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Thread: YES ... or not

  1. #26
    cunning linguist 3LockBox's Avatar
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    hiding out in treetops, shouting out rude names
    Sounds like generic YES, like what they were doing in the 90s, only with Igor Khoroshev and Billy Sherwood. Doesn't surprise me that A.I. could replicate that.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Yeah...listened to it. Definitely generic, but NOT terrible. Would I have preferred it to some of their "lesser quality" output? I personally can't say no to that. The vocals could have made or broken it, but they sound pretty good. The scary part is- when the tech improves in 5-10 years, will we have AI doing better stuff than the actual bands themselves? Music without musicians? Without instruments?

  3. #28
    随缘 SRS's Avatar
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    Very interesting and fun to listen to this. The AI 'Jon' is quite uncanny in spots. That closing section of "Within the Grasp" starting at about 11:30 is very good indeed! - most of the rest is a little generic and bland but not bad.

    It is sort of like fan-fiction in a way. It will never be canon but can have its own niche for some fans and I'm really interested to see where this goes as the technology gets better. You could dial up a sequel to Relayer and see what happens or even design your own supergroup of people who never played together and get an imaginary album.

  4. #29
    Big ol' shrug for me. I listened, it's unremarkable artistically but definitely pretty impressive from a technical perspective. Not joking, I would not be surprised to see Anderson try and utilize AI to generate new Yes-style songs for him to sing over at some point.

    It doesn't threaten me, mostly just annoys me with the dishonesty. Kind of like I feel when I see a zillion fake trailers for some upcoming franchise film that are obviously fan hack jobs trying to get a few clicks. Whomever made this video is more or less doing the same: lying to try and draw interest in something that isn't real. That isn't the AI's fault though!

    I'm sure we'll see tons more like this and as the years go by it'll be even more technically impressive. I'll be curious about the artists who first find a way to wield something truly new and creative from AI (I mean, we've seen it with turntables, samplers, and a variety of other things over the decades, so maybe this will yield something similar in due time). I also agree, it's going to decimate the library and sync/licensed music business. I know for a fact that companies are starting to look at AI as ways to avoid paying for things like voice talent on mascots, etc., so I'm sure once they realize they can get cheap/free AI-generated background music for their ads and promos, it'll happen.

    But I'm not personally worried as an artist. Sad or otherwise, I can't lose money I was never going to make in the first place.
    If you're actually reading this then chances are you already have my last album but if NOT and you're curious:

    Also, Ephemeral Sun: it's a thing and we like making things that might be your thing:

  5. #30
    Join Date
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    Madison, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by SRS View Post
    Very interesting and fun to listen to this. The AI 'Jon' is quite uncanny in spots. That closing section of "Within the Grasp" starting at about 11:30 is very good indeed! - most of the rest is a little generic and bland but not bad.

    It is sort of like fan-fiction in a way. It will never be canon but can have its own niche for some fans and I'm really interested to see where this goes as the technology gets better. You could dial up a sequel to Relayer and see what happens or even design your own supergroup of people who never played together and get an imaginary album.
    The AI Jon is uncanny in spots! Surprisingly so to my ears.

  6. #31
    AI Yes & AI Gentle Giant to tour your mind in 2025. Tickets on sale soon!
    Sleeping at home is killing the hotel business!

  7. #32
    I didn't listen much to this but I admit liking some OpenAI Jukebox "albums" posted three years ago imitating acts like the Beatles and Beach Boys, which ended up sounding like their 1967 albums but more bizarre. There was one for Queen too (I see an earlier post mentioned them).

    One example:

  8. #33
    Join Date
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    Iowa City IA
    Quote Originally Posted by wilcox660 View Post
    AI Yes & AI Gentle Giant to tour your mind in 2025. Tickets on sale soon!
    Performed by holograms!

  9. #34
    Join Date
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    Warwickshire, England
    I hate to admit it but I like the cover far more than Jon & The Band Geeks' True one we saw the other day.

