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Thread: COVID-19 Coronavirus Information and Discussion

  1. #1
    Moderator Poisoned Youth's Avatar
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    COVID-19 Coronavirus Information and Discussion

    Since this is obviously an important topic and it’s being discussed in various forms in several different threads, I think it’s best if we try to consolidate discussion and information to this thread.

    As it is a hot topic that can foster strong feelings, this thread will be closely monitored. Please be respectful towards your fellow PE members when discussing this topic.

    This is on the main forum and stuck for now so people can more easily see this thread when they come to the forum.
    WANTED: Sig-worthy quote.

  2. #2
    Moderator Poisoned Youth's Avatar
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    For those who don’t know already, Big Ears has been canceled.

    Cruise to the Edge may not cancel (the ship will likely travel), but Yes has pulled out of the event.

    As of now, it appears RoSFest is still on.
    WANTED: Sig-worthy quote.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Poisoned Youth View Post
    Yes has pulled out of the event.
    Wise move as they're at high risk, age-wise (both musicians and audience). VAN DER GRAAF must also cancel their tour dates due to the same reason.
    Macht das ohr auf!


  4. #4
    Unless Anna Meredith was already in the country before last night, I suspect her tour will be canceled very shortly.
    If you're actually reading this then chances are you already have my last album but if NOT and you're curious:

    Also, Ephemeral Sun: it's a thing and we like making things that might be your thing:

  5. #5
    Member thedunno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by battema View Post
    Unless Anna Meredith was already in the country before last night, I suspect her tour will be canceled very shortly.

    This means I will certainly not get to see her playing in Den Haag on april 3 probably.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by thedunno View Post

    This means I will certainly not get to see her playing in Den Haag on 3 april.
    If you're actually reading this then chances are you already have my last album but if NOT and you're curious:

    Also, Ephemeral Sun: it's a thing and we like making things that might be your thing:

  7. #7
    Member thedunno's Avatar
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    I came down with a fever this sunday. Called my doctor monday morning and got to hear that my symptoms were not severe enough to be tested. Besides I havent been in a risk area and have not been in known contact with an infected person (but I do travel to work in overcrowded public transport every day and so does my wife). When my fever would rise above 40 degrees Celcius (I had 39 degrees) I should call back. I should just stay at home, avoid contacts and sit it out. Now I am okay again but still at home in quarentine. I have to be 48 hours completely symptoms free.

    Thing is; I did not have a fever like this as long as I can remember (at least for 20-25 years). It seems very unlikely that, at the time a new very infectious virus is going around to which no one has build up a natural resistance yet, I would fall ill to a normal flue. Its possible, just not very likely. I will never know if I had the virus or not and believe me, that applies to a lot of people.

    Most people who attract the virus only have very mild symptoms and maybe never suspect they have COVID-19. I am quite sure the number of people that is really infected is MUCH higher then the current statistics show. Maybe even a factor 10.

    Unbelievable that CTTE is not yet cancelled. Just a matter of money so that they do not have to refund.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by spacefreak View Post
    Wise move as they're at high risk, age-wise (both musicians and audience). VAN DER GRAAF must also cancel their tour dates due to the same reason.
    Their Athens concert planned for 28 March was cancelled today.

  9. #9
    ^^ Take care and stay inside.
    "The White Zone is for loading and unloading only. If you got to load or unload go to the White Zone!"

  10. #10
    Member thedunno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronmac View Post
    ^^ Take care and stay inside.
    Thanks but I think normal fit people have very little to fear from this virus. Its the weaker and elderly we have to protect.

  11. #11
    Similarly I came down with something a week ago, persistent dry cough, no headache, but tired and aches in other ways. I have not been in contact with anyone known to have the virus, so they wouldn’t test, so I’m staying away from folk until it passes. My daughter works in an airport and has had contact with countless travellers from Italy and other areas where the virus has taken hold, it’s very possible she has passed something on, although has no symptoms herself. In my small office we have people who have travelled from Italy, Brazil and Singapore in recent times, this thing spreads easily, and my partner has even more international connections in her daily life. A week in and I’m still coughing, I don’t feel at risk, but my chest is not improved yet.

