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Thread: The Rings of Power discussion thread

  1. #51
    Member since 7/13/2000 Hal...'s Avatar
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    Has anyone else noticed the trivia available for each episode? I just discovered it this week. It's info mostly taken from the Appendices. There's also a link to a relevant scene for each. I found it pretty interesting.
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  2. #52
    Member chalkpie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal... View Post
    How did others interpret the mountain erupting? Was that the "firing up" of Mount Doom?
    Could be...not sure...great episode though. Adar seems like a mellow dude for a bad, bad, bad guy.

  3. #53
    Member Jerjo's Avatar
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    Definitely the birth of Mt Doom. Sauron needs his forge and now he's got it. The episode was incredible.
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  4. #54
    Insect Overlord Progatron's Avatar
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    Galadriel dodging those spears and arrows while riding her horse was pretty kick ass! I liked the episode a lot, with more focus on one aspect of the story.
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  5. #55
    Member Plasmatopia's Avatar
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    I'm still keeping up with the episodes. I still have mixed feelings about the whole thing.
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  6. #56
    Member since 7/13/2000 Hal...'s Avatar
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    I was wondering who Adar is and a couple of articles explain who he may be. This one also states that that mountain is, indeed, Mount Doom: Who Is Adar on THE RINGS OF POWER? A History of LORD OF THE RINGS’ Orcs

    This one kinda confirms the previous but also has some info on Sauron: Who is Adar in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power'?

    My initial take on Adar claiming he killed Sauron wasn't a mistake, it was subterfuge. Time will tell.
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  7. #57
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    Wow, that last episode was a real stinker! The writing was just atrocious - it was more like a bad Disney TV movie and so predictable. We were predicting the obvious time and time again, watching it happen and laughing when it immediately did, like Bronwyn saving Arondir by stabbing the orc in the back at the last second and Numenor coming to the rescue at the same moment when Bronwyn was about to be killed. It's insulting to the intelligence of the viewers, IMO. The dismal level of writing is quite shocking considering they are supposedly spending a million $ a minute on this mess - and I didn't even mention the license they are taking ashamedly adulterating Tolkein's work, or as Erik Kain at Forbes put's it, making a mockery out of it. Count me out!

  8. #58
    Member Jerjo's Avatar
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    Mercy, the image of Galadriel moving through the ashes was glorious. The cinematography of this series is fantastic. The Southlands are gone and Gondor begins. The little nerd in my brain is dancing and singing like Tom Bombadil.
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  9. #59
    Member rapidfirerob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerjo View Post
    Mercy, the image of Galadriel moving through the ashes was glorious. The cinematography of this series is fantastic. The Southlands are gone and Gondor begins. The little nerd in my brain is dancing and singing like Tom Bombadil.
    I’m with you. The series improves with every episode.

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  10. #60
    Member Just Eric's Avatar
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    Wow! The finale was awesome and surprising and full of twists! If you haven't seen it yet be sure to watch, and listen to the final credits.
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  11. #61
    Member Jerjo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Eric View Post
    Wow! The finale was awesome and surprising and full of twists! If you haven't seen it yet be sure to watch, and listen to the final credits.
    I'll comment more tomorrow when I can process it but the little nerd in my hand is dancing his happy dance.
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  12. #62
    Member since 7/13/2000 Hal...'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Eric View Post
    Wow! The finale was awesome and surprising and full of twists!
    I'll be the first to admit that I did not see that coming.

    So now the questions are:

    did anyone guess that "Halbrand" is Sauron?

    Who is Adar? An assistant of Sauron or Sauron as he really is?

    who is the Istari "Stranger"? My guess is Radagast, but only because of his ability to control nature. Or is it Saruman or Gandalf?
    Last edited by Hal...; 10-16-2022 at 11:38 AM.
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  13. #63
    Member Jerjo's Avatar
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    The first question, yes, that was my prime suspect although there were two others. Second question, I don't know. Third, I'm leaning toward the last guess because of the line about "the air smelling sweeter" but who knows.
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  14. #64
    Member rapidfirerob's Avatar
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    Excellent finale to the season. I'll wait a bit until everyone has seen the episode to discuss it.

