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Thread: Bill Bruford interview

  1. #1

    Bill Bruford interview

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    There are some guys who are interesting to listen to and some that who are not. Bill is definitely someone who has some interesting insights and commentary. thanks for sharing!

  3. #3
    Insect Overlord Progatron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    southern Ontario, Canada
    Thanks for this, will be checking it out this evening!
    Interviewer of reprobate ne'er-do-well musicians of the long-haired rock n' roll persuasion at: and former scribe at Classic Rock Society. Only vaguely aware of anything other than music.

    *** Join me in the Garden of Delights for 4 hours of tune-spinning... every Saturday at 5pm EST on Deep Nuggets radio! ***

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Tallinn, Estonia
    I think it is very interesting how Bill Bruford describes the difference between Yes and King Crimson (and funny, too):

    Typically people are a bit sloppy and they lump all progressive rock groups together. You know Genesis, Yes and King Crimson are all supposed to be the same group right but I'm here to tell you those three groups are entirely different you know and the people in them were entirely different and what they wanted was entirely different. Robert's group King Crimson was entirely different from Yes mostly in that there was a whole lot less talking. Really in Yes everything was a committee decision everything seemed to take such a long time with Yes that I decided enough was enough. I couldn't really imagine the idea of doing Close to the Edge which had taken three months to make again that seems like nothing today but in those days that was forever really yeah and I I couldn't imagine doing a four-sided double LP as it were which was the next album which would take six months. You know I just don't become an old man while I'm waiting for the ink to dry on the paper you know that kind of thing so I moved to King Crimson to get a cold shower to think of music from a different way which they very much, did all kinds of different precepts and ideas about music very refreshing … a lot of the people watching might not necessarily know the difference between the Crimson music compared to Yes's music now obviously Crimson is known for being kind of a master if you like of odd time meters and all that sort of thing. Well Yes was a vocal group with good instrumentalists, King Crimson was an instrumental group with a good vocalist right, the emphasis was on the playing side in King Crimson rather than the vocal harmony side. Yes was a kind of very very good Beach Boys, whereas King Crimson was more like a a modern improvising European group with some singing and traditionally the singing was given to the bass player, so we didn't have a standalone singer in that sense. It's quite a big change from Yes actually now that I think about it a lot of King Crimson's music was based more on a European style of improvising rather than the traditional jazz blues scale the pentatonic blues scale that most Eric Clapton and Duane Allman were using at the time. King Crimson was more interested perhaps in the timbre of the sound, odd meters, all kinds of other things you could improvise with, but particularly the color of the sound, and the way the group interacted spontaneously was considered really interesting and we did a lot of that particularly with another drummer I was sharing the band with called Jamie Muir, who was a percussionist actually.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Sussex, England.
    Great interview, thanks for posting!

  6. #6
    Member jarmsuh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    The music of KC was more suitable for the personality of Bill than Yes.


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