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Thread: Tasty analogue synth prog: Bill Bressler "Normal Boy"

  1. #26
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Bressler View Post
    As the source of all the commotion on this thread, I figured I should chime in. I wanted Phil Collins, Bill Bruford, Nick D'virgilio, or Marco Minnemann to play drums on my album. 2 are retired, and 2 I probably couldn't afford, even if I knew how to reach them. And that being said, why would they even want to play on some unknown guy's album, which was created completely in my attic studio, btw?

    So what I set out to do, by playing the drums on the keyboard, followed by meticulous, Donald Fagen level tweaking, was to try and create the feel of what (in my mind) those drummers might play, if they had actually played for me. Then I tuned them, mixed sampled room mics with sampled close mics and treated them as part of the 'band.'

    What I ended up with was something that sounded absolutely nothing like any one of those drummers might play, yet something that I absolutely loved and was proud of, and felt like they belonged with the music I had created.

    They serve the songs.

    So I hope you, Mr. Skullhead in particular, can have some appreciation for what I've done here. I didn't have a drummer play on my album, but I worked really, really hard on the drums. I think maybe with another listen, you might appreciate the depth and feel that actually exists in those tracks.

    Happy Holidays everyone!

    Bill Bressler
    Well greetings and salutations mister commotion causer... Hey if it took skullhead's comments to get you to join our merry band of progster men&women, I'll take that.
    Now grab a chair, enjoy a cold or hot refreshment, sit back, relax and join the fun and thanks for your hard work and the reward that comes from such an accomplishment(you can be proud).
    Btw Phil called and wants his toms back...
    Soundcloud page: Richard Hermans, musical meanderings YouTube: [

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Bressler View Post
    As the source of all the commotion on this thread, I figured I should chime in. I wanted Phil Collins, Bill Bruford, Nick D'virgilio, or Marco Minnemann to play drums on my album. 2 are retired, and 2 I probably couldn't afford, even if I knew how to reach them. And that being said, why would they even want to play on some unknown guy's album, which was created completely in my attic studio, btw?

    So what I set out to do, by playing the drums on the keyboard, followed by meticulous, Donald Fagen level tweaking, was to try and create the feel of what (in my mind) those drummers might play, if they had actually played for me. Then I tuned them, mixed sampled room mics with sampled close mics and treated them as part of the 'band.'

    What I ended up with was something that sounded absolutely nothing like any one of those drummers might play, yet something that I absolutely loved and was proud of, and felt like they belonged with the music I had created.

    They serve the songs.

    So I hope you, Mr. Skullhead in particular, can have some appreciation for what I've done here. I didn't have a drummer play on my album, but I worked really, really hard on the drums. I think maybe with another listen, you might appreciate the depth and feel that actually exists in those tracks.

    Happy Holidays everyone!

    Bill Bressler
    Bill, I like the keys a lot and the songs are very good. I understand the frustration with drummers, and I am no stranger to understanding the tedious programming that can go into such an undertaking. That being said, it sounds like a demo. And that being said, I would hope that of all the readers and posters here, a quality drummer would step up and offer to help you get this music out of the virtual world and into the real world. I know of a couple drummers I am sure who would have fun with it as well. Don't give up on humanity so easily. There have been a lot of "unknowns" who quickly became "known" for contributing some great music to a new or unknown artist. It seems you have suggested you would prefer a real drummer if it was possible. There are plenty of fantastic drummers out there other than the guys you mentioned. I hope you find a drummer who is on par with what you have to offer on the melodic side of things.... especially with analog synths. What you have put down would give a drummer a strong guiding light in the direction you would like to take your music.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. #28
    Bill, I really enjoyed this whole album. I can definitely hear elements of Steve Wilson, It Bites and Tull in there - so what’s not to like - and I love the synth breaks. I can imagine listening to this a lot. And I didn’t notice the sequenced drums! So thanks ...

  4. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Top Cat View Post
    Well greetings and salutations mister commotion causer... Hey if it took skullhead's comments to get you to join our merry band of progster men&women, I'll take that.
    Now grab a chair, enjoy a cold or hot refreshment, sit back, relax and join the fun and thanks for your hard work and the reward that comes from such an accomplishment(you can be proud).
    Btw Phil called and wants his toms back...
    I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you very much! I hope there is much more commotion to be caused!

    Last edited by Bill Bressler; 12-27-2018 at 11:54 AM.

  5. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by zzorchering View Post
    Bill, I really enjoyed this whole album. I can definitely hear elements of Steve Wilson, It Bites and Tull in there - so what’s not to like - and I love the synth breaks. I can imagine listening to this a lot. And I didn’t notice the sequenced drums! So thanks ...
    I'm not familiar with It Bites, but Mark Asch, the singer on tracks 2,3 and 5, does have a strong Ian Anderson quality in his voice, IMHO. And Hand.Cannot.Erase was on heavy rotation whilst making the album. The whole drum thing is moot at this point. I've gotten too much positive feedback from people such as yourself who can enjoy 'Normal Boy' for what it is... Disco.

    No wait, I mean the Prog!!

    Kind Regards,

  6. #31
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    This one has grown on me, even the 12-minute "Walk" which wasn't initially a fave. Synth talk box in 2018? Yes please!

