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Thread: Big Brother Seasons 21, 22, 23...

  1. #76
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    Finally, it's a game. See-ya Holly!
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  2. #77
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie View Post
    Finally, it's a game. See-ya Holly!
    I was thinking the same thing last night. Too bad it took until final five to get interesting.

    I am totally Team Nicole. Not necessarily for the win in the game, but for the win in life. I love that girl! She is quirky as hell and the confidence that she's found in this game will be life-changing for her.

    Michie has had some ups and downs, and he's been a real jerk at times, but I'm starting to realize that he's smarter than I was giving him credit for. I wouldn't be upset if he won.

    Nicole and Cliff are in a great position right now. Even though Holly might be easier to beat than Tommy in competitions, they really need to break up Holly and Michie. Now's the time to make a final three deal with Tommy and get Holly out. It's also a great move for Nicole's resume with the jury. I wouldn't be surprised to see Nicole win the game.

  3. #78
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    I completely agree with your entire post.

    Michie has grown on me as well, and it really wouldn't be a bad thing for his game if he lost Holly at this stage. Especially if it were by someone else's hand. I wouldn't be surprised if this hasn't already crossed his mind either.

    That said, go Nicole!
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  4. #79
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    Oh, and anyone else here getting an Ian (season 14 winner) vibe from Nicole? Maybe not as awkward (I mean, watching him on After Dark was at times painful and heartbreaking), but I'm getting the vibe.
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  5. #80
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie View Post
    Finally, it's a game. See-ya Holly!
    lol oops

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  6. #81
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    Unbelievable. So disappointed.
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  7. #82
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Michie should be the clear winner of this horrible season. He deserves it with his game play. That sneaking around and lying was genius. Cliff kept coming out to check if anyone was spying. Every time he came out, Michie had already gone back into the HoH. It was like a classic Tex Avery cartoon.

    Having said all that, please don't be fooled by who Michie really is. He has portrayed himself in a bad way time and time again. CBS is giving him the clean edit. Except for that one instance, they did not show the fights he has had with Holly. Once Holly was the replacement nom, they were fighting. He was nasty to her AGAIN! Just like he has been to nearly every woman he has argued with. He is worried how he will be seen by the outside world. Holly keeps telling him, "then be a good guy and stop talking to me this way!" He's a bratty frat boy and nothing else. Unfortunately, he is in BB21 and has played the best game. Michie is an asshole.

    Go Nicole! ~ yes, I see a bit of Ian in her. Ian is one of my all-time faves.

  8. #83
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    Ian absolutely eviscerated the over-confident Dan in the final vote. One of the best finales ever.
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  9. #84
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Michie should be the clear winner of this horrible season. He deserves it with his game play. That sneaking around and lying was genius. Cliff kept coming out to check if anyone was spying. Every time he came out, Michie had already gone back into the HoH. It was like a classic Tex Avery cartoon.

    Having said all that, please don't be fooled by who Michie really is. He has portrayed himself in a bad way time and time again. CBS is giving him the clean edit. Except for that one instance, they did not show the fights he has had with Holly. Once Holly was the replacement nom, they were fighting. He was nasty to her AGAIN! Just like he has been to nearly every woman he has argued with. He is worried how he will be seen by the outside world. Holly keeps telling him, "then be a good guy and stop talking to me this way!" He's a bratty frat boy and nothing else. Unfortunately, he is in BB21 and has played the best game. Michie is an asshole.

    Go Nicole! ~ yes, I see a bit of Ian in her. Ian is one of my all-time faves.
    If all of that is true (and I don't doubt you for a second) then I hope that Holly is sticking with Michie because she's playing him and dumps his sorry ass once the game is over.

  10. #85
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Wow! I am so torn after last night.

    Michie - Happy to see that he felt bad about screwing Tommy. I think he's a dick for what he did, but it was brilliant game play. So, do I hate him or do I want to see him win? Hmmmmmm. Perhaps both.

    Holly - Idiot! She's won a few comps, but it's going to be hard to convince the Jury that she hasn't played Michie's game all summer. And throwing the HOH?! WTF! Sure having the solo vote for eviction is important, but that only works if you actually win the veto! Giving up HOH at this stage was pure stupidity and only benefits Michie. Another example of blindly following Michie. If she's voted out this week, it will serve her right. DOH!

    Cliff - Like Michie, he's playing his own game and using Nicole to do his bidding. His whole argument of wanting to keep Tommy because he gave Tommy his word is laughable. He gave Holly and Michie his word first. And he gave Jess his word and threw her under the bus earlier in the season. Cliff's word is worth nothing. Having said that, he has also done what he needs to do to advance to this stage and, therefore, played a good game.

