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Thread: Frédéric L’Épée - Vent Pluie et Sable (Wind, Rain and Sand)

  1. #1
    Highly Evolved Orangutan JKL2000's Avatar
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    Frédéric L’Épée - Vent Pluie et Sable (Wind, Rain and Sand)

    A beautiful self-recorded album that Frédéric L’Épée has generously put on Bandcamp for free - surely worth at least a euro for anyone who'd like to download it or stream it via the app.

    As he recently posted on Facebook:

    "More than 20 years ago I composed this album inspired by african music. A few months later I almost lost my left hand in a car accident. I’ve been able to recover and decided to give this music away for free, at that time with Real Player (who remembers that?). I had completely forgotten that it was also on Bandcamp, as free download as well… Enjoy!"

  2. #2
    Casanova TCC's Avatar
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    Thanks JKL2000!
    Really appreciate it!.

  3. #3
    Highly Evolved Orangutan JKL2000's Avatar
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    You're welcome!

    I should have said below it's worth half a euro if you want to download it - half a euro is the least you can enter. But it's free to stream it.

  4. #4
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKL2000 View Post
    A few months later I almost lost my left hand in a car accident. I’ve been able to recover ...
    I was working with Philharmonie during that era. This was a terrible, terrible thing. You can't imagine how bad that accident was and what a miracle of modern medicine it is that not only does Frederic have his hand, but he is able to continue as a (great) guitarist.

    [breathes sigh of relief and stress just thinking about it again...]
    Steve F.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

    "Death to false 'support the scene' prog!"

    please add 'imo' wherever you like, to avoid offending those easily offended.

  5. #5
    Outraged bystander markwoll's Avatar
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    I will check that out.
    His work with Yang is top notch.
    I love the Philharmonie music.
    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    -- Aristotle
    Nostalgia, you know, ain't what it used to be. Furthermore, they tells me, it never was.
    “A Man Who Does Not Read Has No Appreciable Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read” - Mark Twain

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nice. I will download and make a decent contribution. Just got a Kora recently, this kinda fits into that realm actually. Thanks for the tip!

  7. #7
    Outraged bystander markwoll's Avatar
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    Got it. Thanks for the link.
    Paid him too.
    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    -- Aristotle
    Nostalgia, you know, ain't what it used to be. Furthermore, they tells me, it never was.
    “A Man Who Does Not Read Has No Appreciable Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read” - Mark Twain

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve F. View Post
    I was working with Philharmonie during that era. This was a terrible, terrible thing. You can't imagine how bad that accident was and what a miracle of modern medicine it is that not only does Frederic have his hand, but he is able to continue as a (great) guitarist.
    Shit, I had no idea! And L'Épée is indeed one badass player - and always was.

    Thanks for posting this, J.
    "Improvisation is not an excuse for musical laziness" - Fred Frith
    "[...] things that we never dreamed of doing in Crimson or in any band that I've been in," - Tony Levin speaking of SGM

  9. #9
    Highly Evolved Orangutan JKL2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrotum Scissor View Post
    Shit, I had no idea! And L'Épée is indeed one badass player - and always was.

    Thanks for posting this, J.
    Happy to pass it on - I'm glad it got a lot of attention. I didn't know about that injury either, but it was a fairly long time ago - lucky for all that it healed successfully.
    Last edited by JKL2000; 02-17-2018 at 02:45 PM.

  10. #10
    Member Vic333's Avatar
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    This is my first hearing of Frédéric. Sounds great! Look forward to digging into him some more.

  11. #11
    ^ You'd do well to check out his classic 70s band, Shylock - and then Philharmonie and Yang, two of his later offsprings.

    His Yang stuff is actually just as solid as 'em ol' 'locks - IMO.
    "Improvisation is not an excuse for musical laziness" - Fred Frith
    "[...] things that we never dreamed of doing in Crimson or in any band that I've been in," - Tony Levin speaking of SGM

  12. #12
    Casanova TCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrotum Scissor View Post
    ^ You'd do well to check out his classic 70s band, Shylock - and then Philharmonie and Yang, two of his later offsprings.

    His Yang stuff is actually just as solid as 'em ol' 'locks - IMO.

    For example:

    - Shylock:
    .Gialorgues (1977)
    . Ile De Fievre. (1978)

    - Philharmonie.

    - Yang.

    Nothing but excellent music Vic!!.
    Pura Vida!.

    There are two kinds of music. Good music, and the other kind. ∞
    Duke Ellington.

  13. #13
    Member Vic333's Avatar
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    Thanks for the suggestions, Scrotum and TCC!

