My Saturday morning rant………Why do people go to concerts and constantly talk all the way through the show? So, my sister and I saw Jackson Browne & James Taylor last night. We had a couple sitting behind us who talked non-stop through both shows. I mean, they never freaking shut up, yapping on and on and on about all kinds of inane crap that had nothing to do with the show they were seeing. Now, I am a pretty tolerant guy. If it is a metal or hard rock I expect to have a rowdier experience and can handle any kind of crowd. But……… this was James fricking Taylor for crying out loud. Most of his songs are soft & mellow so people talking is really really noticeable. With the two behind us, I did not notice it as much during Jackson Browne’s more upbeat set, but during Taylor it was extremely annoying. Thankfully, these people did not stay for the whole show and left before the end. I got the impression that they were there to hear a couple of big hits and that is all they cared about. Once those songs were played, they got up and left. Anyway…….it was really annoying…….