    Nicole - Oh Nicole. Should you have gone with your gut? Time will tell. Good job making it to final three, but the only way she wins is if the final two is Nicole and Holly, or if the Jury is bitter against Michie (possibly) or Cliff (doubtful). I don't think she'll beat Michie or Cliff. I'd still like to see her win, though.
    Last edited by ForeverAutumn; 09-17-2019 at 04:15 PM.

  11. #86
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    ^ Cliff is an idiot based on what they showed Sunday. Why would he think Jackson would take anyone over Holly...Nicole and Cliff were also idiots in the regard that they never should of told Jackson/Holly that they might vote out Holly before they actually decided to do it. (Or...uhh...if, I suppose, with how it turned out).

    also, an odd thing I noticed was when Christy and Nick were having their house meeting, Nick lost his cool and everyone started to distrust him. This time, Jackson is the one that lost his cool and then they wind up believing him.

    All that's really the veto that is important this week. However they went, if Jackson wins the veto, they are screwed. They couldn't get rid of Jackson last week and he is the most dangerous player in terms of winning a veto comp, so from that perspective I don't think what they ultimately decided to do was too wrong (I do think Tommy would beat them if they were in the final two with him).

    As for your final point...Nicole Vs Cliff would be interesting. I'm not sure how that would go. I would probably give it to Nicole (barely) due to her recent success and she seems more generally likeable by the Jury folk. Based on the brief jury clips they've shown I don't think it will be a particularly bitter jury...but who knows. Obviously, Jackson deserves to win...and should do easily against any of the other three.
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  12. #87
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Cliff has lied and gone back on his word. He constantly blames Nicole for many things when talking to others.

    I hope Cliff doesn't win AFP. Please, let it be anyone else. This guys campaigns daily on the live feeds. Like... openly begs the viewers to vote for him. Pathetic.

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobo Chang Ba View Post
    also, an odd thing I noticed was when Christy and Nick were having their house meeting, Nick lost his cool and everyone started to distrust him. This time, Jackson is the one that lost his cool and then they wind up believing him.
    I don't think Nicole believed Jackson. She said that she didn't, and that the "own it" comment was a clue to her that he was full of shit. But she felt compelled to stick to the original final four agreement. She's the one person in the house who, I think, hasn't lied or gone back on her word. She considered voting out Holly because you have to consider all your options, but it seemed like she was never comfortable with the idea.

    Has voting started for America's favourite? I want to vote for Nicole.

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruno View Post
    Cliff has lied and gone back on his word. He constantly blames Nicole for many things when talking to others.

    I hope Cliff doesn't win AFP. Please, let it be anyone else. This guys campaigns daily on the live feeds. Like... openly begs the viewers to vote for him. Pathetic.
    I haven't been a fan of Cliff's from early on. I don't like the way he throws his friends and allies under the bus to further his own game. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Granted, he's good at it! It would be interesting to see how his fellow house guests feel about him after they've watched the season and see what a back-stabber he really is.

  15. #90
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    I don't think Nicole believed Jackson. She said that she didn't, and that the "own it" comment was a clue to her that he was full of shit. But she felt compelled to stick to the original final four agreement. She's the one person in the house who, I think, hasn't lied or gone back on her word. She considered voting out Holly because you have to consider all your options, but it seemed like she was never comfortable with the idea.

    Has voting started for America's favourite? I want to vote for Nicole.
    Well, they did wind up keeping Holly, so based on outcome its like she believed Jackson. Perhaps it was based on the edit, but Nicole seemed pretty set (to vote out Holly) until the confrontation in the bathroom then she started to waiver and Cliff pushed for the direction they ultimately went.

    I don't even know who I would vote for for favorite this year. I guess Nicole is as good as any. I'll predict Tommy will win it.
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  16. #91
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    OMG! Cliff is delusional!

  17. #92
    Don't let your meatloaf! Paulie's Avatar
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    We laughed our asses off! Can't wait for his reaction tonight!
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  18. #93
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    CRAP! I just realized that I'll be at a conference on finale night! I guess I'll have to wait until Thursday night to find out who wins.

  19. #94
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn View Post
    OMG! Cliff is delusional!
    Yeah...that was pretty hilarious. He really is shitting the bed as the game gets down to crunch time.