  14. #14
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Thanks for the heads up.
    Please don't ask questions, just use google.

    Never let good music get in the way of making a profit.

    I'm only here to reglaze my bathtub.

  15. #15
    Outraged bystander markwoll's Avatar
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    This showed up in one of my inboxes today, looks promising:
    Some news from Berlin about


    Four titles of our next album are composed, first meeting/rehearsal
    about it in April on the French Riviera!

    Yang will perform 2 concerts in August in France:

    Aug. 4th “Rock au Chateau“ festival at 17:30
    Chateau de Villersexel 63 Place de L’Hôtel de Ville - 70400 Hericourt -
    Check their website, we are in good company!

    Aug. 18th “Crescendo Festival“ at 19:00
    Esplanade du Concié 104 avenue de la grande cote, 17420
    Saint-Palais-sur-Mer, France - Free entrance!

    In the meantime you can buy Yang albums and support us on
    And of course ITunes, Amazon etc.

    *Frédéric L’Épée*

    I am currently working on the release of my fourth solo compositions
    album, “The Empty Room“ hoping for a release in early 2019. Maybe the
    same year could see the release of my “Sketches for Images“.

    You can have some ideas of how it sounds there:

    I momentarily stopped my Berliner new music ensemble E-Werk for some
    conceptual reasons but…

    A new Rock/New Music band is about to come out in Berlin! First
    gathering planned soon, further news will come in April.

    Thanks and cheers!
    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    -- Aristotle
    Nostalgia, you know, ain't what it used to be. Furthermore, they tells me, it never was.
    “A Man Who Does Not Read Has No Appreciable Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read” - Mark Twain

  16. #16
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Great to read that Yang is continuing forward.
    Please don't ask questions, just use google.

    Never let good music get in the way of making a profit.

    I'm only here to reglaze my bathtub.

  17. #17
    Outraged bystander markwoll's Avatar
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    More Yang News:

    Dear friends,

    It’s been a while!

    News from:


    Despite the fact that we had to cancel our concert at “Rock au Chateau“
    festival, due to Volodia’s knee surgery, we had a very “Yang“ summer.

    Crescendo Festival was tremendous, meeting lots of fans, many musicians
    and making new friends.

    We also played in Nice, our birth town, as Tony MacAlpine support band.
    An occasion to see that our audience there was increasing and enthusiastic.

    No concerts planned before 2019. But the next album is growing well.
    Maybe some rehearsals about it before the end of the year.

    Stay tuned on:
    **Frédéric L’Épée*

    I have recently compiled the experiments around the composition of my
    piece for electric guitar quartet "Etude Campanologique n°3". One of
    these experimentations will feature on the upcoming album "I Never
    Metaguitar 5" produced by the guitarist Elliott Sharp.

    A selection of 8 other pieces will be released under the name:
    "Campaniles Etendus" (Stretched out Campaniles), and will be available
    soon on Bandcamp, as well as "Sketches for Images".

    In December I will perform in Moscow with *Steppe Scape*, World Music
    band with the throat singer Radik Tyulyush (Huun-Huur-Tu), the Buryat
    singer Namgar Lhasaranova, the Russian singer Angela Manukyan, Markus
    Reuter on touch guitar and Merlin Ettore on drums.
    The concert we made with this band in Kazakhstan in June was for me very
    exciting. I have a lot of fun performing that music!

    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    -- Aristotle
    Nostalgia, you know, ain't what it used to be. Furthermore, they tells me, it never was.
    “A Man Who Does Not Read Has No Appreciable Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read” - Mark Twain

  18. #18
    Outraged bystander markwoll's Avatar
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    More Yang news:
    Dear friends,


    Download and streaming are nowadays inescapable ways to sell and buy
    music. Almost all of us use it.

    But physical releases remain valuable objects which presence some of us
    still need (not to mention the audio quality ;-)). And these represent
    also the best way we musicians know to earn a living.
    *Yang* still have in stock many CDs, DVD and vinyls and for this
    end-of-year period we decided to offer a 30% discount for every purchase
    of any 2 items packs featuring on our store page: CD, vinyl, DVD and
    t-shirt. This offer will last until December 31st 2018.

    If some of your relatives still have nothing from Yang, *Christmas* is
    the perfect time to fix it!

    And don't forget to subsribe to our Youtube and Spotify channels!:

    **Frédéric L'Épée*

    As I did for Yang above, here isan announcement about my own work:

    Those who are interested in my music can now get my full digital solo
    discography (7 albums) on Bandcamp at special price.Just click on any
    album and scroll down!
    It is the best way to support my work (which I know many of you already
    do!) and to warm yourself up during this chilly winter.

