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Thread: Big Brother Seasons 21, 22, 23...

  1. #151
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Oh, it is real, I have seen it with others. With Nicole, she is trying to piggyback it along with being scared of other players.

  2. #152
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    I'm staying away from the feeds most of today. More chatter reveals previous winner Derrick (and Dan, but to a lesser extent) was behind the scenes running major alliance strategy with many houseguests -- some who are in this house. One fan put it best:

    This will be the one season where I support production trying to undo what Derrick has created.

    Idiot Derrick.

  3. #153
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    I won't be watching live tomorrow. Leafs game is on. Hockey always has top priority.

  4. #154
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    I'm staying away from the feeds most of today. More chatter reveals previous winner Derrick (and Dan, but to a lesser extent) was behind the scenes running major alliance strategy with many houseguests -- some who are in this house. One fan put it best:

    This will be the one season where I support production trying to undo what Derrick has created.

    Idiot Derrick.
    We (well ... I) have no idea what you're talking about.

    Feel free to 'splain...


  5. #155
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Yep. Let's see his personality come through. I'm for it!

    I recall that being one of the first seasons that I was confused with the cast choices. I ended up going opposite of my usual picks and went with Adam (aka Baller) who ended up winning, then using the winnings to become a drug dealer, enlisting fellow BB-alum Matt into the ring.

    Too much.

    Watch this, try to ignore the laugh track.


    Okie dokie. Although if it is too close to being a spoiler, I will be cautious or refrain.

    Here is something that just came up:



    'Big Brother' fans hoping to see Josh Martinez on the new All-Star season are disappointed, but super-cautious producers pulled him out of the house over a possibly false-positive COVID test.

    'BB' season 22 premiered Wednesday night with no Josh -- winner of Season 19 -- and TMZ's learned he got yanked from the cast due to one positive test while he sequestering for the new season a couple weeks ago.

    Now, according to production sources ... after that positive test, Josh was tested again several times that week and had all negative results. Remember, he was self-isolating that whole time -- but we're told the one positive was enough to scare producers who felt it was too risky to put him in the BB House with the other contestants.

    Thus, the decision was made to release him from sequester earlier this week -- just days before the new season premiere -- and replace him with an alternate.

    Our sources say Josh arrived in L.A. the second to last week of July along with all the other core and alternate Houseguests, who were to sequester for 2 weeks while undergoing constant COVID testing.

    As far as we know ... Josh was the only one to have a positive test, but we're told he's healthy and does not have the virus. He's since been spotted out and about in L.A. with friends.
    I would say season 9 was the first time they went with people who would seem to be good at grabbing eyeballs/putting BB in more of a spotlight, as opposed to people who were good at playing the game. (perhaps this had to do with their 'love connection' stuff, as they did reverse this well with season 10 and a couple after...although they seem all about that now in the past at least 6 years.)

    And ahh yes. I do remember Aayrn specifically, as well as several of those other houseguests. Didn't realize that was 15...honestly, most of these current seasons just run together in my mind. Even if I recognize the players, I wouldnt know what season they were associated with.
    Last edited by Hobo Chang Ba; 08-08-2020 at 05:40 PM.
    Please don't ask questions, just use google.

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  6. #156
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duncan Glenday View Post
    We (well ... I) have no idea what you're talking about.

    Feel free to 'splain...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    I'm finding out from other previous houseguests how Nicole called producers and got on the show. She informed them there was a private group chat with contestants BB had asked to be on this season. She ratted out names. Some of those names were in a chat, some were not. Those who were not are extremely pissed off that she dragged them into this. Those who were in the chat, ended up not being included in this season after all and are more than furious with her. There are tons of fans truly angry that some of their faves are not going to be on because she ratted them out... or is it because they got caught?
    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Previous winners Derrick (officer) and Dan (held his own funeral) are two names that come up so far. Unclear on total number in the chat, but the names will start coming out. Dan is said to have been involved in the chat. Derrick apparently was not in the group chat, but Nicole called his name out as if he was. Derrick has posted that he is not happy with Nicole for that. Some former houseguests from Nicole's seasons and other seasons seem to be piling on her for being so desperate to be on the show.
    Derrick & Dan were helping others strategize prior to going into the house.

