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Thread: PRINT SALE to bebefit a friend

  1. #1
    Pendulumswingingdoomsday Rune Blackwings's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Durham NC

    PRINT SALE to bebefit a friend

    I have a friend who lost her home in Sandy. So, I would like to raise some money by taking any profit I get from my prints and give it to her so she and her husband can rebuild her home. There are five prints all together:
    Black Wings 1.jpgBlack Wings 4.jpgwolf.jpgchemikillerdevil.jpgin the court of the dwarven king35.jpg

    They are 15$ each and are as follows
    Black Wings-Rune and Carmen (ltd 500)
    Black Wings-Wasteland (ltd 500)
    Wolf (ltd 500)
    Heraldic Jersey Devil (ltd 250)
    In the Court of the Dwarven King (ltd 500)

    Please contact me either PM or at for further information or to order. i take Paypal...

  2. #2
    Still alive! Hunnibee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Reno, Nevada
    That Jersey Devil looks kind of cool! I'd snag it if I had a job.

    I hope your friends will be able to rebuild, Jen. Sandy was a horrible storm!
    "The mountains are calling and I must go" - John Muir

    "To breathe the same air as the angels, you must go to Tahoe" - Mark Twain


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