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Thread: PROG-ROCK Diner for 12/18/2022: 10pm-12am EDT Info Wintry & Hitchings Tribute

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    PROG-ROCK Diner for 12/18/2022: 10pm-12am EDT Info Wintry & Hitchings Tribute

    Hello everyone, this Sunday 12/18/22 from 10pm-Midnight Eastern time on Radio Fairfax at and on Cable in Northern VA (COX, Verizon & Comcast in Reston) the Prog-Rock Diner is serving up a mostly wintry mix with frozen treats from: Pendragon, Renaissance, Projekt Ekolalia, Quantum Fantay, Strawbs, Picchio Dal Pozzo, Radio Massacre International and Maka Jodama. We'll finish off the meal with a tribute to Tracy Hitchings who passed recently with some Landmarq. I'll post the full playlist close to the start of the show (our station regulations now) and hope you'll join me and enjoy! Thank you as always for taking the time to listen and have wonderful week and safe holidays.

    Here's the playlist:

    PENDRAGON - Alaska - The Jewel
    RENAISSANCE - Cold Is Being - Turn of the Cards
    RENAISSANCE - Mother Russia - Turn of the Cards
    PROJEKT EKOLALIA - Oslo - Projekt Ekolalia
    PROJEKT EKOLALIA - Like Roses Like Snow - Projekt Ekolalia
    QUANTUM FANTAY - Snowballs in Ghostlands - Ugisiunsi
    QUANTUM FANTAY - Shiver Moments - Bridges of the Old Fishing Mine
    STRAWBS - Tears and Pavan - Bursting at the Seams
    STRAWBS - The Winter and the Summer - Bursting at the Seams

    PICCHIO DAL POZZO - The Penguins - Camere Zimmer Rooms
    RADIO MASSACRE INTERNATIONAL - A Priest Crossing Frozen Water - Emissaries
    MAKAJODAMA - Autumn Suite - Makajodama
    LANDMARQ - The Vision Pit - Science of Coincidence
    LANDMARQ - More Flames For The Dancer - Science of Coincidence
    Last edited by Progluvr; 12-18-2022 at 09:02 PM.
    Deb S.
    The Prog-Rock Diner
    SUNDAYS 10pm-12am EST


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