  7. #157
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    David just asked Cody how the veto game and veto process works. I am not kidding.

  8. #158
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    4:53 PM · Aug 8, 2020
    Janelle - I would have went home before Will.
    Keesha - Why? I feel like you get targeted so much. Listening to your seasons, you are always targeted.
    Janelle - That's why I'm always super bitter about floaters, cause I'm jealous. I wish I could play that game
    Keesha - And I feel like a lot of people win that way.
    Janelle - It's the easiest way to win...just laying low. That's why I am super crazy about floaters and I hate them


    6:00 PM · Aug 8, 2020
    Bayleigh - She (Rachel) is so goofy.
    Dani - She is insane. That's the word that you are looking for. I think that she is totally different in real life. I hated her on the show. She is a very, caring, nice person. On the show, she is very abrasive

    Dani - I was texting with Kalia when all of the hype about All Stars was online. She goes "are you busy packing for All Stars?". I went "yep lol". She changed the subject. My friends think I have no chance


  9. #159
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    I know I talk up Enzo a lot.

    Let's remember why I fell in love with the Meow Meow

  10. #160
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Derrick & Dan were helping others strategize prior to going into the house.


  11. #161
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    5:40 PM · Aug 9, 2020
    Nicole F to Tyler - People were sending people to ask if I was on, to try to figure it out. There was this rumour that I called production and started crying (feeds cut)

    Nicole - Do you follow Evel Dick? He tweeted that he has confirmed sources. That's who the sources were. They (Dick/Janelle) are very close friends #BB22


    5:43 PM · Aug 9, 2020
    Tyler - People were like "Tyler and Angela are on cause Tyler pulled a fucking Dr. Will and made production make Angela go on". I fucking wish. Who do you think I am?
    Nicole F - If you heard I cried to get on here, how pathetic. I have got more going on.
    Tyler - Right

    Nicole - The rumour was that Paul called me to be in an alliance, then I cried and found out about it. There is no truth to that
    Nicole F - They were already talking about how I'm ruining this season cause I begged to be on. Are you kidding me? Do you really think I'm not an All Star? I was the first female to beat a dude. You think I have to cry my way on?
    Tyler - I dont think anybody believes it

    5:47 PM · Aug 9, 2020
    Nicole F - One person is in here that started the rumour. One is here and one is on the outside. I know it. They dont know I know it.
    Tyler - You know for a fact?
    Nicole - Yes.
    Tyler - Who is it?
    Nicole - Janelle

    Tyler - She (Janelle) probably knows you know.
    Nicole F - I think so.
    Tyler - You have got to assume.
    Nicole - I would never have knew either. It hurt my feelings a lot.
    Tyler - Who knows, it could be that same person that started rumours about me and Angela

    Nicole F - What's important about my supporters is they dont say mean stuff about other people. My people, they are not mean.
    Dani - My second time, the Jeff and Jordan fans were nasty to me. Let them fight their own battles. We're totally cool now

    5:58 PM · Aug 9, 2020
    Nicole F - When people tweet mean stuff about me, I have never replied. I'm talking about past houseguests.
    Dani - They tag you?
    Nicole - Whether they tag me or not, I see it. There will be an Us Weekly article about it


    6:02 PM · Aug 9, 2020
    Tyler - The #1 thing that I was most reluctant about coming back is that Angela has to deal with all of the stupid people.
    Dani - I told Dom I'm worried about him if people start talking crap about me.
    Tyler - They are just ruthless (on Twitter) for no reason
    Nicole F - Twitter loves the older players for sure. Twitter hates the new players. I hear we all suck. I dont think Twitter even likes Derrick.
    Dani - People also dont like boring seasons. Derrick squashed the fights, so he made it more of a boring season


    6:10 PM · Aug 9, 2020
    Christmas to herself - The girls scare me. Dani and Janelle, they are tough as nails. Tyler, Bayleigh Final 3. That would be nice


  12. #162
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Perhaps I put too much stock into Janelle's and Kaysar's previous relationship on the show, but it seems to me to be a bit of a tacticle error on Janelle's part to challenge him in the saftey suite. Obviously alot can happen in a week, but it would seem to have made more sense to let him have it, campaign for him to use the +1 on her (like he did anyway), and still have yours for the future two weeks (and can choose whether to repay Kayser in kind or not).
    Please don't ask questions, just use google.