  10. #35
    A very interesting pastiche. Two years from now who knows what AI will spit out. Also, it's going to get taken down as soon as Anderson gets wind of it so I downloaded a copy for myself.
    Last edited by Splicer; 05-24-2024 at 03:31 PM.
    Mongrel dog soils actor's feet

  11. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by arturs View Post
    Performed by holograms!
    Holograms artificially created by other holograms!
    Sleeping at home is killing the hotel business!

  12. #37
    Join Date
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    Not, but we were warned:

    And achieve it all with music that came quickly from afar
    Then taste the fruit of man recorded losing all against the hour

  13. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Splicer View Post
    A very interesting pastiche. Two years from now who knows what AI will spit out. Also, it's going to get taken down as soon as Anderson gets wind of it so I downloaded a copy for myself.
    Please, How would one DL this should one want to?

  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiberman View Post
    Please, How would one DL this should one want to?
    I would imagine any program that can capture and save streamed media in file form. Three I can think of- JDowloader (free), VSO Download (paid), and Redfox's Anystream (paid). Try JDownloader and go from there....

  15. #40
    Member jefftiger's Avatar
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    Darn, I was about to download it. And now the stream is showing as "private." I guess it's gone.

  16. #41
    The cat is out of the bag. It's like Amazon being flooded with AI generated novels. It ain't never gonna stop.
    Mongrel dog soils actor's feet

  17. #42
    I can imagine being able to generate new Yes albums on a daily or weekly basis for the rest of my days. With different line-ups according to my mood.
    And fans sharing hundreds and hundreds of Yes albums and creating online contests. Endless Yes threads on social networks (some of them featuring heated debates among AIs). More Yes albums than any human could listen to in a lifetime. Maybe, in the end, more Yes albums than the universe can contain.

  18. #43
    ^^^ There’s already more live Yes albums than anybody could ever want in one lifetime

  19. #44
    Where is AI Brian Lane?
    Sleeping at home is killing the hotel business!

  20. #45
    It sounds about as much like Yes to me as anything I've heard from the current Yes lineup.

    Not that that's saying much...
    Cobra handling and cocaine use are a bad mix.

  21. #46
    The eons are closing
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    Quote Originally Posted by Interstellar View Post
    I can imagine being able to generate new Yes albums on a daily or weekly basis for the rest of my days. With different line-ups according to my mood.
    And fans sharing hundreds and hundreds of Yes albums and creating online contests. Endless Yes threads on social networks (some of them featuring heated debates among AIs). More Yes albums than any human could listen to in a lifetime. Maybe, in the end, more Yes albums than the universe can contain.
    You cannot stop "4E5" - it's our only hope vs SkyNet

    Sent from my NE2217 using Tapatalk
    Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit

  22. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Interstellar View Post
    I can imagine being able to generate new Yes albums on a daily or weekly basis for the rest of my days. With different line-ups according to my mood.
    And fans sharing hundreds and hundreds of Yes albums and creating online contests. Endless Yes threads on social networks (some of them featuring heated debates among AIs). More Yes albums than any human could listen to in a lifetime. Maybe, in the end, more Yes albums than the universe can contain.
    This is 100% the truth. Beethoven's Symphony #318 and yet one more Coltrane masterpiece to go along with A.I. novels at the top of the bestseller list and endless films starring whatever combination of actors someone in Peoria, Portland or Phnom Penh conjures up.

    And the reason they'll exist is as simple as this: Because someone wishes it.
    Mongrel dog soils actor's feet

  23. #48
    ^^^ Or because someone gives them an audience. I say boycott such nonsense and focus on real artistic endeavour.

  24. #49
    Member Mr.Krautman's Avatar
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    This just makes me realize how lucky I was to be born before tha A.I era.
    Frightening !
    Music (and Arts in general) is dead.
    And the biggest damage(s) to humanity are yet to come.
    I'll have no regrets leaving this world... it's not my anymore.
    Last edited by Mr.Krautman; 05-26-2024 at 02:06 PM.

  25. #50
    a bit melodramatic


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