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Thread: New music from ex-Ascended Masters guitarist

  1. #1
    Density Cluster
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    Atlanta, GA

    New music from ex-Ascended Masters guitarist

    Hey everyone, I don't know how many of y'all will remember my very Canterbury-influenced band Ascended Masters from a few years back, but I know some people on here found it somewhat enjoyable. I'm working on a new body of material (not sure about EP or full album length quite yet), and I've got a recording I'd like to share just to see what anyone thinks. It's definitely not Canterbury, so that may disappoint some, but influenced by things like Gentle Giant, Voivod, Area, and Japan (hence the working title, "Thrash Japan"). It's instrumental thus far; while the vocal melodies have been written, lyrics have not, so you may not really get the full effect of the variously developed themes, but I think there's a good bit to chew on regardless. Enjoy!

  2. #2
    Hey - thanks timehat, I really liked your demo. I get the influences but the arrangements sound creative and original to me. Hard to imagine where vocals would go in there.

  3. #3
    Moderator Sean's Avatar
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    Very cool stuff, Micah! You all need to give this a listen!

  4. #4
    Wonderful stuff. I've really grown to love the Ascended Masters music, scouring your site to find all the obscure tracks. Not sure what it is about the music I like so much, but keep it coming. The new track is different as you say, but it certainly doesn't disappoint. I look forward to what you'll do with it. Oh, and nice to discover Calm White Noise through that link, too.

  5. #5
    I'm certainly an Ascended Masters fan.

    Quite nick track here, too. Keep us up to date on this.
    I want to dynamite your mind with love tonight.

  6. #6
    Density Cluster
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    Okay, so I know it's been over a year since I started this tread, but I figured I'd go ahead and post an update on my upcoming album. The music has all been written (minus lyrics...) and I am currently in the process of learning, recording, producing, etc. With my other demo, I realized that a lot of the thematic development and continuity was lost by not including a vocal mockup of any sort, so this one has some midi vocals just to give you an idea of what the pitches will be. The bass guitar will also be replaced by a real player.

    Here you go!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Nice, thanks. Can't wait for the full album

  8. #8
    Density Cluster
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    Well, rather than start a new conversation, I figured I'd perform some thread necromancy and announce here: I am finally releasing music (could use a facepalm emoji here)

    In the current landscape where so much is driven by the algorithms of streaming services, it seems that releasing albums is not the move, per se. Apparently a steady stream of singles is preferred. After spending some time thinking about it, I think that actually takes a lot of pressure off of me personally, allowing me to get things out into the world without waiting on the rest of a supposed body of material that needs to follow alongside of it. Anyway, today I released an A/B single that I think may be of some interest to a certain slice of the prog world. The first track "Unwound Clock, Wounded Clockmaker," is a brief sci-fi romp that follows the tale of a narrator who has discovered that they exist as part of a simulated reality and finds a way to reach out to their creator(s). The other is "Io Ho Gia Girato Tondo," a somewhat direct response both musically and in title to AreA's "Giro Giro Tondo." If my Italian is obviously that of a non-native, I suppose I'll just have to consider myself following a great tradition of musicians bungling their attempts to communicate in other languages If I had to issue any other critique/caveat, I'd say that perhaps vocals are not my strongest suit, though I hope to improve. Let's just say I have the "fragile beauty" of a Wayne Coyne or some such... I suppose less than stellar vocals in prog music are also something of a time-honored tradition
    Last edited by timehat; 12-15-2020 at 08:32 AM. Reason: might help if I included links...

  9. #9
    I will definitely check it out. Cheers.
    Mongrel dog soils actor's feet

  10. #10
    Density Cluster
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    Hi, everyone! Back with a new song today. Pretty excited because I feel this is my best recording and performance yet! Whether due to practice or a more appropriately written melody, I think the vocals especially are sounding better; not that I'd call myself a *good* vocalist, but it's good to see things moving in the right direction, as I felt that was a big drawback of my previous recordings.

