Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Krautman View Post
Though I have no doubts about his musical skills and knowledge I stopped watching his YT clips a couple of years ago.
There are certain aspects about him that I find too irritating in the long term, mainly:

- A mostly condescending attitude: the "I know, you don't" syndrome.
- An obviously oversized ego (related to above).
- Most of the time (except during interviews) he's SHOUTING (or speaking very loudly). I don't like people shouting at me just to prove they're right. Do you ?
- Very often a lack of open-mindedness and humor, he's WAY too serious about topics he's dealing with. Relax Rick, it's just all about entertainment after all and there are many more important (and enjoyable) things in life than perfect pitch.
- Most of his videos are overlong and could (should) be shortened without altering the meaning.

OK, maybe I'm overly sensitive and severe but (for me) all the above points are too much and prevent me to fully enjoy his clips, thus I stopped altogether.

I don't want to put the two men in competition and comparisons are just what they are (often meaningless) but still... (Daily) Doug Helvering looks like Rick Beato's exact opposite: cool, funny and relaxed he never takes himself too seriously.
A completely different mood, unstressed and fully enjoyable. I still watch his clips from time to time with great pleasure.
You forgot to say "Y'all" at the end.

Yeah, Doug's videos are pretty good overall. I really like when he has some version of the sheet music to certain pieces and explains what's happening musically while listening. See his videos on Firth of Fifth, Mad Man Moon, lots of ELP pieces, etc.