a more serious's evident why I have problems because I was caught in the thicket of this so called nonsense which in the end, was far as I'm excuse to kill and torture innocent kids.
    The "satanic" groups that arose following LaVey's initial lead did take things far off into the wrong direction. I don't deny that cults like these existed post 60's CoS, and they were extremely horrific in their crimes.

    My point is not that these cults didn't exist or commit extremely heinous crimes, but that "satanic cults" have no history prior to the emergence of LaVey's public début of CoS.

    Even the influence of Crowely's O.T.O., and his own obsession with satan as Baphomet, did not generate the ritualistic abuse that was a desperate, often drug-induced, and misguided response to the commercialism of CoS.

    I empathise with you, I really do. Being abused by anyone--group or individual--is horribly traumatic. But, enduring the near-cinematic criminal horrors of cults that are focused on such hateful fantasy as the satanic cults that arose in the late 60's has left many people very badly, and often irreversibly, scarred.
    Last edited by Greg; 02-17-2013 at 06:17 PM.

  17. #67
    Member Camelogue's Avatar
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    Chronic tendinitis, chronic anxiety, (both go back about 17 years)

    I got nothing about satanic or christian cults for ya.

  18. #68
    Member Magnashine's Avatar
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    One night around 2:00 am I got a terrible abdominal pain, I went to the bathroom and conclude it was a diarrhea. While on the toilet bowl, I felt dizzy and I could feel a hot flash coming so I removed my t-shirt. I suddenly pass out and my head fractured the gypse wall, then bounce on the metal bathtub and finish on the ceramic floor as it could not go lower than that. The noise woke up my significant other who ran into the bathroom to find me naked on the floor. The first thing that came out of his mouth was: you tried to stand up to fast and I mumbled no I was sitting on the bowl. Take two, same question and same answer. Take three, same question but the answer was a loud "shut the fuck up", I was regaining a little energy. I stood up and went back to bed. 10 minutes after, I am too weak to get up and I start vomiting a little bit and I yelled to my compassionate lover "get me the trash bin in the bathroom". the go and get it yourself reply I got still resonate in my head but was quickly eclipsed by a bunch of swear from his mouth as he race to the bathroom. The swear start all over and went in that direction: not enough the cat vomit on the bedroom carpet but you have to do it too. Me I am really too busy with my mouth filling the bucket to have a discussion. But every time I pick the bucket, the first overflow go straight on the carpet and I kind of laught inside as he clean the carpet. The next morning I was fresh like a baby.

  19. #69
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    2012 was a bad year for me. At one point in spring, I was counting 2 incidents per month but I stopped somewhere in May as it became worst. Got injured twice during the year.

    The first incidicent started just after the new year. A broken snowmobile lift, someone who needed my help to put some webbing to let the lift up so the bridge of the snowmobile does not freeze during the night. I tried to remove some webbing in the way and next thing I know, my finger is stuck in the lift and the 500 lbs machine is sitting on it. I calmly said, my finger is stuck, but seeing the other studying the situation which last as long as a Phd, I shouted angrily lift the damn lift. Ouch when he did. My finger turned intantly blue, some spot I could not feel anymore but I put it right away in the snow and went for a walk to calm me down. I strapped my finger on a piece of wood and finally got back to the city 2 days later and went to the clinic. The good news is it was not broken, but the tendon and the nerves were touched. It quickly became crooked. I was worry it would not comeback, it did, but it took almost a year.

    The second incident was with the ATV in June. I took it alone for the first time. Before I left, I ask for a course because I find there is a lot of buttons on the machine. He taught me how to put it in reverse and I succeed. So I took off on the road, 10miles later I turn right on an unused road, cool and bumpy. All is fine so far, still going my way. End of road, I have to take another one. It's a well maintain road so I headed to the west making something like 4-5 miles where there are 2 man working on a cabin roof. It's the end of the road so I turned and wanted to get to my previous road but I instead I went at the other end of the same road. Huhu! now I can't find my way out of here so I am traveling a couple of times from an end to another end of the road. I asked my way out to the working men but their explanations did not make any sense. Somewhere in the middle of the road I want to turn, but it is a little narrow and now understand that I am able to put it on reverse only half of the time. Did not listen to my teacher properly! My front tires are half on the road and half over the ditch and I am sinking in the sand. So I go into the wet ditch to try to move the ATV from there. At the second try, I hear a big crack in my knee and I can barely walk on it. I took a branch to help me walk and made something like 10feet in the direction of the workers, the only occupied cabin I saw. There is no way I can walk 5 miles like this so I came back and sat on the ATV. It' supper time, nobody knows where I am, I am lost in the middle of nowhere unable to walk and the blackflies are coming out. Good lord help me! I guess he listened to me as I hear a car coming followed by an Atv. They helped me out and showed me a new road to get back home which I finally made :-) .

