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Thread: Master Cylinder... Avant from Ft. Worth!

  1. #51
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by smcfee View Post
    There were at least five Yeti CDRs to my knowledge, maybe more. Demonstration, Live at Sockmonkey, Live at the Wreck Room Parts 1 & 2, Demonstration II
    Very interesting Sean. I only have Wreck Room part 1 and 2. Plus the cd album. I missed the others🤔

  2. #52
    I have a copy of their very first vinyl-only EP that Tommy Atkins gave me, "The Man With The Lamp". I never played it but I've heard it...unfortunately l can't recommend this one.

  3. #53
    Member Mascodagama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veteranof1000psychicwars View Post
    I have a copy of their very first vinyl-only EP that Tommy Atkins gave me, "The Man With The Lamp". I never played it but I've heard it...unfortunately l can't recommend this one.
    I have a download of that somewhere. It’s fair to say they hadn’t hit their stride yet. Really big jump from that to the first LP.
    “your ognna pay pay with my wrath of ballbat”

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  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Tbone View Post
    Very interesting Sean. I only have Wreck Room part 1 and 2. Plus the cd album. I missed the others��
    I saw Yeti at Wreck Room. I walked two blocks to the show. Several proggy bands used to play the Wreck Room. I still own a Sivad CD. Named after Miles Davis, every Sivad show was improvised. They were led by trumpeter Karl Poetschke. Sivad also featured Fort Worth drummer Quincy Holloway, bassist/guitarist Tony Chapman, guitarist Daniel Huffman, bassist Chris Perdue, Dana Sudborough, and Dave Monsch. The shows ranged from something like Big Fun to a wild outdoor show on the Kimbal Art Museum lawn that sounded like Davis playing in early Zeppelin...sans Plant's vocals, of course.
    Last edited by Crawford Glissadevil; 03-08-2024 at 08:13 AM.

  5. #55
    During one of my regular searches in the hope that the Master Cylinder album might one day get a CD release, I found this on Joe Rogers' site (
    "Around that time I started a band, Master Cylinder, that lasted for over 10 years. Many musicians were part of the group, and at one time we had a woodwinds player, a brass player, violin, cello, bass, 2 drummers, and me on guitar and keyboards. I was able to write for a wide range of instruments. We released 2 albums on a New York label, which can still be found in bargain basement record stores and on the internet."
    I always thought there was just the one album - anyone have any info on a possible second?

  6. #56
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neutronium View Post
    During one of my regular searches in the hope that the Master Cylinder album might one day get a CD release, I found this on Joe Rogers' site (
    "Around that time I started a band, Master Cylinder, that lasted for over 10 years. Many musicians were part of the group, and at one time we had a woodwinds player, a brass player, violin, cello, bass, 2 drummers, and me on guitar and keyboards. I was able to write for a wide range of instruments. We released 2 albums on a New York label, which can still be found in bargain basement record stores and on the internet."
    I always thought there was just the one album - anyone have any info on a possible second?
    Joe is incorrect.

    Maybe they recorded a second that never came out, but there is no second album that was released.
    Steve F.

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    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

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  7. #57
    Member LASERCD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve F. View Post
    Joe is incorrect.

    Maybe they recorded a second that never came out, but there is no second album that was released.
    There was a second (unreleased) album. I don’t remember what Joe told me about it. I think tapes were lost.

  8. #58
    Thanks Steve F. and LASERCD for your responses - you confirmed what I suspected Has the live recording from the S.F. Museum Of Modern Art 1976 ever been considered for release?

  9. #59
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
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    ^ ^ ^ ^

    You are talking to two record labels who both tried unsuccessfully (decades and decades ago) to try and work with this band. It didn't happen then and it ain't happening now.

    Could the band decide to throw open the vaults? Sure, I guess so. Write to them, and post here if you ever hear from them. In any event, Ken and I aren't going to be involved.
    Last edited by Steve F.; 3 Weeks Ago at 08:03 AM.
    Steve F.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

    "Death to false 'support the scene' prog!"

    please add 'imo' wherever you like, to avoid offending those easily offended.

  10. #60
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    What is Joe Roger’s email address?

  11. #61
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
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    Steve F.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

    "Death to false 'support the scene' prog!"

    please add 'imo' wherever you like, to avoid offending those easily offended.

  12. #62
    I sent a message to Joe Rogers a couple of days ago and got a reply back today. He didn't comment on the possibility (or otherwise) of releasing the album on CD, but did relay more information about the unreleased second album. Apparently this was to be called 'Moonlit' and was set to be issued on Inner City Records like the first (which is why his bio talks of 2 albums), but they went bankrupt before that could happen. The masters got lost and he doesn't even have a cassette copy himself, but piqued by my enquiry he is going to check with the other band members. Fingers crossed...

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve F. View Post
    Thank you Steve

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by neutronium View Post
    I sent a message to Joe Rogers a couple of days ago and got a reply back today. He didn't comment on the possibility (or otherwise) of releasing the album on CD, but did relay more information about the unreleased second album. Apparently this was to be called 'Moonlit' and was set to be issued on Inner City Records like the first (which is why his bio talks of 2 albums), but they went bankrupt before that could happen. The masters got lost and he doesn't even have a cassette copy himself, but piqued by my enquiry he is going to check with the other band members. Fingers crossed...
    i sent him a message a few days ago as well and got the same reply just today haha!!


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