    In the UK they are only testing a maximum of 1,500 a day and only those that show acute signs or who have had contact with an infected person. This is likely being under reported. It seems we are all in for a major shut down for at least the rest of March, so all events are at risk.

  12. #12
    Member Zeuhlmate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunlight Caller View Post
    In the UK they are only testing a maximum of 1,500 a day and only those that show acute signs or who have had contact with an infected person. This is likely being under reported. It seems we are all in for a major shut down for at least the rest of March, so all events are at risk.

    Denmark's Prime Minister has announced that the country will close all kindergartens, schools and universities for two weeks to slow the spread of the coronavirus virus.
    All public sector employees who do not perform critical functions will also be sent home on paid leave.

    "This will have huge consequences, but the alternative would be far worse," Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said at a press conference announcing the tough new measures on Wednesday evening, according to the Ekstra Bladet newspaper.

    "Under normal circumstances, a government would not present such far-reaching measures without having all the solutions ready for the many Danes concerned, but we are in an extraordinary situation."

  13. #13
    Member Zeuhlmate's Avatar
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    Danish government calls for end to coronavirus hoarding

    And while they are eating frozen pizzas and canned food, I have in peace and quiet bought fresh meat and vegetables.

  14. #14
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    My boss called me early this morning in tears (lovely woman). She's been sick all week with flu-like symptoms, traveled recently and she can't get a test. Her doctor just told her to stay home. Her husband is also sick and they have three young children.

    The obvious jaw-dropping incompetence of our own government (not arguable to objective observers) to be proactive and plan rationally is exacerbating the issue in the U.S. Make no mistake, one infected person in NY was traced to 50 other infections. Given the vector of this thing and the lack of testing and organization there are not a mere 1,300+ infections as currently reported, there are likely tens of thousands, so don't be shocked when the numbers explode. Practice social distancing and stay home as much as possible.

    Princess Cruise lines just suspended global operations for 60 days.
    Last edited by Buddhabreath; 03-12-2020 at 09:53 AM.

  15. #15
    Member Zeuhlmate's Avatar
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    Good thing: Small children don't get affected - but don't be a male over 80...

    Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus in Australia

  16. #16
    Member rcarlberg's Avatar
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    Small children don't show symptoms, but they can be vectors for the disease, passing it between vulnerable adults.

    Look, I don't want to be alarmist, but this thing is bigger than a few cancelled concerts. The "novel" corona virus is a new strain not seen before, so nobody has any "natural immunity," which means that without AGGRESSIVE containment protocols and universal testing, exactly 100% of the population is open to getting infected.

    China is only now seeing a drop-off of new cases. Their first case was December 12. That's a period of three months -- and they had very aggressive containment.

    Here in the US, testing has been impossible to get (Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson got tested because they're in Australia). Without testing, we DON'T KNOW the size of the problem -- and there has been essentially zero containment. So we could be looking at tens of millions of cases (the Congressional physician briefed Congress that it would probably be between 70 and 150 million cases). The statistical mortality rate so far -- with top notch medical care -- has been 3.4%.

    The math doesn't paint a very happy picture. And conditions inside the US are far from ideal. There are only one million hospital beds in the nation, for instance.

    So, don't whine about cancelled concerts. We're looking at millions of deaths in the US and tens of millions worldwide, until science catches up and provides some solutions.
    Last edited by rcarlberg; 03-12-2020 at 09:51 AM.

  17. #17
    Outraged bystander markwoll's Avatar
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    The "regular old flu" is still circulating. I had it last month. Clean since '94. Same variety as then, 'B'.
    Stuff knocks me out. But I stayed home.
    I am a lucky guy with a job that has sick leave and a work group that can cover for each other.

    My main concern is not toilet paper/hand sanitizer but fresh produce ( non shelf stable food ) being in short supply.
    The supply chain disruptions of this thing are really just being felt, and will last a while after the 'season' blows over.

