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Thread: Big Brother Seasons 21, 22, 23...

  1. #726
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    Just like Cameron’s HOH, when Matt played his advantage, wasn’t really an HOH.
    Exactly. Eliminated the pressure tank comp because of it.

    I do like how Cirie is getting grilled online over how she has acted and the way she looks down on many of the house guests.

  2. #727
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post

    I do like how Cirie is getting grilled online over how she...looks down on many of the house guests.
    One of the many reasons my husband hates her.

  3. #728
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    Was the Sunday program just 2 hours of repeated content? I skilled through it on fast-forward and kept seeing people who'd already been voted off.

    Was there any reason to spend 2 hours re-watching old content?


  4. #729
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duncan Glenday View Post
    Was the Sunday program just 2 hours of repeated content? I skilled through it on fast-forward and kept seeing people who'd already been voted off.

    Was there any reason to spend 2 hours re-watching old content?
    Sunday was an hour-long episode. The previous Sunday had a (useless) 2-hour episode. Were you, perhaps, rewatching last week's episode?

    This recent Sunday ep started with the aftermath of the eviction, then showing what we missed in the house during the double eviction.

  5. #730
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    It looks like there's no episode on Wednesday.

  6. #731
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    So, there was no HOH or Veto this week. Cameron and Jerome played one comp. Then Cameron played a three-minute comp. WTF did the houseguests do all week? Julie made a big deal about this season making history by being 100 days, but it seems like they're just wasting a lot of time and dragging it out to hit that mark. Yawn...

  7. #732
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    So, there was no HOH or Veto this week. Cameron and Jerome played one comp. Then Cameron played a three-minute comp. WTF did the houseguests do all week? Julie made a big deal about this season making history by being 100 days, but it seems like they're just wasting a lot of time and dragging it out to hit that mark. Yawn...
    Also, it was Scary Week. Other than the zombie thing, nothing else happened.

  8. #733
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    I hate to say it, but I'm starting to root for Cameron. That guy has nine lives and is, so far, the only person in the house that deserves to win. I like how he holds his cards so close to his chest.

  9. #734
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    I hate to say it, but I'm starting to root for Cameron. That guy has nine lives and is, so far, the only person in the house that deserves to win. I like how he holds his cards so close to his chest.
    I've never understood the hate for him, and I've been pulling for him all along.

    And I like Jag, the kid and the deaf guy (forgot their names).


  10. #735
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Yeah, is there hate for Cameron? He seems cool.

    I'm not sure who the kid is, I also like Jag and Matt (the deaf guy). I also like Cory & America. Which is actually a pretty good selection of the house for me, given we are nearly at jury.
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  11. #736
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    Yeah, is there hate for Cameron? He seems cool.
    My wife thinks he's a show-off.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    I'm not sure who the kid is, I also like Jag and Matt (the deaf guy). I also like Cory & America. Which is actually a pretty good selection of the house for me, given we are nearly at jury.


  12. #737
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    Cameron just rubbed me the wrong way. He came off as very arrogant. The more I see him, the more he’s growing on me. Kinda like Josh, several seasons ago. He annoyed the hell out of me, but by the end I really liked him.

  13. #738
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    I couldn't stand Felicia in the beginning, but she's quickly becoming one of my favorites!


  14. #739
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duncan Glenday View Post
    I couldn't stand Felicia in the beginning, but she's quickly becoming one of my favorites!
    Yeah. She's playing a smart social game and nobody sees her as a threat. She could just sneak on through to the end. I'm shocked that Cirie is still there! I figured with her Survivor background, she would have been voted out a long time ago.

  15. #740
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    The only one I sorta kinda like is maybe Matt? While I'm still on board, this season has been a total dud for me. The frequent Veto meeting and HoH comp "cliffhangers" are infuriating!

    In the meantime, we've been binging season 13 of BB Australia on Paramount+. WAAAY less cheesey with a ton of heart and a lot of laugh out loud moments. But don't let that statement fool you tho, there's plenty of scheming and crazy twists galore. Favorite contestant of all time on any BB is Tilly. A young girl that just crushes the comps despite going at it like an wide-eyed child at an amusement park for the first time. So effortless and fun! She reminds me of Domino ("luck is a super power") from Dead Pool 2. Highly recommended for BB fans here.
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  16. #741
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    Cameron just rubbed me the wrong way. He came off as very arrogant. The more I see him, the more he’s growing on me. Kinda like Josh, several seasons ago. He annoyed the hell out of me, but by the end I really liked him.
    Cameron was a good player, but his cockiness and "I'll show them how it's done by doing it the right way" is what I didn't like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Duncan Glenday View Post
    I couldn't stand Felicia in the beginning, but she's quickly becoming one of my favorites!

    I liked her the first week when she was hanging with every group and dancing and prancing around. Once she buddied up with Cirie, she took on the lazy mom role. Her one-liners and her expressions on the live feeds are hilarious.