    I take that opportunity to copy the link to my last YouTube video, an
    electric guitar version of the Presto from J.S. Bach Sonata for Violin
    in G minor, BWV 1001.

    You are very welcome to suscribe to my channel!

    I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy celebrations!

    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    -- Aristotle
    Nostalgia, you know, ain't what it used to be. Furthermore, they tells me, it never was.
    “A Man Who Does Not Read Has No Appreciable Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read” - Mark Twain

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve F. View Post
    I was working with Philharmonie during that era. This was a terrible, terrible thing. You can't imagine how bad that accident was and what a miracle of modern medicine it is that not only does Frederic have his hand, but he is able to continue as a (great) guitarist.

    [breathes sigh of relief and stress just thinking about it again...]

    Wow, did not know about that before now! This hits home for me personally as back in 1993 I nearly severed two fingers of my left hand, and I had been playing guitar (quite seriously) for almost 10 years at that point. Thankfully, the company I worked for (where I suffered the injury) made sure I was able to get the best hand surgeon available in California (where I lived at the time) for me and after about 6 months of recovery I was back to playing at quite close to the level I had been before the injury. Of course, I've never been at the level of someone like Frederic, but nonetheless I can certainly relate to how that feels, knowing you may never play as well (if at all) again. I was prepared to learn to play left handed, though fortunately I didn't have to.

  20. #20
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
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    Without having any knowledge that this thread was going to rise again (really) we just happened to make Philharmonie's final album "Le Dernier Mot" our $5.00 Friday special.

    To take advantage of the sale go to the link, hit BUY DIGITAL ALBUM and put the code "FIVE" into the discount code box. Voila. Instant $5.00 album.

    But you have to do it by midnight on Sunday. Ho Ho Ho!
    Steve F.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

    "Death to false 'support the scene' prog!"

    please add 'imo' wherever you like, to avoid offending those easily offended.

  21. #21
    Outraged bystander markwoll's Avatar
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    More L'Épée updates:
    Dear friends,

    2019 will see the release of at least two of my five ongoing projects:

    The first one, very dear to me, is the solo album "The Empty Room", that
    I started to compose as a tribute paid to deceased people whom I
    cherisch. It has been a long process, as since 2010 I lost almost every
    year someone close to my heart. These eleven titles are inspired by
    leaving, grief, loss and respect paid to ancestors.

    A sample track is available here:

    I am still in the process of finding the right cover art for this
    release. I want it to be a perfect match with the music and the name of
    the album (if you have some ideas...).

    As a parallel to it will be released the album of improvisations
    "Campanologie", a collection of experiments made about and around the
    composition of my piece "Etude Campanologique n°3" for electric guitar

    I also released last december on Bandcamp the album "Sketches for
    Images", 15 short pieces related to visual arts and mixed by Markus Reuter.

    I wish you a exciting and beautiful year!

    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    -- Aristotle
    Nostalgia, you know, ain't what it used to be. Furthermore, they tells me, it never was.
    “A Man Who Does Not Read Has No Appreciable Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read” - Mark Twain

  22. #22
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    ^ interesting. I'm in for checking it out.
    Please don't ask questions, just use google.

    Never let good music get in the way of making a profit.

    I'm only here to reglaze my bathtub.

  23. #23
    Member Teddy Vengeance's Avatar
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    Happy to support this. I thoroughly enjoyed Philharmonie and Yang.

  24. #24
    Casanova TCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    ^ interesting. I'm in for checking it out.
    +1 and thanks Mark for the H.U.!.

    Last edited by TCC; 01-14-2019 at 09:31 AM.

  25. #25
    Outraged bystander markwoll's Avatar
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    Yet more news:
    Dear friends,

    As I stated on my previous message, my new solo album "The Empty Room"
    will be release in May 2019.

    I am launching a crowdfunding campaign to help me fund mastering and
    manufacturing of the album.

    For those among you not familiar with crowdfunding, the principle is to
    directly involve people who are potentially interested in the product,
    idea or service, in that case those who would probably buy our work, by
    offering them a pre-sale of the record along with other compensations to
    their participation.

    It is a good way for me to release this album without being engaged with
    a record label.

    It is a direct trading between the producer and the consumer, more, the
    consumer becomes an actor by taking part in the making of the project he

    If you choose to help me releasing my next album, please visit my
    Indiegogo page:

    The video there is in French but subtitled in English.

    You are welcome with any question or comment.


    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    -- Aristotle
    Nostalgia, you know, ain't what it used to be. Furthermore, they tells me, it never was.
    “A Man Who Does Not Read Has No Appreciable Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read” - Mark Twain


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