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Thread: Herbie Hancock Chameleon keyboards?

  1. #1
    Member AWG's Avatar
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    Herbie Hancock Chameleon keyboards?

    OK - the bass line and synth solo are an ARP Odyssey. Clavinet is the comp keyboard. Rhodes solo in second half of song. But what is he using for the string/organy pads? Someone said Solina, but that's NOT a Solina. Perhaps a combo organ of some sort? Or maybe he built up string chords with multiple ARP overdubs?

    Anyone know??

  2. #2
    If you read my review of the box set, at the end, where there are track and personnel listings, you'll get all your answers.

  3. #3
    Member AWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkelman View Post
    If you read my review of the box set, at the end, where there are track and personnel listings, you'll get all your answers.
    Thanks, but that doesn't really answer me. Yes, he is credited with Clav, Rhodes, ARP Odyssey & Soloist synths, BUT my ears tell me there is a polyphonc chordal instrument he's playing that's not listed. Unless he built up the chords using multiple tracks of one of the monophonic ARP synths - which seems unlikely given the improvisatory nature of the parts. But of course, the parts MIGHT be less improvised than they sound.

    I know there were combo organs of that era that came pretty close to that sound, and that's what I think I'm hearing. But maybe not?

  4. #4
    It could have been a modular of some kind patched for polyphony of a few voices. Hmmmmm, in 1973... who knows *lol*


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