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Thread: Sea Vine band

  1. #1

    Sea Vine band

    Hello everyone, I'd like to introduce you to a brand new band, hailing from Poland - Sea Vine. It's a progressive act inspired by SBB or King Crimson, and such bands like Weather Report or Mahavishnu Orchestra. We are using only 70' analogue equipment (Moog, Hohner Stringmachine, Fender Piano etc.), therefore sound is a bit different from what you may hear nowadays
    Here is bandcamp site -
    Also, check out our Facebook fanpage -

  2. #2
    🇵🇱, 2015.
    PA's helping pretty much again there, both in the album and the band reviews. Important thing is SBB is the main influence, which makes it an essential album. #5 Pamięć w Kamień Wrasta is a cover from them, but the whole concept album really shines with his own lights with a modern touch. It shines as bright as any other rare gem in this brilliant neo-prog famous country.


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