    Seems the Jury is more bitter than I thought they would be.
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  20. #95
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Interested to hear everyone's comments on this finale.....

    meanwhile: the final 2 going at it:

  21. #96
    Serengeti Svengali Hobo Chang Ba's Avatar
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    Well, once Nicole lost part two it was pretty much a wrap for Jackson. I suppose the only surprise for me was Nicole voting for Holly...I thought it would have been 7-2. But, other than that no real complaints here aside from the general ones about the mehness of the season overall. Hopefully next year they will get a better cast. (but being I say that every year I wont hold my breath)
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  22. #97
    ALL ACCESS Gruno's Avatar
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    Jackson: I'm one of the least racist people I know

    Yeah, good interview... douche.

  23. #98
    Member ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Big Brother All-Stars stars on August 5th!!!!

    Houseguests will be quarantined for 14 days prior to entering the house. Which means that they are already in quarantine.

  24. #99
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    Yes, they entered this past weekend. There's a set of BB sleuth-fans who have figured out a short list of all-stars, based on their social media feeds. On the day all-stars were to be sequestered, Janelle's Instagram feed showed a pic of her getting ready to go to the gym, but it had a previous date on the image posted.

    I watch MTV's Challenge. It used to be a game between contestants on MTV reality shows. In recent years they opened it up to other reality shows globally. Big Brother (and Survivor) contestants now go on The Challenge. This season saw recent BB-alums Bailey & Swaggy, Fessy, Kacey, and Josh participating. Stay with me here... the season ended last week. This week was the reunion and it was done via Zoom, just like the other reunions and meetings lately. Every contestant was in their own residence for the reunion. Josh & Kacey were the only non-couple who were at the same location. Makes ya wonder if they are a part of this BB season.

    It's been interesting watching social media these couple of months as production started calling contestants. Some former houseguests were pathetic with their campaigning to be chosen. A few of the formers who declined the invite to be on this season have all come up with the same salary offered from BB: 40k.

    James Rhine
    Wifey is due 10.20. No chance I could leave her for 3 months
    Friends and Family, I can say with certainty that i will NOT be gracing you on your tv screens this go around. Yes, i was contacted but after careful consideration with my new career all parties felt it was better to continue with the stability that i currently have.

    On Big Brother 15 several contestants — including winner Andy Herren and his allies Amanda Zuckerman, Aaryn Gries, and Spencer Clawson — lost their jobs after competing on the reality series due to racist, homophobic, and offensive comments caught on the 24/7 Live Feeds. Therefore, no one from his season is allowed to return to the series.

    Andy Herren
    Jun 11
    Why does casting never get in trouble for the people they put in the Big Brother house? Some great players will never get to play again because they were FORCED to exist with people casting chose who said/did problematic things, yet there have been no major changes to casting????
    Andy Herren
    Jun 11
    OF COURSE I'm bitter. When you *really* compare games, I played as well as (if not better) than Dan, Derrick, and Will, but I'm not a straight white man so production buried me in the edit. Being one of the best to ever play and having the show completely ignore you sucks!!!
    If you do not remember, Helen received a good amount of stereotyping from the above culprits. She recently had this to say:

    With talk of BB Allstars, racist remarks by those houseguests who said them at me and fellow cast members and those who stood by and said nothing should never go back. Violence is not tolerated on the show - neither should Verbal Violence - it hurts just as much. @CBSBigBrother
    Jun 10
    I request that
    @CBSBigBrother update their rule book. If a contestant says racist remarks, you are expelled from the game - pretty simple and should not be controversial considering what’s happening in the world today. @ViacomCBS
    Then there was this exchange....

    Andy Herren
    Jun 13
    I think the true test of if a Big Brother player is sorry for how they acted towards/treated other houseguests is if they privately reached out to said houseguests to personally apologize. These public apologies are so transparent and mean nothing if they never did.
    Jun 13
    Social media apology stunts by @CBSBigBrother houseguests who made racist remarks before actually apologizing to the victim(s) in private who were hurt is NOT an apology - instead it is a PR stunt to fool the fans of one’s true intentions.

  25. #100
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    I left Enzo a voicemail and 2 texts.
    He ALWAYS gets back to me in a few minutes,
    never even longer than an hour.

    I left the voicemail 3 days ago,
    a text message the next day...
    Then a text message today "You lyin' mother fucker"
    And nothing

    He's in the cast
    If Enzo is on... my season would be made! Return of the Meow-Meow!

    Vincenzo "Enzo" Palumbo was a HouseGuest on Big Brother 12. Enzo became well-known for his use of his moniker "the meow-meow" and was a member of The Brigade, an alliance which helped him make it to the final 3. He ultimately placed 3rd after Hayden Moss cast the sole vote to evict him, thus making him the seventh and final member of the jury.


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