I listened to Low Tide (the song) and was really impressed -- that doesn't happen too often on various Bandcamp/Soundclick links I actually go to; great job.
Two other comments: (1) The opening vocal work was very reminiscent of The Thorns (Matthew Sweet, etc.) and sounded great, but not particularly proggy -- though it didn't diminish the song at all; (2) the drums starting around 3:30 sound off-center, especially the snare, though it wasn't that way earlier in the song.
Based on the first song I continued with the EP and Tidal Wave was a good change of pace. Again, though, the snare was a bit off-center, but if that's the artistic choice ignore this comment.
The opening of Second Foot... is great, and focused. But at ~0:35 that focus dissipated for me (and obviously, just one person's opinion
But overall a great batch of tunes. Best of luck with future music.