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Thread: Big Brother Season 20

  1. #76
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    You're missing Rockstar.

    Completely understandable that you'd forget her.

  2. #77
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post

    Here's who I think would vote for Tyler to win:


    Good guesses Gruno. You nailed them all except Scottie.

  3. #78
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    Good guesses Gruno. You nailed them all except Scottie.
    Yeah, I remembered Rockstar and was going to add her, but I saw there was a new message in the thread and didn't want to chance coming in and seeing a spoiler

    I would have put Rockstar voting for Kaycee.



    So, yeah, I was wrong about Scottie! Dang! I thought Sam would have been the deciding factor, if there were one.

    I am surprised Tyler did not win. I am definitely happy for Kaycee. She did a hell of a job and I would have been happy with Angela or Brett winning if they were there.

    The live show dragged a bit. I am always pissed when they do not talk with the non-jury house guests. However, check out this interview with them. Some VERY interesting info. Not a huge read, so check it:

    Rachel Swindler, Swaggy C Williams, Kaitlyn Herman, Winston Hines and Steve Arienta reunite to choose their very own winner of the game.


    Not the best season ever, but the best season in roughly 10 years. I was entertained throughout. I am happy there were uneven votes. In recent years I've grown tired of unanimous voting. I'm looking forward to Celeb BB in a couple of months! Then, in early spring will be BB Canada, then summer BB shortly after that!

  4. #79
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Oh, I forgot...

    What was up with those lame ass questions from the jury??? The questions they agreed upon were pretty much softballs with the Final 2 giving the same answers they were going to give in their final speeches!!! WTF?? That was pointless. It was all saccharine & sweet. Don't show the recap competitions and all that BS. Instead, give us the jury asking better, more detailed questions.

    side note:
    Did you all see Tyler when Julie signed-off at the end with her 'Moonves' addition to her name? Check it out again if you missed it. His head slightly cocks back and he gives her a sort of "What was that?" look.

  5. #80
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    I thought it was going to be 6-3, Kaycee. I thought Hayleigh would have gone KC. Not a surprise to me that Tyler lost, despite a superior game. This seems to happen a fair amount on these types of shows. As for the jury...I miss the old days when they asked them questions beforehand (not live) and each got to ask a question to both contestants. But I suppose that's how it goes these days. And I did catch Tyler's reaction to Moonves. That said, I really laughed at Brett's reaction to swaggy's proposal.
    Please don't ask questions, just use google.

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  6. #81
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    I'm also interested as to why Tyler thought America would hate him.
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  7. #82
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    The jury questions were pathetic. It looked like they were given to the jury members to read. "This question is for...(looks at the card)...Kaycee. Yeah, Kaycee, (looks down again) what was your biggest game move?".

    I agree that I'd like to hear from non-jury members who have a different perspective from having watched the show after they left. Maybe let them drop a few bombs on the uninformed Tyler telling Kaycee that he had a power-app. That was great! I want to see Tyler on Survivor. He can keep an immunity idol secret!

    And Swaggy's proposal kinda pissed me off. This was Kaycee and Tyler's moment, not his. The jury were too busy fawning over Bayleigh to pay attention to Julie reading the results. He's a self-centred wannabe and Bayleigh just seems unstable to me. Swaggy has probably spent more time with Bayleigh's father at this point than her. It was a calculated move to get him more camera time. Yawn. I give them three months together outside of the house...tops.

    I had the same reaction as Tyler the first time Julie signed off with Moonves. WTF was that?! LOL

  8. #83
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Hah! I love your spirit, ForeverAutumn!

    I agree about your Swaggy comments. What really ticks me off -- they gave him all that time to propose -- they spent all that time discussing showmances, yet, Mrs. Moonves hurries through jury questions and F2 speeches. WTF??? That's the important portion of the finale!

  9. #84
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    I thought it was going to be 6-3, Kaycee. I thought Hayleigh would have gone KC.
    Hayleigh has said all throughout the game that she respects the moves made from others, mainly Tyler and Angela. When Faysal would be dazed 'n confused after a blindsided vote, Hayleigh was always there to say, "...but that was a good game move."

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    Not a surprise to me that Tyler lost, despite a superior game. This seems to happen a fair amount on these types of shows.
    It sucks. I do understand, to a degree, as the jury doesn't know what we know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    As for the jury...I miss the old days when they asked them questions beforehand (not live) and each got to ask a question to both contestants. But I suppose that's how it goes these days.
    Agreed! I want to hear the interaction. I want the groans, moans, and tempers to be challenged.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    And I did catch Tyler's reaction to Moonves. That said, I really laughed at Brett's reaction to swaggy's proposal.
    THAT was priceless! We rewound that portion a couple of times to laugh again. I hope Brett continues to refer to him as Chris.

  10. #85
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Agreed! I want to hear the interaction. I want the groans, moans, and tempers to be challenged.
    I like the new Survivor format. More of a free discussion instead of contrived questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba
    And I did catch Tyler's reaction to Moonves. That said, I really laughed at Brett's reaction to swaggy's proposal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    THAT was priceless! We rewound that portion a couple of times to laugh again. I hope Brett continues to refer to him as Chris.
    I missed that. Luckily, I have not yet deleted the show from my PVR. I'll watch that portion again tonight, for Brett's reaction.

  11. #86
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Hah! I love your spirit, ForeverAutumn!
    Aw, shucks.

  12. #87
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Speaking of BB couples....

    Cody & Jessica (BB16 & TAR), the engaged couple announced this week that they are expecting their first child.

    Jeff & Jordan recently welcomed the birth of their 2nd child, a boy. The couple have been married since 2016 and they will celebrate 10 years together in 2019.

  13. #88
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    BB21 starting soon... new thread or this shall remain as the sole survivor???

  14. #89
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    I'm fine with commenting here!
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  15. #90
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    new threads always make sense to me
    Please don't ask questions, just use google.

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  16. #91
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post

    And Swaggy's proposal kinda pissed me off. This was Kaycee and Tyler's moment, not his. The jury were too busy fawning over Bayleigh to pay attention to Julie reading the results. He's a self-centred wannabe and Bayleigh just seems unstable to me. Swaggy has probably spent more time with Bayleigh's father at this point than her. It was a calculated move to get him more camera time. Yawn. I give them three months together outside of the house...tops.
    So, Swaggy and Bayliegh are, apparently, married. I guess I got that one wrong!

    Tyler and Angela are also still together and bought a house together.

  17. #92


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