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  13. #163
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    11:43 PM · Aug 9, 2020
    [Enzo/Bayleigh/Cody/Da'Vonne discussing game]

    Bayleigh - Let's all four of us have a focused person on the outside. I say have Da'Vonne work Dani, me work Janelle, you (Cody) work Ian, and you (Enzo) pick who you want to work with

    Enzo - I dont even know if Keesha knows that she is playing. "I wont put you on the block". Yo, you going home

    11:48 PM · Aug 9, 2020
    Cody to Da'Vonne - I would rather Kevin over Keesha 100%. I straight up told him that. I said "I'm going to be in your corner". Right now when people are asking me, I'm saying I dont know. I dont want to be the first one to say it. It's going to spread like wildfire


    12:29 AM Aug 10, 2020
    Bayleigh - Christmas made it far, obviously Nicole won, Dani made it top two.
    Keesha - I didnt know Nicole won. The blonde?
    Bayleigh - Mhmm. She won her second season.
    Keesha - Oh
    Bayleigh - Everybody here is a high achiever.
    Keesha - I didnt realize that until you said that. I didnt see a lot of people's seasons. I didnt even know Nicole won.
    Bayleigh - Nicole was a favourite.
    Keesha - I can see why
    Bayleigh - She (Nicole A) was my favourite player from her season. I got to host a comp her year. She was so starstruck to see me.
    Keesha - She is just nice, she is really sweet

    12:35 AM · Aug 10, 2020
    Bayleigh - Nobody knows who the house is yet. Everybody is tiptoeing around each other. Everybody goes "I want to do what the house is going to do"


    12:50 AM · Aug 10, 2020
    Keesha - I have Da'Vonne.
    Janelle - Then you are staying. Are you sure?
    Keesha - Yeah. I really trust her.
    Janelle - Alright. I will talk to her too but I wasnt counting her

    1:21 AM · Aug 10, 2020
    Janelle - Who would you put up if you won HoH?
    Keesha - Probably Cody.
    Janelle - You should use that.
    Keesha - No. They are all listening to him.
    Janelle - He has no power. He cant even play for HoH. Say "if I stay next week, two guys will be on the block"
    Janelle - Tell Ian that you will work with him and that he is safe with you.
    Kaysar - After the whole ceremony.
    Janelle - Yes
    Janelle - Who would you put next to him (Cody)?
    Keesha - I dont know. Another guy. It would have to be one of his buddies.
    Janelle - He has got a couple
    Janelle - Do you talk to Memphis about the game?
    Keesha - Yeah.
    Janelle - When? Do you sneak out and have conversations with him?
    Keesha - Yeah. Janelle- When? Keesha- In that little cold ass room.
    Janelle - Which room?
    Keesha - The horrible one
    Janelle - I dont trust her (Nicole F) at all. That's why I mentioned there is other threats that are bigger than Cody. She is a bigger threat.
    Keesha - I agree with you on that


  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    Perhaps I put too much stock into Janelle's and Kaysar's previous relationship on the show, but it seems to me to be a bit of a tacticle error on Janelle's part to challenge him in the saftey suite. Obviously alot can happen in a week, but it would seem to have made more sense to let him have it, campaign for him to use the +1 on her (like he did anyway), and still have yours for the future two weeks (and can choose whether to repay Kayser in kind or not).
    I think she didn't know the rules or wasn't clear on them. I think we will see people camping out by that door and jumping in last moment. It might be interesting if some form a casual barrier trying to get in and they edge someone out at the last second.

  15. #165
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    HOLY HELL!!! Christmas is finally being shown on the live feeds!!!


