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Thread: Big Brother Canada: Season 6

  1. #26
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    BB Season 20 starts tomorrow. New thread here,

  2. #27
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Big Brother Canada season 7 starts tonight!

    Meet the houseguests here,

  3. #28
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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  4. #29
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    "That gum you like is going to come back in style."

  5. #30
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Initial thoughts.

    1. In a competition creating themes in the house, BBCan kicks BBUS's ass. The BBCan house is always way cool!
    2. Do you think the psychic knows what week she's getting booted out and by who?
    3. Anthony from Richmond Hill is my man. I'm rooting for him (unless he turns out to be a jerk or really stupid). Richmond Hill is the city next to mine. It's literally 2.5 miles to the city line. I shop and play there all the time, so he's my neighbour.
    4. Excellent first episode. I'm psyched for a good season!

    When they were revealing what the houseguests didn't want the others to know, I rewatched the Asian guy four or five times and I have no idea what he said, so if anyone can decipher it for me, I'd appreciate it.

  6. #31
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    I have not caught up this season. Been traveling a bit. Will do so this weekend. Apologies...

  7. #32
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    Well, another boring cast. I hate when nobody makes a move. I mean, Eddie? Pffffft. C'mon.

    One of the main reasons I loved the Canadian version, was in my view, the producers created situations that kept the show interesting. Whether it be bringing somebody back, or giving an underdog or two a secret power, etc. At least in the first 3 or 4 seasons anyway. The last 2 seasons have been horribly dull.
    "That gum you like is going to come back in style."

  8. #33
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I agree. Eddie was a totally lame move. But Adam is a lame player.

    And I'm pissed that Chelsea never got any credit for backdooring Kailyn. That was a great move and it was executed brilliantly.

    I'm sure that the Blood Veto discussion last night was much longer than they showed, but I don't get why people didn't fight harder for it. Basically it looked like Kyra said, "Hey guys, give it to me!" and everyone just laid down and said "Okay, take it!". I hope that it's a killer power and that Kyra can put it to good use.

    I like that the HOH can't play for the veto. It increases the nominees' chances to win and keeps one person from having total power. It's a good change to the game IMO.

  9. #34
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    I clicked here but haven't read or caught up....

    I am 3 episodes (1 week) behind, but that will remedy this week!

  10. #35
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I was getting so pissed at Sam last night. I don't remember Adam's exact words but he basically said to Sam, "there's no guys alliance, but if there was one I would want you to be part of it. So just be cool and you're part of it".

    What?! There's no guy's alliance, but you're part of it.

    Sam...WAKE UP! Adam is playing you and the rest of the guy's alliance wants you gone!

  11. #36
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I find it interesting that instead of 'he' or 'she', everyone refers to Kiera as 'they'. It took me a while to figure out that it was Kiera being referred to, since 'they' is typically used as plural.

    That whole Blood Veto thing was anticlimatic and totally lame.
    Last edited by ForeverAutumn; 04-05-2019 at 09:34 AM.

  12. #37
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Ok... finally caught up.

    - I wanted Chelsea Bird to go much further than she did.
    - KiKi leaving was also a big disappointment for me. I would have loved to see her take the reigns and plow through the fellas.
    - Who is Damien? Canada gave him first dibs at winning them over right from the start. He has since fizzled and been non-existent. WTF?
    - I called it early in my household -- Anthony is the smartest player this season. He keeps a level head and calculates his discussions.
    - Mark (aka Tony Stark/Robert Downey Jr.) I wanted to like his play once he said he would take out the Pretty Boys, but he has zero social game and is awkward with his jokes & delivery.
    - Samantha is someone I was 50/50 & love/hate. I like that she was on to Adam, but her interest in him is what fogged her decisions and reactions a bit too much.
    - Adam is an idiot. I want him to go out in 4th place... just so he doesn't get to spend as much time in sequester with Sam.
    - Dane. Damn, that runt is everywhere. I loved when his cockiness was put in check once he was nominated.

    I like the fact that HoH can't play in the veto ceremony. That spices things up and gives a better advantage to the noms. It also adds different strategy to the mix.

    Yes, ForeverAutumn -- the blood veto was a waste. Good concept, however. I think the better plan for BBCan would have been to make it mandatory that the blood veto be used. That way you MUST get blood on your hands. Wasted opportunity.

    We see Marcia in the blood veto room, but is this all they're giving us??? We used to get stereotypical Mounties and other cool things that made BBCan unique from USA. I miss that aspect shown more in seasons 1 & 2.

    Congrats to Arissa Cox on her pregnancy announcement. We had thought she looked pregnant from the first episode, but she tried to conceal it with her choice of clothing.

  13. #38
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Ok... finally caught up.

    - I wanted Chelsea Bird to go much further than she did.
    Me too. She is one smart cookie and not afraid to cause waves in the house. I really wanted to see her go far. I might have even put money on her for the win.

    - KiKi leaving was also a big disappointment for me. I would have loved to see her take the reigns and plow through the fellas.
    I'm not convinced that she would have done that. I think that Dane has his thumb on Este and I don't know that KiKi would have made a move without Este's blessing.

    - Who is Damien? Canada gave him first dibs at winning them over right from the start. He has since fizzled and been non-existent. WTF?
    Total floater. If the pretty boys can stick together, he'll be gone soon enough. The only reason he's still there, I think, is that he's not really a threat.

    - I called it early in my household -- Anthony is the smartest player this season. He keeps a level head and calculates his discussions.
    I totally agree. The way he manipulated Cory's HOH was brilliant. She had no idea that she was being played. I wonder what her reaction will be when she's able to watch the show. Anthony and Chelsea would have made a great team.