    There's a little bit of a Kate Bush lyrical easter egg in this one, let me know if you catch it!

  11. #11
    Highly Evolved Orangutan JKL2000's Avatar
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    I'll definitely check this out - thanks for the update!

    It's interesting how the term "single" has morphed into just meaning a single song, not a physical "single." Not at all untrue, it just means something different in today's world. More like if music had only ever existed on the radio, then streaming, with no "record stores" in our past. Generation X/Y/Z-ers won't know what the connection was between new albums and Tuesdays! A bit sad, but then again, I don't have to go out into the blizzard to listen to these songs!
    Last edited by JKL2000; 02-01-2021 at 12:53 PM.

  12. #12
    Density Cluster
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKL2000 View Post
    I'll definitely check this out - thanks for the update!

    It's interesting how the term "single" has morphed into just meaning a single song, not a physical "single." Not at all untrue, it just means something different in today's world. More like if music had only ever existed on the radio, then streaming, with no "record stores" in our past. Generation X/Y/Z-ers won't know what the connection was between new albums and Tuesdays! A bit sad, but then again, I don't have to go out into the blizzard to listen to these songs!
    It's a different world for sure! I'm 36, so I definitely remember physical media; I had a CD collection somewhere in the 300s at some point - not enormous, but not scant either. I also loved buying tapes when I still drove a car old enough to have a tape player, because they were dirt cheap so I basically didn't lose anything for checking out some new music that I was really made to sit with - not so easy to skip tracks! That's how I got into the early King Crimson discography. Speaking of vinyl, I was recently gifted all the parts I need to play some, so I bought a bunch of classical music from thrift stores and I also have a copy of PFM's Cook that a friend gave me several years ago that I can finally listen to.

    As far as the process of releasing a bunch of singles, not only does it come highly recommended strategically in the current media landscape, but it also turns out to work better for me personally workflow wise. I grew up with albums, I still tend to put on an album and let it play when I am listening, so it was definitely something I hadn't considered initially. I may decide to corral a bunch of the "singles" together into an "album" format down the road, probably with some additional material thrown in to make it feel like something actually happened

  13. #13
    Density Cluster
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    Hello again! I recently made a score video for "Rufus The Demon". Pretty simple/low budget, but I'm one of those nerds who likes classical music videos with the score on screen, and I figure I already have scores of my own work, so why not?

  14. #14
    Density Cluster
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    Hello folks, chiming in yet again to announce the release of my latest "Io, Saturnalia." This one actually originates back to the Ascended Masters days; we played it live at least once, but never recorded it. At just shy of 9 minutes, this one is my "epic," I hear that's sometimes looked upon fondly around these parts. Going to attempt a Bandcamp embed (which I've failed at before), but I'll also include some other links if anyone is interested in checking it out.

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    Last edited by timehat; 03-15-2021 at 08:16 PM. Reason: Bandcamp embed didn't work, welp

  15. #15
    Density Cluster
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    Somehow, I'm back! Though I never stopped working, this latest song (released today) wound up taking a good bit longer than I had anticipated, putting me pretty far off the deadline I had set for myself. Though I think it is still apparent that I am not a master engineer/mixer/producer, I hope that the extra time and attention I gave this one gives it a bit of a shine. I think this one features my most overt "virtuoso" guitar moment toward the end, if that's your thing at all. Anyway, I hope it's enjoyed and I would love to hear any feedback or answer any questions that come my way.

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  16. #16
    Density Cluster
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    Hello, once again. I have returned with another animated musical score video. I think this one is definitely prettier than the last one I did, so hopefully it will tickle someone else's fancy as much as it does mine to be able to follow along with the notation while the music plays

  17. #17
    I like it !! Good stuff !