  15. #65
    I think I've given up about three or four episodes in. I didn't intend to give up, I just never got up the interest to watch past there. I stopped where the Queen announced that she and Galadriel were sailing off to Middle-earth to support the Southlands. They could probably attach a magneto to Tolkien's corpse and produce enough electricity to power a village...
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  16. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Sturgeon's Lawyer View Post
    I think I've given up about three or four episodes in. I didn't intend to give up, I just never got up the interest to watch past there. I stopped where the Queen announced that she and Galadriel were sailing off to Middle-earth to support the Southlands. They could probably attach a magneto to Tolkien's corpse and produce enough electricity to power a village...
    Please pardon my ignorance, but what is it about that part that turned you off? I've never read the books, so my only knowledge is based on Jackson's movies and what I've read online.

    Haven't watched the show yet myself, because I had really low expectations. But based on the positive feedback in this thread, I'm thinking of giving it a shot. I want it to be good, even if it takes some liberties (as most adaptations do).
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  17. #67
    Member chalkpie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sturgeon's Lawyer View Post
    I think I've given up about three or four episodes in. I didn't intend to give up, I just never got up the interest to watch past there. I stopped where the Queen announced that she and Galadriel were sailing off to Middle-earth to support the Southlands. They could probably attach a magneto to Tolkien's corpse and produce enough electricity to power a village...
    The best shit happens after this.....

    I really like the series. The wait for season two is going to sucketh.

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by aith01 View Post
    Please pardon my ignorance, but what is it about that part that turned you off? I've never read the books, so my only knowledge is based on Jackson's movies and what I've read online.

    Haven't watched the show yet myself, because I had really low expectations. But based on the positive feedback in this thread, I'm thinking of giving it a shot. I want it to be good, even if it takes some liberties (as most adaptations do).
    My disgust is purely based on a fifty-plus year love of Tolkien's books. JRRT built an elaborate world, with history, mythology, economy, and pretty much everything else a world needs, and these people are trashing what he built.

    Part of it isn't their fault. They are limited to what is in the Appendices to The Return of the King. But they've trashed even that.

    One simple example: Dwarf-kings named Durin are believed by their people to be reincarnations of Durin the Deathless, one of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves. There were never two Durins alive at the same time, let alone father and son. Their choosing to ignore this shows their disdain for actually following what is written in the books.

    In which they are following a clear tradition; Jackson's movies, while they have some absolutely wonderful parts, also pervert the books in several places. The most blatant of these is having Faramir bring Frodo, Sam and Sméagollum to Osgiliath with him, intending to give the Ring to his father. In the books, he lets them go, saying, "If I found this thing by the side of the road, I would not touch it." (Or similar words, my copy isn't at hand.) He is his brother Boromir "as he should have been" -- indeed, the prophecy that brings Boromir to Rivendell was actually intended for Faramir, but their father (who always favored Boromir) pushed that detail aside, ultimately resulting in Boromir's death. Faramir in the book is an example of true nobility of character. Faramir in the film is a bully with Daddy issues.

    So, yeah, I have problems with both Jackson's films (and especially the Hobbit ones) and this series. I stuck it out through all six Jackson films; I don't feel much urge to repeat the masochistic task with the TV show.

    (There have been good adaptations of Tolkien, by the way, but they've all been animated.)
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  19. #69
    Member since 7/13/2000 Hal...'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerjo View Post
    The first question, yes, that was my prime suspect although there were two others.
    Who were the others?

    Second question, I don't know.
    I'd forgotten about the articles I posted regarding who Adar is. Then again, like Sauron, can you trust a single thing he says? I'd also gotten a little confused about Sauron's origin story as well as the origin of Orcs. I think the biggest thing that threw me off is that, in one episode, you see Adar wearing a glove that looks identical to the one Sauron is wearing in Jackson's trilogy when Isildur cut off his fingers and obtained the One Ring. So, in the end, I'm with you. Who knows?