    - Mark (aka Tony Stark/Robert Downey Jr.) I wanted to like his play once he said he would take out the Pretty Boys, but he has zero social game and is awkward with his jokes & delivery.
    I kind of find the awkwardness endearing. But he's all talk. I don't think he has the balls to turn on the PBs.

    - Samantha is someone I was 50/50 & love/hate. I like that she was on to Adam, but her interest in him is what fogged her decisions and reactions a bit too much.
    Sam frustrated the hell out of me. She KNEW about the PBs and yet she continued to go along with Adam. I hope that their relationship works out because she sacrificed her game for him. Stupid girl could have had the money and the man if she had played things smarter.

    - Adam is an idiot. I want him to go out in 4th place... just so he doesn't get to spend as much time in sequester with Sam.

    - Dane. Damn, that runt is everywhere. I loved when his cockiness was put in check once he was nominated.
    He's good at this game. I don't think he'll win, but he's good.

    I like the fact that HoH can't play in the veto ceremony. That spices things up and gives a better advantage to the noms. It also adds different strategy to the mix.

    Yes, ForeverAutumn -- the blood veto was a waste. Good concept, however. I think the better plan for BBCan would have been to make it mandatory that the blood veto be used. That way you MUST get blood on your hands. Wasted opportunity.
    Either that or make it good for, like, three weeks and the owner can't tell anyone what the power is until they use it. That would make people really think hard about their nominations.

    We see Marcia in the blood veto room, but is this all they're giving us??? We used to get stereotypical Mounties and other cool things that made BBCan unique from USA. I miss that aspect shown more in seasons 1 & 2.
    Totally agree! I still love BBCan because Canadians do play differently (and I have thing for Newfoundland accents), but I miss the Canadian touches that made it unique and brought more of the Canadian culture to the game. There are so many ways that they could give the comps a Canadian flair.

    Congrats to Arissa Cox on her pregnancy announcement. We had thought she looked pregnant from the first episode, but she tried to conceal it with her choice of clothing.
    I thought the same thing.

  14. #39
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Ahhhh, it feels sooooo good to be caught up and now able to chat about this season.

  15. #40
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Ahhhh, it feels sooooo good to be caught up and now able to chat about this season.
    I'm glad you're caught up too. With the exception of the odd comment from Paulie, I felt like I was talking to myself!

    So, Gruno and Paulie, who's on your radar for the win at this point? I say Anthony - he's playing a very smart and low-key game. He's going to have to win some comps and prove himself to the Jury though, they may not see his subtle strategy. Dane could also take it, if can keep the cockiness at bay.

  16. #41
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    I need to catch up as well. I'm a week behind. Anyone but Adam. He annoys me.
    "That gum you like is going to come back in style."

  17. #42
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    So, Gruno and Paulie, who's on your radar for the win at this point? I say Anthony - he's playing a very smart and low-key game. He's going to have to win some comps and prove himself to the Jury though, they may not see his subtle strategy. Dane could also take it, if can keep the cockiness at bay.
    I'm with you on Anthony. Yes, Dane could pull it off as he is a good competitor in comps and has enough "ins" with other key players.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie View Post
    I need to catch up as well. I'm a week behind. Anyone but Adam. He annoys me.
    Well, I still have Sunday's episode to tackle, but I'm through to the current eviction. Adam is one I do NOT want to win.

  18. #43
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I'm taking back everything I said about Anthony. The last two episodes have shown him to be cocky, controlling, and a bad sport. He was fine to take Sam out when he felt that Adam was showing more dedication to her than to the PBs, but as soon as Adam wants Cory out for the same reason Anthony becomes Mr. Hypocritical and freaks out. I didn't like the way he behaved this week at all. I want him out now. A good blind side will look good on him.

  19. #44
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    Well, I have to give props to the PBs, not only have they stuck together until the end, but they managed to do it in secrecy! That never happens. I can't believe how shocked both Este and Damien were. Wow.

    Now, I really, really hope that Kyra wins HOH! That would be so much fun!!!

  20. #45
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I have to say that I have really grown to respect and like Keira. I thought that they were going out early. And then when Chelsea was voted out, I figured Keira was next. But here they are winning the HOH in the final five, and really holding their own against Adam's temper tantrum.

    They may have their emotional moments, but over all they are one pretty cool cucumber.

  21. #46
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    Adam is such a cry baby. I'm pulling for either Dane or Keira.

  22. #47
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    While I was not too fond of Anthony freaking out that one week, he still has my nod for the win, as the smartest player in this game. Dane, though. Wow, what a pull off he came up with!

    Keira is a good one. She has uncovered key strategies and holes in people's stories. However, I find it funny she put Adam and Dane up and then neither went home

    Like 'em or not, The Pretty Boys have done what no others could do. It would have been nice to see them go Final 4, but Final 5 is still pretty impressive. Recap the season and you'll see they had an impressive run.

  23. #48
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    I'd be surprised if Anthony won, just because his game was too subtle. I could be wrong but I don't know that the folks on the jury realize how strategic and manipulative he's been. Whereas, Adam and Dane have won a lot of HOH and Veto comps. Kyra won a very important HOH to get into the final four. Anthony has won nothing. He's going to have to talk a very good game to get votes. If I were Adam or Dane up against him, I'd accuse him of riding my coat tails.

  24. #49
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I don't want to risk releasing any spoilers, so let me know when you've seen the finale.

  25. #50
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Okkkkk.... just finished the finale last night. Whew! What an ending! A slow middle of the season, but the last couple of weeks have been great.


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