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Thread: Gnosis needs

  1. #1
    Member Since: 3/27/2002 MYSTERIOUS TRAVELLER's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    The Kingdom of YHVH

    Gnosis needs

    Hi all,
    For those who are not following the "Some Gnosis2000 Questions" thread.

    Dirk just sent an email mentioning the need to write an entirely new program for Gnosis . I am unsure if he is wanting help writing code, but if so then here is the basic lowdown from Dirk:
    "Currently I am unable to deploy the database because I wrote it in C
    which read a flat file of data. NS (Network Solutions) does not offer
    SSH access which makes it impossible to compile code. They do have MySql
    database avaiable. Basically I will need to start from scratch to build
    a Gnosis database interface. This will not be done quickly.

    Also, I am unsure yet what languages are available to deploy code in. I
    know that PHP is there, but, I have very little experience with it. If I
    am able to run Perl, then I will most likely do that as I am very
    familiar with it."

    He also mentioned that some emails were returned undeliverable. If anyone knows the current emails for any of the following people, please email Dirk at
    Frank Jager
    Mike Hargis
    Jason Ellerbee
    Domenico Solazzo
    Randy Jones
    Jonny Nerot
    Ken Brown
    Scott Weidner
    Dave Stanforth
    Nobuhisa Nakanishi
    Bob Netherton
    Sjef Oellers
    Why is it whenever someone mentions an artist that was clearly progressive (yet not the Symph weenie definition of Prog) do certain people feel compelled to snort "thats not Prog" like a whiny 5th grader?

  2. #2
    That is unfortunate... HUUUUGE Job that website. I hope for the best. Really Like Gnosis.
    Still alive and well...

  3. #3
    Member Since: 3/27/2002 MYSTERIOUS TRAVELLER's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    The Kingdom of YHVH
    I seem to have inadvertently deleted the email from Dirk with instructions on how to access the database. Can someone help me out please?
    Why is it whenever someone mentions an artist that was clearly progressive (yet not the Symph weenie definition of Prog) do certain people feel compelled to snort "thats not Prog" like a whiny 5th grader?


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