  18. #18
    Density Cluster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightwave View Post
    I like it !! Good stuff !
    Hey, thank you so much! Means a lot coming from someone with a Peter Gabriel avatar; I love his music and he's definitely an inspiration

  19. #19
    Density Cluster
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    I'm here again, posting. My latest track, "Glass Passions" is out today. Lyrically it is a brief precis of The Unconsoled by Kazuo Ishiguro. Musically a bit all over the place, as per my usual, but I think I really dug deep and unleashed some of my greatest sonic violence so far. Sometimes you just have those moods. Feel free to peruse the link in my signature to make your way to other streaming sources, or to my Bandcamp page. Thanks!

  20. #20
    Density Cluster
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    Hello, after a long absence, I have returned. The return to "normalcy" after all the free time during lockdown has definitely put a hamper on the speed of my output. Although I feel like my process becomes more streamlined with experience, I still find my music to be rather labor intensive. Still, here's new material. I'm sure it will be a turnoff to many to know that Michael McDonald was a primary influence in the creation of this song, but I have a feeling that probably wouldn't have come across unless I mentioned it. Filtered through my own mind, I feel like the more prominent vocal harmonies call to mind Yes, although perhaps a more dissonant, possibly out of tune version, and the combination of synth pop and hard rock elements reminds me of Missing Persons. A prominent instrumental solo section features the best Allan Holdsworth homage I'm likely to muster. Lyrically, the song deals with themes of mind-body dualism, not outright rejecting the premise, but highly questioning it. There is a consideration and acceptance of what strikes me as the strong possibility that our physical being is the total of what we are - that the bodies we circumstantially find ourselves to not just inhabit, but be, are a mysterious, painful, and decaying burden, but also the gift to exist and shape ourselves literally as we see fit to the best of our abilities. Please enjoy "Electric Flesh".

    Other links: Bandcamp, etc

  21. #21
    Density Cluster
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    Hello everyone, I just wanted to drop by and post about my latest release. My output has unfortunately become SLOW as I have solidly returned to regular life after the pandemic. A bit of a sad state of affairs, but at least all that time I had to push out a glut of material taught me how to see things all the way though to being finished and released.

    This song is called "Even a Lighter (Can Run out of Fuel)", and sprung to mind more or less as a joke. My partner uttered that curious title phrase to me in conversation, which at first confused me, but then made me think about those contemporary country songs which are both heartfelt and totally ridiculous by using a truck as a metaphor for a failed relationship. The chorus melody and lyrics leapt to mind in an instant, "Well I don't know how long I've been your fool, but even a lighter can run out of fuel." Haha, how silly, but I kept going. The first verse spilled out shortly thereafter. I found myself actually somewhat impressed by the melody; while I don't believe in divine providence, I tend not to shun inspiration when it strikes. I quickly realized I was committed to finishing this absurd idea, and did my best to treat it seriously.

    So, does it sound like a country song? I don't think so, I'm not sure I could write one if I tried. I think my usual influences are there, Japan and Gentle Giant I think being kind of my main compass points, especially in the way I tend to arrange, but with my own characteristic anxious density and linearity. Others mentioned similarities to Brian Eno in its "pop, but wonky"-ness, King Crimson, which I think is particularly evident in the end, as well as "Gal Costa in her more psychedelic moments."

    Other links: Bandcamp, etc

  22. #22
    Density Cluster
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    After long silence: hello again!

    My song, “Canterburied” was released yesterday. The lyrics ruminate on the regret of wasted time and make reference to multiple Canterbury tunes, a particular influence on my own work (which shouldn't be especially unsurprising if anyone remembers my former group, Ascended Masters [though, honestly, it's been so long that perhaps I should stop continuing to post my new work in this thread hinging on that memory, but I guess this is its home for now]).

    The title was simply a working title that stuck when it turned out I couldn’t come up with anything better, but a bit of lighthearted humor is well representative of the bands whose songs it references. My own personal brand of humor may be a bit darker, and such turgidly self-obsessed, navel-gazing subject matter possibly best left to obnoxious celebrities, but it’s fine. Links to various platforms below:

    Other links: Bandcamp, etc


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