    I sure hope that the travel restrictions allow both US and non US citizens to be "repatriated " in a timely fashion.
    I would sure hate to be stuck somewhere on my own dime without an exit plan.
    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
    -- Aristotle
    Nostalgia, you know, ain't what it used to be. Furthermore, they tells me, it never was.
    “A Man Who Does Not Read Has No Appreciable Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read” - Mark Twain

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by thedunno View Post
    Thanks but I think normal fit people have very little to fear from this virus. Its the weaker and elderly we have to protect.
    But you can infect others. That's why you need to stay indoors.
    "The White Zone is for loading and unloading only. If you got to load or unload go to the White Zone!"

  19. #19
    So, they cancelled the local St. Patrick's Day parade, but not the home & garden show that's expected to bring 350,000 attendees.


    The best advice I can give is to not listen to politicians and pundits; listen to doctors and scientists, because their only agenda is to keep us safe.
    "The White Zone is for loading and unloading only. If you got to load or unload go to the White Zone!"

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeuhlmate View Post
    Good thing: Small children don't get affected - but don't be a male over 80...

    Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus in Australia
    Have enough small children been tested for this to be a broad statement. They could be carriers but just not show signs. Remember typhoid Mary.

  21. #21
    Moderator Poisoned Youth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rcarlberg View Post
    So, don't whine about cancelled concerts.
    This tone is not called for and I put in the very first post to be respectful to others here. I put that here for information purposes relative to this forum. No one is trying to minimize the impact.
    WANTED: Sig-worthy quote.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poisoned Youth View Post
    As it is a hot topic that can foster strong feelings, this thread will be closely monitored. Please be respectful towards your fellow PE members when discussing this topic.
    Good policy, as we are already seeing (unsubstantiated) posts that are predicting millions of deaths in the US and also affixing blame on the government with no real facts to support that claim. We see enough of the media frenzy and exploitation on TV, in newspapers, etc. It's going to be difficult to keep this thread free of scare tactics and unscientific personal opinions. However, I admire PE for at least trying to keep it objective and well grounded in fact.

  23. #23
    Member rcarlberg's Avatar
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    I am chastised for quoting official sources, but Sunrunner2 is not warned about calling my post "scare tactics and unscientific personal opinions"?

  24. #24
    Speaking just for myself...I'm disappointed about shows being canceled. But I'm also very relieved, especially in cases like Big Ears: it would have been much worse if they'd moved ahead and I (and others) would have been forced to risk a painful $$ hit with non-refundable tickets.

    I'm not in a panic, and I'm not hoarding. But I'm taking this very seriously and taking a hard look at all my social activities to decide what is too risky (for example, all my salsa dancing is flat off the table for the time being). Like someone said above, I think I'm healthy enough to fight this thing off if I catch it. But like others have's not about me and my immune system but the people whom I could expose by not being careful.

    Wishing everyone the best and hoping everyone can take care.
    If you're actually reading this then chances are you already have my last album but if NOT and you're curious:

    Also, Ephemeral Sun: it's a thing and we like making things that might be your thing:

  25. #25
    Member Koreabruce's Avatar
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    I'm in Korea, which has the 2nd highest instance of infections outside of China. Korea has been doing a bang-up job of rigorously enforcing hygiene protocols; thus infections have been decreasing precipitously over the past week and a half. All universities have been delayed opening for two weeks, then two additional weeks of "non-face-to-face classes" have been implemented. (We teachers expect that to increase.) Everything academic is being re-jiggered here to commence online. I've been working non-stop for a couple of days to put more of my teaching materials on learning management systems though in fact most of the foreign teachers already had quite a bit out there to begin with

    I get alerts on my phone every day regarding face masks. The authority that deals with that texts out two numbers such as 9 and 4, which means if your birth year ends in one of those digits, you can go to the nearest pharmacy and buy 2 masks maximum. Everyone's wearing them. Churches, meetings, concerts,... all social gatherings... are just not happening. It's quite a thing to behold in a country that has been historically quite Confucian. Nevertheless, people here seem to be taking it in stride. Can't imagine what it's going to be like in the US.
    Last edited by Koreabruce; 03-12-2020 at 11:50 AM.


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