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Thread: Is this already electronica or still acoustic?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Is this already electronica or still acoustic?

    How do you see it, is it already electronic music or does it count as acoustic? As I understand it, it is recorded on handpans. But then the sound is changed a lot and sounds like drone, ambient etc. to me. So what counts more, the final sound or the way the basic sound is produced?

    Reminds me of discussions at the time when instruments like the clavinet emerged. There, for example, metal reeds are plucked, then fed to the electronics via a pickup (usually a simple coil around the reed) and then processed as desired. Basically, the same way it is done with any electric guitar. But despite the distortion and modulation effects, it is not automatically described as electronic music. Or should we be more flexible with the categories?

  2. #2
    Member Mr.Krautman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Technically speaking, if the handpans are used only as controllers/triggering devices for electronically generated sounds (samples, synths,computers, etc...) it's purely electronic(a).
    However, if the original acoustically generated handpans sounds are the prime source and only processed (echo,delay,phase shifting,harmonizing, etc...) it must be called electro-acoustic.
    I can hear both in the above track , thus I don't know if and why it could matter.
    Great ambient atmosphere but nothing really new or innovative.
    Manuel Göttsching already did it in 1975 with his Inventions For Electric Guitar
    Last edited by Mr.Krautman; 2 Weeks Ago at 07:13 PM.


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