I've always wanted to get a Rickenbacker 4003 bass. The reason for this is because it's the only "right" bass for prog music. Other types of bass guitars, especially the "budget" ones are just NOT prog and merely an imitation of the only correct way to play progressive rock. The Rickenbacker is the prog bass. Why would anybody play prog and butcher it with an affordable bass guitar? YUCK! Examples of renowned players who played ONLY Rickenbackers: Chris Squire, Jon Camp, Thomas Eriksson, David Paton, Helmet Köllen. Without a Rickenbacker 4001 or 4003 you can't play prog. It's not prog without the Rickenbacker bass - just a PoS pseudoprog musical facsimile of shit. Rickenbacker = PROG. Cheaper bass or any non-Rickenbacker = DOGSHIT.

There is however one problem. THEY ARE FUCKING EXPENSIVE. I'll never be able to afford one. So that means I can only do one of the following things:

●Make prog music WITHOUT ANY BASS GUITAR whatsoever

●Make non-prog music and NEVER EVEN ATTEMPT to make prog without a Rick.

Life is sad.