    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    Yeah. She's playing a smart social game and nobody sees her as a threat. She could just sneak on through to the end. I'm shocked that Cirie is still there! I figured with her Survivor background, she would have been voted out a long time ago.
    It amazes me that this happens on multiple seasons. Vote out the vet! It seems to come back to bite them in the end. Cirie is undeserving of any accolades. I can't accept the lazy game play.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie View Post
    The only one I sorta kinda like is maybe Matt? While I'm still on board, this season has been a total dud for me. The frequent Veto meeting and HoH comp "cliffhangers" are infuriating!
    Jag should win. Matt is decent. He has some hatred for America. Matt holds a grudge against America for things America said about Riley. Matt liked Riley. Matt still mentions this daily. He thinks he has something with Riley when he gets out.

    It's frustrating not being able to see live HoH comps from beginning to end on the Thursday eviction episode. I don't get it. It doesn't cause excitement of anticipation, especially when they constantly advertise to watch the live feeds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie View Post
    In the meantime, we've been binging season 13 of BB Australia on Paramount+. WAAAY less cheesey with a ton of heart and a lot of laugh out loud moments. But don't let that statement fool you tho, there's plenty of scheming and crazy twists galore. Favorite contestant of all time on any BB is Tilly. A young girl that just crushes the comps despite going at it like an wide-eyed child at an amusement park for the first time. So effortless and fun! She reminds me of Domino ("luck is a super power") from Dead Pool 2. Highly recommended for BB fans here.
    Intrigued. I shall see about this. I do like catching a season of Australia BB here and there. That season with Tim was great.

  17. #742
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    I was sorry to see Blue go. It was obvious, however, that she was going. America was dressed for the HOH comp. Blue was not. So, no surprise for viewers there.

    I liked Blue in the house. But I hated her behaviour in her interview with Julie. It was so obvious that she's trying to promote her career as an influencer or whatever she's trying to do. I know that a lot of people play because they want screen time for acting or modelling careers. Maybe BB looks good on a resume. But most people aren't so blatant about it.

    Not sorry to see America go at all.

    If you had asked me at the start of the show who the final five would be, I would have been very far off.

    I still can't believe Cirie is still there.

  18. #743
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    I'm the opposite about the 2 girls.

    That Blue's fake "look-at-me, look-at-meee" behavior at every turn, preening herself like she's some international beauty - and "girl-oh-girl" fake valley talk ... SO glad she's gone!


  19. #744
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duncan Glenday View Post
    I'm the opposite about the 2 girls.

    That Blue's fake "look-at-me, look-at-meee" behavior at every turn, preening herself like she's some international beauty - and "girl-oh-girl" fake valley talk ... SO glad she's gone!
    I can see why you and others would feel that way. Blue is definitely creating a brand for herself. While it's not my style and I'm definitely not her target market, if she can make it work for her, I don't have a problem with it.

    I was sick of seeing America cry. She outright said that she was going after Jag and Matt, but when they put her on the block she acted like an entitled little snowflake. "It's not fair. Why meeeeeee?" I can't stand that kind of hypocritical behaviour. Strap on some balls and play the game.

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  20. #745
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    Any thoughts about the final week?

    It doesn't matter who Bowie Jane puts on the block, but will she put up Matt and ruin his streak of never being on the block?
    If Jag or Matt win veto tonight, will they actually take the other?
    If Felicia wins, who will she take?

    Who's your money on to win?

    I'm going to be super pissed if Jag goes back on his word to Matt. Matt is the reason that Jag is still in the house, after using his super-power to save Jag when he was evicted. It's amazing, however, that Jag is still there.

  21. #746
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Jag should win. But from that little bit of jury house they showed, it sounds like bitter jury syndrome might give it to Matt (assuming they are together at the end). I think Jag will take Matt, but Matt might not take Jag.

    Bowie Jane and Felicia need to take each other to have any chance to win.

    Overall, despite what I said earlier, I did wind up liking this years twist. Once they got the terrible overproduction out of the way, adding these multiverse twists I think was ultimately a positive, even if for some of them (the Zombie twist) I would have liked to have seen done differently. And an overall pretty good season I thought, with a handful of players that should get the chance to play again if they do another all-stars version, and mostly likable people (at least with those that went far).
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  22. #747
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duncan Glenday View Post
    I'm the opposite about the 2 girls.

    That Blue's fake "look-at-me, look-at-meee" behavior at every turn, preening herself like she's some international beauty - and "girl-oh-girl" fake valley talk ... SO glad she's gone!
    Same here. I hate that over acting and pretending it's real version of yourself. When Blue dropped that act, she was decent enough.
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  23. #748
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    What if Bowie Jane wins HOH!

  24. #749
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    She should take Matt and hope that evicting Jag (along with a few HOH wins) will be enough for victory. Although it sounds like she has a final 2 with Jag, so she might not do that.
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  25. #750
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I'm not surprised that Jag won. I hope he buys Matt something really nice for saving his ass when he was evicted.

    Bowie Jane was total class when Jag evicted her. All I could think for the last couple of episodes was, does she really believe that he's going to take her over Matt? I would have been very disappointed in him if he'd done that. That comp between Jag and Bowie Jane, last night, was a beast.

    Cameron was America's Favourite Player? I did not see that one coming!

    Overall, I really liked this season. There were some duds, like the over-produced comps and the waste-of-time Zombie week. But the contestants were mostly enjoyable to watch without too much drama. I hope they don't do 100 days again. It's too long.


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