Lots of good stuff in there. Thank you.
Particularly interesting to me was Dhani saying that his father “always wanted the album to sound clearer.” I think most of us always knew there was some great detail in there that was covered up by Phil’s production.
This general concept is especially interesting to me because I often find myself “defending” to my friends re-mixes of many progressive albums. So many people seem to think it is only about making some money. The point I am making lately is that when the artist himself/herself wants to better hear the details, the re-mix is something much more than a “cash grab re-release.”
Steven Wilson has in the past pointed out that so often, it isn’t “subjective” reasons at play that are driving many of the new re-mix packages; rather, it is the righting of wrongs caused by poor skills, or even more frequently, defective studio equipment such as wonky tape machines.
If anyone has George’s best interests in mind, it is Dhani.
I will be buying it.