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Thread: New Song "Release" Video

  1. #1
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    N of Clearwater, Florida

    New Song "Release" Video

    Began working on this song shortly after the invasion of Ukraine.
    Mostly instrumental and bring some popcorn and soda pop, it's a long one at 7min36 sec. lol

    SoundCloud version available here
    Last edited by Top Cat; 03-25-2022 at 07:35 AM.
    Soundcloud page: Richard Hermans, musical meanderings YouTube: [

  2. #2
    Interesting...definitely a different sound for you. The vocal section almost had a bit of a Genesis "Fading Lights" feel to it (at least to my ears).

    Given the subject, not sure if "I really liked it!" is the right response. But I certainly enjoyed it, and thanks for sharing as always.
    If you're actually reading this then chances are you already have my last album but if NOT and you're curious:

    Also, Ephemeral Sun: it's a thing and we like making things that might be your thing:

  3. #3
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    N of Clearwater, Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by battema View Post
    Interesting...definitely a different sound for you. The vocal section almost had a bit of a Genesis "Fading Lights" feel to it (at least to my ears).

    Given the subject, not sure if "I really liked it!" is the right response. But I certainly enjoyed it, and thanks for sharing as always.
    Thanks so much for listening John, and I certainly understand the "subject" matter comment, and appreciate your honesty my friend.
    I did try to finish on a positive note, a sign of hope by having the visual of the sunrise at the end.
    I think the video kind of explains things a little better, but then again I've had different people tell me different things on what it meant to them...
    and I did try to lighten it up a bit i a few sections throughout.

    You are so right about the Genesis Fading Light reference.
    I don't purposely set out to create things like that, but the synth pad just rang all those bells for me. I tried very hard to sing the melody unlike Fading Lights, but the last couple of words just naturally came out that way, and everything else I tried did not work.

    I have some Facebook friends who live in Europe, one in Belgium, one who had been stuck in Ukraine on a visit and couldn't leave due to Covid. She recently got out of Ukraine before the invasion.
    She loved it and is sending it to all her Ukrainian friends who are able to receive it. So hopefully, it will touch some of those people, and let them know people are thinking and supporting them.
    And it also offers support for those who suffer from PTSD, and for veterans there is a Crisis help line 24/7 which I provide in all my posts(except here).

    Maybe my next song will feature Ricky & the Kool Kats again.
    Last edited by Top Cat; 03-27-2022 at 07:49 AM.
    Soundcloud page: Richard Hermans, musical meanderings YouTube: [


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