    Third, I'm leaning toward the last guess because of the line about "the air smelling sweeter" but who knows.
    I was reading about the Istari the other day and guessed Radagast because, according to Chris Tolkein's Unfinished Tales, he was a servant of Yavanna who is the Queen of Earth and "giver of fruits". Then again, Radagast had very little to do in the original LotR so maybe he plays no part in this series. <shrugs>
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  20. #70
    Insect Overlord Progatron's Avatar
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    Solid season closer overall, although my wife and I were both exasperated at the overlong goodbye scene. The Harfoots are my least favourite part of this series as it is (not their storyline, mind you, just the cutesy and cheesy elements, as with last week's dialogue such as 'You're not going anywhere... without me').

    But yeah, very good for what it is. I'll happily watch the next season.
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  21. #71
    Member Jerjo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sturgeon's Lawyer View Post
    I think I've given up about three or four episodes in. I didn't intend to give up, I just never got up the interest to watch past there. I stopped where the Queen announced that she and Galadriel were sailing off to Middle-earth to support the Southlands. They could probably attach a magneto to Tolkien's corpse and produce enough electricity to power a village...
    I find that the themes of Tolkien were well represented: friendship is paramount, sacrifice is noble, good can triumph over evil, etc. (after House of Dragons those themes are a relief). It takes a lot of liberties but I'm fine with that. If I want strictly canon, I'll read the books (and I often do). I have always wanted to see the Second Age in a movie or TV series and this one delivers the goods. YMMV, that's fine.

    I listened to the last episode of the official podcast. Queen of Nerds Felicia Day interviews the showrunners J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay. I was impressed at how deep they dug into the writings of Tolkien, picking up on small bits of dialog and descriptions to not only create the world, but the motivations of the characters. They particularly discuss Galadriel and Sauron, the relationship between the two, the choices they make, etc. I like their approach and look forward to season two even more.
    I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down.'- Bob Newhart

  22. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by wideopenears View Post
    One would expect PE people to be "more flexible" given the idea that Prog and related genres are sorts of "fusions" of various influences?
    I agree with that but it didn't necessarily enter into my thinking.

    And Wynton, the "Jazz Purist," is disliked here because of our feeling that he is opposed to flexibility?
    Yes. Well, specifically, when Ken Burns' jazz documentary first aired, a lot of us here at PE were quite miffed at how fusion was completely glossed over. And, of course, given Marsalis' involvement and purist narrow-mindedness, that anger was transferred to him and/or he was blamed.

    And that, by extension, we should also be "more flexible" regarding how "canonical literature" like Tolkien is handled by those who have come after and are working with "those materials?"

    For myself, I really enjoyed Jackson's LotR when I first saw it. A few years ago, I re-read the trilogy and immediately followed up with the extended movie trilogy and Jackson's treatment did not fare well with me at all. The Hobbit fared even less well. So much so, in fact, I never finished it.

    All that changed after watching The Rings of Power. Consequently, after the season ended, I re-watched the extended version of the trilogy, finished parts 1 & 2 of The Hobbit and started part 3 last night.

    In the end, I guess I've emigrated over to Jerol's camp: the liberties taken with the source material is far less important than being immersed in that world and I've been enjoying myself substantially.
    Last edited by Hal...; 10-27-2022 at 05:14 PM.
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  23. #73
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    At the end of the day, I also find that "the world" holds up well in The RoP treatment, and I have no issue with the creator's adherence to the exact "facts" ---

    I mean, I think RoP is respectful of Tolkien's vision, and I think even Jackson's treatments were, as well, though I have some issues with The Hobbit films. In the end, I am reminded that GRRM himself signed off on variations between the SOIAF books and the series, and I think some things just can't be handled in filmic medium. For example, Tom Bombadil--that whole element is obviously a challenge and I understand why it was left out of the films......perhaps he will appear in RoP.
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  24. #74
    I'm here for the moosic NogbadTheBad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NogbadTheBad View Post
    I don't know what you mean.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hal... View Post
    I don't know what you mean.
    I was trying to be humorous given my sig line below.

    I blame Wynton, what was the question?

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    I blame Wynton, what was the question?
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  25. #75
    Member since 7/13/2000 Hal...'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NogbadTheBad View Post
    I was trying to be humorous given my sig line below.
    I blame Wynton, what was the question?
    That's actually what I thought. But you never know and I thought it was best to be safe than sorry.
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