    Diagnosis, LCL injury level 2, a month with crutches. For fun, I went back to see where it all happened. If stupid Mr. Simard did not have put his cabin sign on the road I was coming from, I would not have thought it was a private road.

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Camelogue View Post
    Chronic tendinitis, chronic anxiety, (both go back about 17 years)

    I got nothing about satanic or christian cults for ya.
    This is funny! I love people who can create subtle humour out of something tragic but annoying. I like laughing at the realization! It makes me feel better.

  21. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    I can't argue that point. But, it is historically unconnected with "satanic" practices. Prior to LaVey's very public exhibition of his commentary on society via the newly established CoS in the 60's, ritualistic sacrifice had a wholly different context.

    The "satanic" groups that arose following LaVey's initial lead did take things far off into the wrong direction. I don't deny that cults like these existed post 60's CoS, and they were extremely horrific in their crimes.

    My point is not that these cults didn't exist or commit extremely heinous crimes, but that "satanic cults" have no history prior to the emergence of LaVey's public début of CoS.

    Even the influence of Crowely's O.T.O., and his own obsession with satan as Baphomet, did not generate the ritualistic abuse that was a desperate, often drug-induced, and misguided response to the commercialism of CoS.

    I empathise with you, I really do. Being abused by anyone--group or individual--is horribly traumatic. But, enduring the near-cinematic criminal horrors of cults that are focused on such hateful fantasy as the satanic cults that arose in the late 60's has left many people very badly, and often irreversibly, scarred.
    Thank you for your compassion. Your reply posts are very worthwhile and educational.

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by llanwydd View Post
    As I say, I don't dismiss your story. If there is a book about this cult that you encountered and the crimes involved I'd love to read it. If not, I think you should probably be the one to write it.
    Writing a book is way out of my league. ...but thank you for your kind words and support.

  23. #73
    General Miscreant Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enid View Post
    Thank you for your compassion. Your reply posts are very worthwhile and educational.
    One of my goals while I was pursuing a career in psychology (before I quit due to my own psychological burn out) was the extraction and assistance/"deprogramming" of victims of abusive cults, and I had worked for several years with Cult Awareness Network back in the late 80's and early 90's.

    I believe that part of the process of gaining control over the trauma in certain cases is to understand the truth behind the people who commit the crimes. It is certainly only a small portion of the process, but i feel it is important.

    Much of the information publicised in the news and on television show like Morton Downey was corrupted by the standard propaganda used by most religious groups to lend credence and credibility to opponents and prospective followers, while fuelling the public fear that makes these individuals feel powerful.

    For many it is simply a head game played with the public. For some, it becomes an insatiable sickness that destroys the lives of innocent people.

  24. #74
    my younger sister Crystal had some cancer in her breast. they found a tumor and did some chemo to shrink it down. when it got small enough they surgically removed it. the chemo took its toll and she lost her hair and weight and lots of other things.

    This was like a year and half ago. She thought she was getting her life straightened out. She took some classes to change careers and had another job lined up but when she went in for routine checkup they found the cancer had returned or (surprise)they didn't catch all of the first time through. So she was like mad PO'd about the whole thing and thought about going through another round of chemo etal.

    She decided to have both breasts removed to be cancer free. she went to UCSF for this surgery on valentine's day. today she is feeling better and lighter except they filled in where the cancerous breasts were with fat and tissue from her waist and abdomen to fill in the area where the breasts were. she just called yesterday to say she went through the surgery (12 hr surgery)and was feeling ok/good. so she is tough and will come out of this with a new job and feeling she is a survivor . all i can do is applaud my sister. and talk to her to keep her spirits up. BRavo!

  25. #75
    Member Vic2012's Avatar
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    Very inspirational Yogi. I'm rooting for your sister.


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