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Thread: Our first single is streaming on Spotify!

  1. #1

    Our first single is streaming on Spotify!


    After releasing 3 eps as a remote duo, we got a real life drummer on board and have released our first single on Spotify - Way Back Home (instrumental prog rock).

    We spent a long time on this track, and are really happy with how it's turned out. It was a lot of fun to write and record. And we hope it's a lot of fun to listen to.

    We've never felt our music was quite good enough to upload to Spotify, with some production quirks and robot drums. But, finally, I think we've achieved something we can be really proud of.

    We'd really appreciate it if you liked the track or (if you really wanted to make our day) added it to one of your playlists. We've got some more releases in the works, so if you like what you hear give us a follow






    Any questions about the process, just ask. Happy to chat. Would be great to hear your thoughts on the track.


    We're making a playthrough video for the track and in the quiet section we wanted to have a little montage of photos from people's drives home. The song is about the feeling you have when you're headed home after a long period away, looking forward to seeing your family/buds, going to your favourite bar and eating your favourite meal, etc.

    What we're looking for:

    Decent resolution photos

    Of a scene or landmark you associate with your "way back home"

    Could be anything, but some examples might be: "Welcome To X State/City" signs, view of your city/town as you approach it, some milestone or landmark that you always pass when your heading home.


    Thanks y'all

  2. #2
    Member rcarlberg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    You know what? This is REALLY GOOD. Touches on prog, metal, and good old fashioned rock 'n roll. Bravo, well done. I'll be watching.

    Love the Edward Hopper inspired cover too.

  3. #3
    I want, desperately, to like this more than I do. It hits almost all the right spots, but the one it misses is, to me, disastrous: it has great bits, but (for me at least) they don't add up to a whole piece of music. It jumps from part to part without giving me any sense of how they relate to each other.

    Mind you, this could be a "first listen" thing; I am often slow to "get" some kinds of music -- it took me years to warm up to (or perceive the whatness of), say, Van der Graaf Generator or Rush. I still don't "get" Led Zeppelin, though Lord knows I've tried.
    Cobra handling and cocaine use are a bad mix.

  4. #4
    Member rcarlberg's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    I understand what you're saying, Counselor, but for me the variety is a plus. Take a band doing kind of a similar vibe to Peachy, like El Ten Eleven from SoCal. They're excellent players and have good ideas, but they kind of go the Krautrock route and play the same patterns over and over without much variation. About half an album is all I can stand, before I get itchy.

    Variety is a good thing. Constant change is good. Otherwise I get bored and move on to something else. ADHD maybe.

  5. #5
    Thanks very much. Yes, we definitely approach music from a hard rock/metal perspective. Really happy you enjoyed the track and thank you for the support

  6. #6
    Thanks for checking out the song. We appreciate it. Are you listening to it loudly enough?? Just kidding. Totally get that this might not be everyone's thing. I suppose it is a little frenetic. But thanks for taking the time

  7. #7
    Member rcarlberg's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Folks, I'm re-upping this because the more I listen to it the better it gets. And the band has slashed the price for today only:
    Hi. Hi. Hi.

    For just 24 hours, our new single Way Back Home will be priced at just 50p (that's just FIFTY PEA, folks). So, if you want to support Peachy, come and get it while it's hot! ��

    Peace and juice,
    The Peachy boys.

  8. #8
    Member Top Cat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    N of Clearwater, Florida
    I really love the energy, writing and wonderful production Peachy has.
    Excellent guitar playing, and you made a great choice with your drummer, he fits like a glove into your music.

    It's a wonderful, upbeat theme with both guitars, lots of energy and drumming.

    I also checked out a song from Los Tropicos "Bloom", and I really love that one too.
    I'm going to check out more of Los Tropicos when I can. I'm not a big fan of all instrumental albums, so I have to do it in pieces.
    Sorry, I don't do Spotify, but glad to see you on Bandcamp.

    Thanks so much for sharing your music, keep going , I hear lot of talent, passion and musicanship in Peachy.

    Btw, where is the artwork from, it's fantastic!
    Last edited by Top Cat; 03-14-2023 at 01:45 PM.
    Soundcloud page: Richard Hermans, musical meanderings YouTube: [

  9. #9
    Hey thanks! That's very kind of you to say - and thanks for checking out Los Tropicos. We feel the human drums have really added a lot in terms of dynamics/human-ising - glad you felt that too.

    We're actually in the process of re-recording Los Tropicos with our drummer. Bloom in particular is a favorite of ours, and we're excited for the new version.

  10. #10
    Member nosebone's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Stamford, Ct.
    Good seperation/mix on the guitars! Reminds me of Steve Vai's mixes.
    no tunes, no dynamics, no nosebone

  11. #11
    Member rcarlberg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Tip: If you buy the entire Peachy discography, for £7.48 (35% off), it fits nicely on one 80-minute CDR.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Olympia, WA
    This is really impressive! I thought the sections flowed in a very appealing and organic way, and I really appreciate the dynamic extremes.

  13. #13
    Thanks for the kind words. And for taking a listen!

  14. #14
    For anyone interested, we just released a full band playthrough of this track


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