    2:18 PM · Aug 10, 2020
    Christmas - There is nobody from my season.
    Janelle - Josh was supposed to be here.
    Christmas - I'm real sad. This place would be poppin' right now
    Janelle - Did you know that he (Josh) was going to be on this?
    Christmas - I knew that he had been called. I am guessing either they chose not to bring him in last minute or he tested positive for COVID.
    Janelle - I think he tested positive, didnt he? (feeds cut)


    2:32 PM · Aug 10, 2020
    Ian to Nicole A - I will just vote however I want, however I feel at the time. I dont really do the vote with the house thing


    2:37 PM · Aug 10, 2020
    Nicole A to herself - He (Ian) is an ass if he is working with all of them, because buddy, you are on the bottom. If Kevin goes, the people similar to Kevin are you and myself. I dont give a fuck what kind of deals he has. He (Ian) is very foolish if he goes on the Keesha train. Why would you leave Janelle, Kaysar, Keesha and Memphis together with Tyler and all of them? So stupid. He (Ian) legit said to me the people he has talked to said Kevin is the target. People is plural, so he has spoken to at least two people...and then he pivots and says it's just the vibe he is getting from Kevin. Who's he talking to? Probably Janelle, Kaysar

    2:42 PM · Aug 10, 2020
    Nicole A - Unless I am really paranoid...all these people are in a huge group again? Dont we have sides? Cant the power shift? Grow a brainNumbers wise, from what I am perceiving, Keesha has the numbers. I am aware of that, I am not stupid. Are they in a fucking final 13?

    2:47 PM · Aug 10, 2020
    Nicole A - So far Enzo told me Kevin, so I am going to go from there and talk to each person. I have to talk to people without going "really? Cause Ian said..." cause that's what got me in trouble last year


  16. #166
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    Must. Resist. Posting.

    Too much going on today in the house that would give away spoilers.

  17. #167
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    7:57 PM · Aug 11, 2020
    The houseguests are going to the diary room one by one for a Covid test

  18. #168
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    I haven't noticed, are the houseguests sharing beds like they usually do early in the game, or are there enough beds for everyone to help with distancing?

    I wonder what the plan is if someone tests positive...and what that means to the 14-day rule of thumb that the world is using.

  19. #169
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    I believe they all have their own bed. Other than when they first walked into the house and didn't really hug or shake hands, it has been business as usual. They aren't really doing any distancing and contact seems to be ok.

  20. #170
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    4:58 PM · Aug 12, 2020
    Janelle - Tell me again why it's important to do what the HoH wants.
    Bayleigh - I dont know. I feel like that's a recent rule.
    Janelle - We used to play if the HoH wants this person out, you do the opposite


  21. #171
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    Hmmm..... true or not?

    9:04 PM · Aug 12, 2020
    Janelle to Dani - If they are paying us our guarantee, they are not going to want to let us go. It's not going to happen. I said if I'm gone week one or two, do I go home to my family? They said no. They said we go back mid-September

  22. #172
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    ^^This probably means that everyone will be on the jury.


  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post

    4:58 PM · Aug 12, 2020
    Janelle - Tell me again why it's important to do what the HoH wants.
    Bayleigh - I dont know. I feel like that's a recent rule.
    Janelle - We used to play if the HoH wants this person out, you do the opposite

    BB4 Winner Jun Song replied to this and included the clip of Janelle saying this. Check out the video clip and her words here

    Here is what she said:

    Jun Song @JunDishes
    3:31 AM · Aug 13, 2020
    Blindsiding the 3 Stooges not once, but TWICE on BB4, was make-your-nipples-hard amazing.

    HOH ain’t shit once the noms are made. I miss the days when we shunned the HOH the rest of the week.


    By the way, Jun moved to Belgium in 2010 after getting married. She only keeps in contact with her former houseguest, FBI agent Jack, as she has stated she doesn't like her other houseguests. I always considered her one of the worst winners because she was so mean-spirited throughout her season. Nowadays, her writing, parenting and some of what she says via social media shows her progress.

  24. #174
    Moderator Duncan Glenday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Janelle: So tell me again why it's important to do what the HOH wants?
    Bayleigh: I think that's like a recent rule. The last few years...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    HOH ain’t shit once the noms are made. I miss the days when we shunned the HOH the rest of the week.
    Partly true.

    If the veto is used, the HOH has plenty of power.

    But after that, the HoH has ZERO power other than their one vote and using the semi-private room for private conversations.

    I've never understood why people keep pandering to the HoH after the veto.


  25. #175
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    I loved the BB Canada twist on the game where the HOH does not get to play for the veto. A total change of dynamics when there is no chance for the HOH to win the veto.

    BTW, Gruno, there was a commercial on BB last night for BB Canada Auditions. It looks like they're going to run a new season this year. If it follows the timeline of previous seasons, it'll be a winter 2021 start.


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