  7. #32
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Bressler View Post
    I'm not familiar with It Bites, but Mark Asch, the singer on tracks 2,3 and 5, does have a strong Ian Anderson quality in his voice, IMHO. And Hand.Cannot.Erase was on heavy rotation whilst making the album. The whole drum thing is moot at this point. I've gotten too much positive feedback from people such as yourself who can enjoy 'Normal Boy' for what it is... Disco.

    No wait, I mean the Prog!!

    Kind Regards,
    well in that case, I believe you've created a new genre Bill..Disco Prog.. Wear your white suit proudly.
    Soundcloud page: Richard Hermans, musical meanderings YouTube: [

  8. #33
    I’m on the record as a huge Bressler fan, and I actually think the drums are really well done, very nicely programmed without going over the top, they add to that art rock vibe that balances out the prog so nicely. And dude, it’s almost 2019, no one cares if drums are electric, acoustic, programmed, played or all of the above as long as they sound good!

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob Holm-Lupo View Post
    I’m on the record as a huge Bressler fan, and I actually think the drums are really well done, very nicely programmed without going over the top, they add to that art rock vibe that balances out the prog so nicely. And dude, it’s almost 2019, no one cares if drums are electric, acoustic, programmed, played or all of the above as long as they sound good!
    Right on, brother.
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  10. #35
    My album is now available at Bandcamp: and you get a cool digital booklet with your download!

  11. #36
    Just bought it. Put me in the camp that loves it. The drums don't bother me at all and that's my instrument. Very cool album, really good songs and FUN to listen to. Thanks for sharing it here.

  12. #37
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    'Scuse me while I whip this out!


  13. #38
    'Normal Boy' has been getting regular airplay on,, and with some really good feedback to boot!

  14. #39
    Highly Evolved Orangutan JKL2000's Avatar
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    I have the distinction of being the first person to buy this album on CD (from Bandcamp). I checked it out based on Jacob Holm-Lupo’s recommendation, and I think it’s a great little album. It kind of reminds me of Tony Banks’ “A Curious Feeling,” and also Tiger Moth Tales. Yeah, the cover is great, and somehow the photos and the somewhat retro sound combine to evoke a fun, simple autobiographical picture.

    Good lord Skullhead was a dick! I’m not sure anyone mentioned that the album’s story takes place mostly in the 80’s, so the programmed drums fit fine.

    One question, Bill: is the title track supposed to cutoff suddenly like it does? I guess so since it happens on the CD and streaming on Bandcamp.

    Well, great work! I’d certainly recommend this album.

  15. #40
    Yes, in 'Normal Boy,' I wanted the Mellotron strings to be the last thing you hear before it abruptly cuts out. It was a background effect that I did in the second and third chorus, and then brought to the forefront for the ending. Btw, you're not the first person to question this!

  16. #41
    Member interbellum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKL2000 View Post
    I have the distinction of being the first person to buy this album on CD (from Bandcamp).
    Wouldn't surprise me either, especially because it was released on CD early November. Just had a few listens and I really like this autobiographic proggy story!

  17. #42
    Member interbellum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullhead View Post
    When you use a drum machine or program beats, you are trivializing drummers and sending a message that they are not needed, outdated and worthless. Everyone knows music is in a dire situation these days. Why be complicit to it's demise?
    I was just listening to Normal Boy again. Fine album!
    Reading this remark from Skullhead reminds me of the early days of the Mellotron and synthesizers. Initially they weren't tolerated by the Musicians' Union because they "were sending a message" that real orchestra-musicians weren't "needed, outdated and worthless".

  18. #43
    Highly Evolved Orangutan JKL2000's Avatar
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    I love this album! I’m not sure Skullhead isn’t still around here, but that comment is asinine. Someone still has to program the drums. They’re not using drum-playing automatons.

  19. #44
    Such a shame this thread turned into a back and forth debate about programmed drums.

    I liked what I heard enough to purchase it pretty much straight away.

    Can't say I was even conscious of the drum sound, I was just enjoying the music.

  20. #45
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    There are a few "new" tracks on his Bandcamp page... including this one

  21. #46
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogue Mail View Post
    Such a shame this thread turned into a back and forth debate about programmed drums.
    It wasn't that bad, and look at it this way, with each new comment it bumped the thread back to the top(and hopefully more people saw it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Impman View Post
    There are a few "new" tracks on his Bandcamp page... including this one
    Thanks for sharing the link and info.
    I enjoyed the new track(gee I wonder what that was about?). lol
    Soundcloud page: Richard Hermans, musical meanderings YouTube: [

  22. #47
    Member interbellum's Avatar
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    New album A Second Past was released two days ago on Bandcamp as download:

    Thanks JKL2000 for posting this on the What albums did you listen today-section.

  23. #48
    Highly Evolved Orangutan JKL2000's Avatar
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    ^ This album is even tastier than his first! Splicer, you’ll probably like this.

  24. #49
    I just gave a couple of tracks off of this a listen. It's good stuff! Admittedly l checked it out mostly because of the discussion about programmed drums. I guess l don't have an ear for that because I'd have had no idea that was a drum program if l hadn't read it here. The level of complexity involved in doing that is way over my head.
    Boy, drum programming has come a long way from the ol' LM-1 and Fairlight...that should tell you my level of knowledge!
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